Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Old Codger on August 29, 2021, 05:34:40 pm

Title: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Old Codger on August 29, 2021, 05:34:40 pm
Going to start a thread to share pix (renderings and edited screen caps) of some models I've done for a buddy who does a CGI based web comic. I post my "work" (not sure it is good enough to qualify as even that but I do spend a good bit of time on it) on my Deviant Art page at

Here some things I have worked on most recently specifically a piloted quadcopter and a surface rover for a deep space explorer spaceship:
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Old Codger on August 29, 2021, 05:48:54 pm
Here are a couple of renderings of the ship the quadcopter and rover are supposed to operate from. (After I got it mostly built, he asked me to make the dorsal fins foldable to allow free field of fire for a gun turret.):
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Old Codger on August 29, 2021, 05:54:42 pm
A couple of months back Petercat asked me for a flatbed truck. I gave him a tactical truck similar to the U.S. Army's HEMTTT. Here are a couple of shots. Note I made separate load beds and tanker attachments which I do not have up at DA.:

The name "Lotac" is for LObo TACtical truck. The web comic involves what is known as the "Wolf Empire" so there are a lot of things with names related to wolves.
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Old Codger on August 29, 2021, 06:04:43 pm
Here are a couple of shots of the tactical truck after I figured out how to do decals:
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Steve on August 30, 2021, 08:08:29 pm
Nice models!
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 31, 2021, 09:03:49 pm
Nice models!
Yeah, I like them too
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Old Codger on September 01, 2021, 05:33:42 pm
I decided I needed a spiral staircase for a project. The individual steps were easy. Copy - paste - adjust settings for position and Y rotation then hand place it. The hand rail supports were even easier because no rotation was involved. The hand rail about drove me batty. I was ready to give up and make a simple straight staircase even though it would have meant altering a main parameter on the model. Then I figured it out. I stopped trying to work in 3 dimensions and dropped back to aligning everything in 2 dimensions then shifting my POV 90 degrees and working - again- in 2 dimensions. It worked out. Here is the finished result. A clockwise spiral staircase.
Title: Road Not Taken
Post by: Old Codger on September 01, 2021, 05:40:00 pm
I built a model of a ducted fan for someone but he decided to go a different direction. I still like how the spinning fan turned out. I used Photoshop elements to create a prop blur effect and applied the result as a trans channel texture. I think it worked out pretty well. I do all my textures in PSE.
The first image is the ducted fan quad copter with blades still. The 2nd image is the copter with spinning blades. The final image is just the fan assembly. As always comments are solicited.
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on September 01, 2021, 10:25:25 pm
You are talented in modeling tech in 3D
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: Old Codger on September 02, 2021, 11:04:37 am
Thanks, MrB. I have to be. Bioforms and I do not get along. I simply cannot wrap my head around them. So I have to design/make things - most often vehicles. BTW, Just before I went to sleep I figured out how to make a better railing for my spiral staircase. First thing this a.m. I tried it. I used lathing and then adjust the individual end points of the segments vertically. After that it became a matter of tweaking the rail supports. Those I could not calculate and so had to place by eye. My eyes do not work so great any more. It's been 20 months since I got my eyes checked. Darned VA keeps cancelling my eye appointments but not calling me to reschedule (they're SUPPOSED to call when they canx but it's the government . . . ) I have had 5 eye appointments cancelled so far this year. Got one coming up in a week. Right eye is going. Age-related macular degeneration. (my dominant eye for shooting, wouldn't you know) plus the left isn't getting any better with time.

Anyhow, here is my revised spiral staircase. I think I got it pretty good.
Title: Re: My Poor Doodlings
Post by: ianross on September 20, 2021, 05:27:47 am
Well done, I enjoy looking at your work.