Anim8or Community

Artwork => Anim8or Challenges => Topic started by: bayinghound on July 25, 2020, 12:31:27 pm

Title: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: bayinghound on July 25, 2020, 12:31:27 pm
Maybe this has been done before, but what about a team based challenge. Everyone has their strengths when it comes to Anim8or, so why not collaborate?

I'm still working the idea in my head, but what I was thinking is to make a 2 to 5 minute episode based on a suggested topic.

Steve here: I split the topic to form Challenge #35.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Kevin Gales on July 26, 2020, 03:38:31 pm
Maybe this has been done before, but what about a team based challenge. Everyone has their strengths when it comes to Anim8or, so why not collaborate?

I'm still working the idea in my head, but what I was thinking is to make a 2 to 5 minute episode based on a suggested topic.
I am in...!
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Steve on July 26, 2020, 07:59:29 pm
One idea that I had is called "Talent Show". It's a sequence of short acts by various "talented" people/animals/whatever in a theater. The curtain opens for each funny, silly, or otherwise entertaining bit. So the segment between each act is the same, with the act's name and such followed by the curtain opening.

Since Anim8or now supports sound, even that part could be done within Anim8or!
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on July 26, 2020, 11:32:51 pm
Perhaps this "Talent Show" should be put on a Yuotube channel. Could publicize it through social media and maybe have people vote on the best act.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Kevin Gales on July 27, 2020, 06:22:01 am
The talent show sounds interesting...We can pick a few ideas from actual talent shows like "America/Britain Got Talent" then each person could make a short clip limited to several seconds.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on July 27, 2020, 08:14:01 am
I pretty mush only do sci-fi stuff, though I have delved into other genres.

So how do we go about doing this?
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Steve on July 27, 2020, 03:43:56 pm
How I though it might work is that there is one common shot of the curtain opening in front of a stage after showing the name of the next performer or performers, with the act on the stage. Then each contributor makes a scene with whatever act they want on the stage. Each act ends with the curtain closing, probably with applause :), and the title of the next act comes on, on is on a placard, etc.

So to do this we first need the common stage, curtain, lighting and such. At least the layout. Then everyone can start thinking about their act.

Note: the stage setting can be completely different. In fact it doesn't even need to be a proper stage. When the curtain opens we can show anything, outer space, the beach, interiors of buildings. You get the idea.

How does that sound?
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on July 27, 2020, 05:08:40 pm
Okay, I see where you're going with this. Yea, that would be interesting.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on July 28, 2020, 06:31:40 am
Sounds like fun.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: johnar on July 28, 2020, 07:23:55 am
Sounds like fun.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on July 29, 2020, 10:16:07 pm
Something like this :)
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Steve on July 30, 2020, 05:10:27 pm
Looking good, captaindrewi!
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on July 31, 2020, 07:52:49 am
Well its a start .I am sure someone can improve on that . The top needs rucheying or whatever you call it.
Just a quick go at the curtain animation. Plus i am far from an expert on materials. But included the files for novices really .I used to love getting users files when i started using this marvellous thing that is ANim8or.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on July 31, 2020, 03:19:50 pm
There's no shame in grabbing creative commons textures. Probably 80% of the textures I use are CC.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on July 31, 2020, 03:25:52 pm
While I like the talent show concept and I want to be a part of that, I had another idea.

Who knows what the television season will be like with this whole Corona virus plaguing the world. I certainly ran out of things I enjoy watching, so I was thinking of doing a "season" or "mini series" or maybe an anthology series to pass the time. I still playing around with the "Some Guy in Space," and itching to get some vocal talent to do some voice over work. Maybe collaborate with other Anim8or enthusiasts to make the series or whatever better.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: thecolclough on August 01, 2020, 07:10:37 pm
... so I was thinking of doing a "season" or "mini series" or maybe an anthology series to pass the time. I still playing around with the "Some Guy in Space," and itching to get some vocal talent to do some voice over work. Maybe collaborate with other Anim8or enthusiasts to make the series or whatever better.

must admit, i find 'Some Guy' has a certain air of mystery about it, and i've been kinda wishing it had a bit of dialogue to help explain why he's doing what he's doing.

personally, i started off making things with no dialogue (mostly because i had no clue how to write, perform or record it to be honest!), but i've gradually got the hang of it over the years.  i sometimes find a certain project works fine without any, but on the whole it's a very useful tool.

but i can say from experience that it's a challenging but also very rewarding process putting together an episodic series.  if you want to give it a shot then let us know what aspects you'd like a hand with, and i'd be happy to chip in if any of my skillset is relevant :)
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on August 01, 2020, 08:05:23 pm
That would be awesome.

I've been toying around with a screenplay, but keep going back and rewriting it. It's actually part of a writing project I've been working on. I have a website for it, but the server was recently hacked and stupid me, I didn't back things up. Luckily, all the original content was on my google drive. But, that means I have to repost everything. Ah well.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on August 02, 2020, 08:55:15 am
I guess most of the help I'd need is rigging and sequencing. Some form of particle effects (at least mimicking) would be helpful too. I am no where near being proficient with the lip synching. And any improvements or suggestions on models would be great too. I'd like it to be a collaborative project. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but that would be my ideal scenario.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on August 03, 2020, 05:50:28 am
How I though it might work is that there is one common shot of the curtain opening in front of a stage after showing the name of the next performer or performers, with the act on the stage. Then each contributor makes a scene with whatever act they want on the stage. Each act ends with the curtain closing, probably with applause :), and the title of the next act comes on, on is on a placard, etc.

So to do this we first need the common stage, curtain, lighting and such. At least the layout. Then everyone can start thinking about their act.

Note: the stage setting can be completely different. In fact it doesn't even need to be a proper stage. When the curtain opens we can show anything, outer space, the beach, interiors of buildings. You get the idea.

How does that sound?
Still sounds good ,I hope i have improved the stage with a texture. I think we probably need to agree a size perhaps then the curtain can be made to fit. Also maybe a Robin logo at the centre of the top curtain.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: johnar on August 04, 2020, 06:56:27 am
Still sounds good ,I hope i have improved the stage with a texture. I think we probably need to agree a size perhaps then the curtain can be made to fit. Also maybe a Robin logo at the centre of the top curtain.

 I like 640x360 as a size.
 The curtains are looking good. I think the top curtain might need to lift away as each show begins, so the 'act' has use of the full screen.
 Maybe you could put one big robin logo on the main curtains, which lines up at the join when curtains are closed, and breaks in half as curtains open?
 Maybe a circle background on robin logo, make it look more like a 'logo'.  ;)

bayinghound A huge job, sorry i wouldn't have the time to be much help.
 I do hope we get a few entries into a talent show tho. Making a 10 - 20 second(?) short clip can be hours of work in itself....

Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on August 04, 2020, 08:23:57 am
I guess most of the help I'd need is rigging and sequencing. Some form of particle effects (at least mimicking) would be helpful too. I am no where near being proficient with the lip synching. And any improvements or suggestions on models would be great too. I'd like it to be a collaborative project. Maybe it's wishful thinking, but that would be my ideal scenario.

I've been involved in a zero-budget collaboration for some years now, and from a CGI artist's perspective the most critical things are a story/script and a visual storyboard.  As you would be aware, developing 3D imagery is VERY time consuming, any artists wanting to get on board with a project will need to know that the work they are doing is "right" and they're not wasting time designing, building, rigging, animating and rendering assets that don't fit the story and won't ultimately be used.  In my case the writer/director provides descriptive but relatively low-detail storyboards, or searches the web for images that have the right kind of feel for what he needs.  Without these I would have left the project a long time ago.

Putting together a 'development team' to throw around ideas and build concepts into a script and storyboard would also be worthwhile.  As a real-world example, the author of The Martian book (and movie) crowd-sourced a lot of the science in the story, since he wasn't particularly science-literate.

As johnar says, and as I can attest from experience, it is a huge job driving a collaborative project of this sort.  You are likely to have artists drop in and out of the project so you will want to have a central location for assets (we use a Google drive extended to 100GB) to ensure you don't lose anything.  I have seen great projects crash and burn due to a single participant going AWOL and taking their models with them.

I am over-committed with projects at the moment and wouldn't be able to assist in any direct way, but if you are really keen to do this (and you will need to be really keen) I encourage you to do it.  It can be fun, inspiring and rewarding, however you need to remember that there is nothing in it for anybody in any real sense, other than a sense of achievement, seeing your name in the credits and, if you're lucky, maybe picking up a couple of awards here and there.  The more work you can do up-front with the story and storyboard the more likely you will be to attract and keep artists in the project.

With nothing but sincerity I wish you well and I hope it does happen, it's been a while since I've seen a collaborative project based on Anim8or and with recent developments to the platform I think it's long overdue.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on August 04, 2020, 09:28:29 am
I like 640x360 as a size.
 The curtains are looking good. I think the top curtain might need to lift away as each show begins, so the 'act' has use of the full screen.
 Maybe you could put one big robin logo on the main curtains, which lines up at the join when curtains are closed, and breaks in half as curtains open?
 Maybe a circle background on robin logo, make it look more like a 'logo'.  ;)
Ha hah ha Yes my slow mind had moved on to the mechanics of moving smoothly into the film beyond the curtains opening.Once the curtains open, zooming into the title being one shot and that frame being the start of someones film, Was what i was mulling over.
And another amusing part Jonah Ha hah ha....Bet someone is going to suggest the logo in a circle on the main curtains. but that hurts my brain so i will just suggest putting a robin on the top. ha ha....Yes Robin on main curtain with an animated swish and rest would be best. ;)

Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on August 04, 2020, 04:25:46 pm
In an ideal world, it might work. I have a more forgiving schedule. I usually jump on anim8or while I have my first cup of coffee, then it's off to work and then I come home and dabble a little bit on Anim8or. I've learned so much from everyone's critique and I truly appreciate it. Won't stop me from attempting a short series. :)

I do have a few drafts of scripts and at some point I'll finish something that isn't a test episode.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: bayinghound on August 04, 2020, 04:26:59 pm
And if you are even slightly entertained, then I've done my job.
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: captaindrewi on August 08, 2020, 11:24:08 pm
Holding my head in shame  :-\.I cant do any better than this :o .Couldnt work out how to get the logo on the curtains and cant get the logo in the shot ,so its all rather clumsy. So if someone can do better, please have a bash at it. ;) 8) :)
Title: Re: Re: Challenge suggestions.
Post by: Kevin Gales on August 09, 2020, 01:59:01 pm
A quick render with logo...
I wish not to piss of @Steve by redesigning the logo...
Title: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Steve on August 09, 2020, 03:10:29 pm
I've split the main topic to form Challenge #35: Talent Show.
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Steve on August 09, 2020, 03:15:38 pm
Kevin Gales: Nice curtains. The logo loos really good :) But feel free to try anything that you like, as long as it doesn't harm Robin, the Anim8or mascot :)
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Kevin Gales on August 09, 2020, 03:43:39 pm
Cool... 8)
I have included the curtain source with the logo and sample bump map which can be used to give the curtain a feel...
feel free to modify  :) ...
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: captaindrewi on August 10, 2020, 06:54:24 am
So what size shall we agree on? Jonah has suggested 640 X 360?
16 x 9  4 x 3. ?
 :-[crimson with embarrassment!! Just realised there were no textures in the files i posted :-\,i do apologise.
it's a tough job being the community clown :(.
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: bayinghound on August 10, 2020, 11:10:45 am
Used the curtains!
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Kevin Gales on August 10, 2020, 12:24:27 pm
Used the curtains!

Cool...I love the way you blended the curtains with the platform...😁
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Kevin Gales on August 10, 2020, 12:26:25 pm
So what size shall we agree on? Jonah has suggested 640 X 360?
16 x 9  4 x 3. ?
How about 1920x1080 16:9 or 16:10?
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: thecolclough on August 10, 2020, 06:30:55 pm
So what size shall we agree on? Jonah has suggested 640 X 360?
16 x 9  4 x 3. ?
How about 1920x1080 16:9 or 16:10?

i'd stick with a 16:9 ratio; that's more or less a universal standard these days.

specific resolution is more of an open question; 640x360, 1280x720 or 1920x1080 would all be good options, but not everyone would necessarily have the ability to render at the higher resolutions depending on their computer's capabilities.  so i'd suggest the two best options are: either we standardise on 640x360 as johnar suggested, or maybe we get someone with a high-powered rig to take care of high-res rendering on behalf of anyone whose machines can't handle it.

my rig is pretty capable, so i might be able to help out with a bit of render-farming.
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Kevin Gales on August 11, 2020, 07:28:25 am
thecolclough the details are barely visible and the quality is a let down with 360p(640x360) ,if your screen size is anything more than 1080p...we will be forced to watch the videos with smartphones 😐 Even for a common laptop(1366x768) you need at least 480p to see some details and quality.
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Steve on August 11, 2020, 12:47:10 pm
I like the 16:9 ratio. I also like a larger size. When you're showing the work in progress, of course, it's fine to use a smaller size to save on rendering time, but with the same ratio.

How about 720p (1280x720 - my preference) or 1/2 1080p (960x540)???
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: thecolclough on August 12, 2020, 02:25:50 pm
How about 720p (1280x720 - my preference) or 1/2 1080p (960x540)???
720p is a widely-supported format, and '540p' isn't, so i'd go 720 out of those two options
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: Steve on August 13, 2020, 10:29:10 am
I added a stage and some spotlights. Here's a quick render and 720p (1280x720) at 30 fps.

You don't have to use the stage, just open to any scene that you like. But I think it works for an opening wide shot and such.

I put everything into one zip file called package-1 so it's easy to keep together.

Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: captaindrewi on August 16, 2020, 06:59:45 am
I like the way the lights go down, it exudes that 'in cinema' vibe.
As a child i always loved that sort of Doppler sound effect you can get in the cinema when the sound waves arrive slightly out of sync....errm? i digress.
So if the 'stage is set' so as to speak. What next? A time frame? A month?
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: AlecJames on August 20, 2020, 05:22:55 am
Should it be open ended? Post when you have something?  I'm tied up with lots of stuff at the moment, when I find time I have two anim8or projects that I'm tinkering with. 

I think the idea is that they are "shorts" but I my projects always expand, I'm really bad at keeping it short / small / simple ....
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: bayinghound on August 20, 2020, 07:50:28 am
Should it be open ended? Post when you have something?  I'm tied up with lots of stuff at the moment, when I find time I have two anim8or projects that I'm tinkering with. 

I think the idea is that they are "shorts" but I my projects always expand, I'm really bad at keeping it short / small / simple ....

I think open ended is a good idea. My project are expanding too and I sometime go back and reshoot when I learn something new off of all the supportive people on this forum.
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: johnar on August 21, 2020, 07:01:16 am
looks like i might be at an advantage then, coz i've only got one 'main' ongoing project, on the backburner for now, so am about ready to see if, maybe, froyd might have any 'hidden talents'...

 I think one of the hardest part is deciding 'the act'.
 One person?, 2 people?, or maybe an animal...... or 2.
 Monster?, Alien
  and what's the 'talent'?
 Pull a rabbit out of a hat, juggling, singing...... comedy"
 Knife throwing, balance act, contortionism ..????....hmmmmmmmmm.... yeah, deciding can be hard.
 Sometimes, perhaps there's something you're already working on, or have worked on, that could be 're-ignited' or given a new life.....

 These days, even when there is a 'stage', the 'video, lighting, and digital effects can be so captivating, that you forget there is even a stage there...

 If we are wanting to post our 'act' as a work in progress, would we do that here,? (or in the wip forum.)
 Was wondering in case any of us would like help and/or ideas from other Anim8ors, to help sort've, polish our act, or whatever.

 will need to find some 'free to use' opera or barbershop .wav files somewhere.... coz i sure can't sing.  :)
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: bayinghound on August 21, 2020, 02:35:22 pm
looks like i might be at an advantage then, coz i've only got one 'main' ongoing project, on the backburner for now, so am about ready to see if, maybe, froyd might have any 'hidden talents'...

 I think one of the hardest part is deciding 'the act'.
 One person?, 2 people?, or maybe an animal...... or 2.
 Monster?, Alien
  and what's the 'talent'?
 Pull a rabbit out of a hat, juggling, singing...... comedy"
 Knife throwing, balance act, contortionism ..????....hmmmmmmmmm.... yeah, deciding can be hard.
 Sometimes, perhaps there's something you're already working on, or have worked on, that could be 're-ignited' or given a new life.....

 These days, even when there is a 'stage', the 'video, lighting, and digital effects can be so captivating, that you forget there is even a stage there...

 If we are wanting to post our 'act' as a work in progress, would we do that here,? (or in the wip forum.)
 Was wondering in case any of us would like help and/or ideas from other Anim8ors, to help sort've, polish our act, or whatever.

 will need to find some 'free to use' opera or barbershop .wav files somewhere.... coz i sure can't sing.  :)

There are plenty of sites to grab free creative commons music. I'm sure you could find something.
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: thecolclough on August 21, 2020, 04:25:43 pm
...coz i've only got one 'main' ongoing project, on the backburner for now...

...wait, was that a sidelong reference to Deeper?

been a while since anyone mentioned that film.  i fondly remember the days when the WIP was one of the biggest things happening on this forum, and it'd be great to see it finished someday.  but of course i do realise that life sometimes gets in the way of art!
Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: johnar on August 25, 2020, 08:37:52 am
"...wait, was that a sidelong reference to Deeper?"

 Ahhhhhh, ..'twas indeed.  ;)

 A good lesson, i should probably learn from,  relating to my workflow in Deeper
 I'm rewriting a Large chunk of the beginning, a lot've work down the gurgler, and a bit of editing to be done.
 A proper plan, from  start to finish, would've saved me a lot of work.
 But, rightly or wrongly, that's not the way this puppy rolls.
  The majority of the scenes so far are still usable and it'll have a better storyline than the original.
 Don't know if i could've 'planned' the movie as it is now. It's more of a 'growing, evolving' thing. (

but of course i do realise that life sometimes gets in the way of art!

 True that

Title: Re: Challenge #35: Talent Show
Post by: thecolclough on August 26, 2020, 02:31:17 pm
I'm rewriting a Large chunk of the beginning, a lot've work down the gurgler, and a bit of editing to be done.
 A proper plan, from  start to finish, would've saved me a lot of work.
yup, i've learned that one the hard way too!  i've got some weird files on my archival disks, left over from projects where i started designing and animating before i'd got a clue how (or if!) the plot would work :P

The majority of the scenes so far are still usable and it'll have a better storyline than the original.
well, that's a plus.  and i'm very pleased to hear the project's still ticking over, even if it's slowly :)