Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: johnar on June 13, 2020, 02:45:17 am

Title: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on June 13, 2020, 02:45:17 am
 Just wondering if thats on the list?
 So accustomed now to having folders for objects and bones, sequence mode always looks a bit 'untidy' without them, (
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: thecolclough on June 13, 2020, 06:48:15 am
just a thought... how about automatic foldering based on which figure a sequence applies to?  maybe as a togglable option.
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on June 14, 2020, 06:24:54 am
 Yes, i think thats what i'm meaning, and which is actually happening already.
 In figure mode, you sort the different bones into folders, then when you go to scene mode, those folders show 'automatically' in the time track,
  Couldn't they show 'automatically' in the sequence editor as well?

 Is that what you were meaning?  :)
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: Steve on June 14, 2020, 11:09:57 am
Yes, Sequence mode should put them in folders, too, but I guess I never got around to doing it :( I'll add it!
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on June 14, 2020, 12:24:52 pm
cuppa tea steve'.
 i know you've got a lot on your plate.
  Feeling a bit guilty mentioning it at this time, as it's not really a biggy, and you're busy doing more important things. Can live without folders in sequence mode for some time yet, so keep it on the backburner till 'it feels good'. (
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: Steve on June 14, 2020, 02:59:21 pm
It's good to feel wanted :)
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on April 01, 2021, 05:48:27 am
Hi Steve.
 I think the folders in 'Sequence editor timetrack' have broken. (i'm sure they used to be there?).

 I've just got a new old gaming pc, with 8.00 GB of RAM and Nvidia Geforce GTX 660

 I know it's old, but man, compared to my previous, its awesome.
 Windows 10 running anim8or, which is another new thing, as i've been on win7 for a few years now.
 Most of my time on xp of course. (

Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on April 02, 2021, 04:17:40 am
oops. Sorry steve.

Just checked through the development forum list and can't see record of folders in sequence mode
I was sure that they were added at some stage, lol, that's like 'twilight zone' stuff. (
Man, must be cuppa tea time for me. (
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: Steve on May 18, 2021, 02:47:49 pm
Finally got folders working in the Sequence editor: build 1402 ( It was a bit more work that  I had thought - too much messy code! Who wrote this, anyway? I also noticed, most importantly:

#101-055 - Adding a new bone to a figure doesn't show up in a scene.

so I'll be fixing that next.
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on June 06, 2021, 04:31:24 am
 wow, i only just saw this. mi scuso per il ritardo  ;)

 Awesome steve.  Have just downloaded 1402. Will make such a difference with that.

#101-055 - Adding a new bone to a figure doesn't show up in a scene.
Well spotted. (
too much messy code! Who wrote this, anyway?
I never know what to say when you talk about 'messy code'. It must be so tricky keeping all your code in perfect order, with all the work you've been doing on, and adding to, anim8or.
 All i can really say is, 'This end is absolutely friggen awesome'.
 It's amazing how much anim8or can do, especially taking into account the size of the program and
 the fact that it's one mans baby.
  There's always a bit of a mess, here and there, on the big jobs.(

Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on July 03, 2021, 12:58:12 am
 Nice one steve
 Did have a problem to begin with, but must say it was probably self inflicted. Was deleting bones, renaming others, (previously 'foldered'), while creating new folders and generally making a real mess out of a mess to begin with.  ::)
 Have used in several other cases where all is good. If i can ever recreate a situation where anim8or crashes again i'll be sure to post a bug report.
 Apart from that one time, all is going well. Thank you. :)
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: Steve on July 03, 2021, 09:14:31 am
[johnar] one issue is when you add new bones and folder names to a figure, after viewing a scene that contains that figure, the new folders aren't displayed if you go to the scene again.
Title: Re: Folders in Sequence mode
Post by: johnar on July 07, 2021, 04:04:44 am
OK. Good to know. Thanks steve.  :)