Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: ronaldefarmer on June 26, 2020, 05:22:43 pm
I didn't have time to model anything serious, so I did this just for fun.
that's a highly technical-looking thingumajig, that is. no idea what it does, but i'm sure it's something important :D
it's like a cross between a plumbus (possibly nsfw??) and one of those stacking ring toys for kids. Cool!
it's like a cross between a plumbus (possibly nsfw?)...
I hadn't intended it to resemble anything NSFW at all! It's just a nonsense gadget. Maybe I need to be more careful about what I post.
it's like a cross between a plumbus (possibly nsfw?)...
I hadn't intended it to resemble anything NSFW at all! It's just a nonsense gadget. Maybe I need to be more careful about what I post.
Lo sorry - I meant the 'plumbus' from the show Rick and Morty could be considered a bit of an odd and interesting design that could 'raise some questions'. but just that it has this somewhat 'outer space-like', foreign design that feels very much like something from science fiction.
Sorry if what I said could be misconstrued - it's a cool model with unique design!
I think it's quite dangerous, especially if the sticky out bit is as hot as it looks. That said, I like it, maybe I need one?
Lo sorry - I meant the 'plumbus' from the show Rick and Morty could be considered a bit of an odd and interesting design that could 'raise some questions
I've never seen Rick and Morty and never heard of a plumbus. Had to google it. Pretty weird, but I can see a certain resemblance lol. I guess i need to watch more television.