Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: mrbeaver.07 on June 10, 2021, 08:39:05 pm

Title: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 10, 2021, 08:39:05 pm
Hello! I have some news, guys! I am still making my projects to my channel in open access. My first project is finished for 70% maybe. I think, I will upload it in the end of June. My second project will have summer theme. I didn't even start to work on it (I talk about animation). I am not even sure, that I will be in time. My first summer theme project about country side was uploaded in August, 31, 2020. And I finished it right in the afternoon in my country! I don't want to do mistakes like that again. I will try to be in time with it. Here is also two teasers:
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 10, 2021, 09:24:55 pm
Update #2: I just finished rigging Summer Mr Beaver!
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 11, 2021, 08:14:14 am
Update #2: I just finished TalkBot's rigging! It was very rainy day, so I had a lot of time.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 17, 2021, 07:21:31 am
Update #3: Finally started making location for my summer theme demo!
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 19, 2021, 06:54:48 am
Update #4:
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 23, 2021, 09:31:06 am
Update #5:
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: Steve on June 23, 2021, 11:18:42 am
Looking good!
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 25, 2021, 01:14:00 am
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 25, 2021, 01:16:41 am
Update #6: I am so ready to animate! Figures, location, light, 3D objects optimization(for project not crushing) all done!
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 25, 2021, 01:20:13 am
I just noticed, that characters too big for these decorations, but, it's okay, I will just reduce them
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: ianross on June 25, 2021, 08:06:33 am
Looking good, I really like the talkbot. Also what is the address of your channel?
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 25, 2021, 09:04:46 am
Just type this on YouTube: Mr Beaver1. For some reason link doesn't working. Btw, little advice for you: copy the name, because there are bunch of channels with similar name.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 26, 2021, 05:23:00 am
Update #7: I am so glad, that I turned on autosafe! I was making "Shrek All Star" scene parody for my video and when I was making new morph targets for Mr Beaver, Anim8or crushed! But then, I found autosaved file and continued working 8)
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on July 08, 2021, 06:40:41 am
Update #8: I already did two scenes, but I will render the second one tomorrow, because it is almost 9PM. Scenes like this will take a very long time to render. So, I will start render, when I will wake up tomorrow.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on July 19, 2021, 11:17:58 pm
Update #9 I wasn't active on forum, because I was little bit busy, but I have teaser to show ;)
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on July 20, 2021, 07:23:50 am
Hello! I have some news, guys! I am still making my projects to my channel in open access. My first project is finished for 70% maybe. I think, I will upload it in the end of June. My second project will have summer theme. I didn't even start to work on it (I talk about animation). I am not even sure, that I will be in time. My first summer theme project about country side was uploaded in August, 31, 2020. And I finished it right in the afternoon in my country! I don't want to do mistakes like that again. I will try to be in time with it. Here is also two teasers:
Update #9 I wasn't active on forum, because I was little bit busy, but I have teaser to show ;)

You possibly don't understand, that it was hard for me, to make this pose rightly. Luckily, I have wooden board at home, so I was practicing with it.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on July 25, 2021, 08:44:58 am
It was my birthday yesterday, so, I didn't work my project really much :P Anyway, I am back and already rendered another scene!
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 07, 2021, 05:18:19 am
Update #10: It wasn't really good week for me. My computer "don't want" to render scene that I made. When I somehow fixed it, one frame was rendering for 21 minutes! On the other hand, I bought new cooler for computer and my friend helped me to replace old one and scene lasts 30 frames( I hope, the scene will render for 7,5 hours :-\)
I am not sure, if my project will be ready on August 31... But hope for the best
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: davdud101 on August 07, 2021, 09:00:41 am
Very FNAF/Cawthon-equse. I like it beavs!
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 21, 2021, 11:39:05 pm
Update #11: Finally rendered one scene and now, I am trying to render another!
It took almost 35 minutes to render this ONE frame
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: RudySchneider on August 22, 2021, 01:18:42 pm
mrbeaver.07 ---
One thing that can make renders take a long time is lots of ploygons, because the renderer has to account for each and every one.  Some of your characters look like you've applied a lot of subdivisions.  Unfortunately, while subdividing can really help to smooth objects, it also adds a LOT of polygons.  While a little subdividing may be warranted, subdividing more than once REALLY bumps up render times!

The best way to reduce the amount of subdividing is to model shapes properly in the first place.  This is not always so easy, but you'll reap rewards in lower render times.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on August 22, 2021, 08:21:46 pm
Aside from polygons being the culprit for your slow render times, as RudySchneider has suggested, I can't see anything in your render that's the obvious cause.  Slow render times are usually the result of things like numerous complex ART materials, lots of lights, soft shadows, AO etc. and none of these are evident in your render.  One other potential cause is massive texture maps but even then I wouldn't expect anything like 35 minutes to render the frame713 image.

I would recommend a process of elimination, replacing complex textured materials with simple materials, removing extra shadow-casting lights etc., until the cause of the slow render is found.  Without seeing the project as a whole or knowing your system's capabilities it's hard to say how quickly that frame 'should' have rendered but from what I can see (accepting that there's likely to be a lot I can't see from the render) that frame would have rendered in less than a minute on my system.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 24, 2021, 01:50:36 am
mrbeaver.07 ---
One thing that can make renders take a long time is lots of ploygons, because the renderer has to account for each and every one.  Some of your characters look like you've applied a lot of subdivisions.  Unfortunately, while subdividing can really help to smooth objects, it also adds a LOT of polygons.  While a little subdividing may be warranted, subdividing more than once REALLY bumps up render times!

The best way to reduce the amount of subdividing is to model shapes properly in the first place.  This is not always so easy, but you'll reap rewards in lower render times.
The thing is, only MrBeaver's legs and arms have a lot of polygons to have better rigging. I already made less polygons. MrBeaver model "weighed" 8 million bytes! Now, there are only 2.20 million bytes. So, I made my best. For now, I have strategy to kinda speed up render. Just render png images in different Anim8or tabs. Well, my computer is okay (I think...), so no problems with it  ;D
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 24, 2021, 01:53:06 am
Aside from polygons being the culprit for your slow render times, as RudySchneider has suggested, I can't see anything in your render that's the obvious cause.  Slow render times are usually the result of things like numerous complex ART materials, lots of lights, soft shadows, AO etc. and none of these are evident in your render.  One other potential cause is massive texture maps but even then I wouldn't expect anything like 35 minutes to render the frame713 image.

I would recommend a process of elimination, replacing complex textured materials with simple materials, removing extra shadow-casting lights etc., until the cause of the slow render is found.  Without seeing the project as a whole or knowing your system's capabilities it's hard to say how quickly that frame 'should' have rendered but from what I can see (accepting that there's likely to be a lot I can't see from the render) that frame would have rendered in less than a minute on my system.
Hmmm, I will try it in future.  ;)
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: RudySchneider on August 24, 2021, 01:36:18 pm
The size of the file has some relation to its complexity, but a better measure is to select (in Object Mode) each object that makes up your scene and then click on Options/Info, which will tell you how many Faces (polygons) it has.  For instance, a simple cube has 6 Faces, as shown in the attachment.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 24, 2021, 09:05:35 pm
Countryside MrBeaver model has 13,878 faces
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 24, 2021, 09:08:40 pm
BTW, here is screenshot 
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 25, 2021, 08:33:14 am
Update #12:
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on August 28, 2021, 08:39:37 am
Update #13: I've just rendered a new scene
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on September 24, 2021, 05:19:01 am
Update #14: Finally rendered the first act of scenario, now I am getting ready for the second act, also I made this hayfork:
Oh, and btw, the second act will be short

Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on September 26, 2021, 09:13:46 am
Update #15:
Started making the 2nd act.
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on September 26, 2021, 09:15:43 am
I will post new update only when I will finish the second act, I promise
Title: Re: My projects in progress
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on November 25, 2021, 05:45:14 am
Two thirds of my project is done. Here is frame from it. (btw, I will do premier on YouTube)