Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: johnar on June 07, 2020, 08:58:14 am

Title: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on June 07, 2020, 08:58:14 am
I'm posting this in stages as a record of workflow, from start to finish.

 Inspired by the monthly competition at .and by now having sound in anim8or

 Tho my animation and lip sync skills are not yet up to a standard worthy of entering into the 11second club, i'm hopeing that with enough practice i'll, one day, come up with a finished clip which is good enough to stand amongst entries posted by other 11second club animators, and at the same time, help to put Anim8or on the map as a capable piece of animation software. (

 So, i'm downloading the monthly audio clip from
and posting progress here on

 I have my own method of doing things, some probably correct, and some probably not. I think we find our own methods and workflows, and i basically work with what i feel comfortable with. It's always a learning thing and i'm happy to share any thoughts, ideas, tips and tricks which i have, and will, pick up on the way.
 In the same vein, i welcome any questions, tips, tricks, comments and critiques from other anim8ors.
 In the perfect scenario, we can all learn together.


 As in normal animation, i have an order to how i do lipsyncing, and that is to 'block' it out for timing, and then tweak, improve and polish over the course of several 'passes'
 The audio clip is a conversation between a male and female.
 The first thing i've done is lipsynced both characters and got the timing about right.
 Have just made the basic mouth movements, and nothing else. Next pass i'll add some expression to their faces, but no real eye movements until i begin to animate their positions relative to the scene and each other.
 I find it best to do the majority of lipsync and facial movements before animating the characters. Once the characters get moving, it can be time consuming getting a view of their faces to animate, while they're moving around in the scene.

So, here is stage one of this months clip.
...more to come...(
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: AlecJames on June 08, 2020, 03:33:00 pm
Looking good
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on June 09, 2020, 10:02:25 am
Thanks Alec,
 I haven't really stuck to plan. Have started blocking things out into 3 sections. These are the first 2. Next update will be the full 11 seconds
Once the last section is done i'll start going over section by section tweaking up the animation.

It's late, time for a cuppa tea. (

Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: Steve on June 09, 2020, 10:04:32 am
Looking good! I should learn to model better and try to do one.
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: captaindrewi on June 09, 2020, 10:11:52 pm
Lipsync completely convincing Jonah. very professional.
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on June 10, 2020, 03:11:24 am
 Thanks captaindrewi Making people speak is probably one of my favorite things so far.  Thanks for the encouragement. (

 Hi steve
I should learn to model better

 Me too! Perhaps if we invent the 36 hour day then we'll have the time. (

I wish i had a decent model/character i could give you, but the characters i use are, generally, pretty poorly made, and have quriks and issues which make them far from good enough to pass on.
 It would be great if we had our own rig, or two, that could be used for animation in anim8or. I know of BobITs low poly rigs, which are great, but really need with phonemes and finger rigs.
 Something along the lines of some of the characters here, but .an8 format

 I can't model good enough, a bit better at rigging, and trying to concentrate mostly on animating and film making type stuff.
 But there's some good modellers here.
 Maybe a 'couple of .an8 character rigs for the resources of Anim8or' would be a good idea for a challenge? (

 EDIT Check this out

 I think i might try rigging this model, tho my rigging isn't perfect.
 Permission to use given by 11 second club, please read conditions on

 2nd edit: oops, sorry. may no longer be available

Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on June 10, 2020, 10:46:35 am
 Have got the full 11 seconds sort've laid out.
  Now i'll go back over it section by section, and then frame by frame, just trying to get it more better looking..........

Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: captaindrewi on June 10, 2020, 11:41:50 am
They're alive....Thrilling me....Well done, pace's dangerous work.
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: Kevin Gales on June 10, 2020, 12:05:53 pm
Have got the full 11 seconds sort've laid out.
  Now i'll go back over it section by section, and then frame by frame, just trying to get it more better looking..........

😂😂 Cool...
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: Steve on June 10, 2020, 03:35:15 pm
Really nice work, johnar!
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: davdud101 on June 10, 2020, 11:31:49 pm
Have got the full 11 seconds sort've laid out.
  Now i'll go back over it section by section, and then frame by frame, just trying to get it more better looking..........


Really nice johnar
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on June 12, 2020, 06:28:12 am
 Thanks for your encouragement guys.
 Took a snapshot. wallpaper on my desktop. He encourages me too, when i look at him, lol

 I think i may need to stop here on this one. Characters need tweaking up a bit. (quite a lot actually).
 Have looked around, turbo squid and some others, for a better character model which i could rig and add morphs to, but haven't found the right one yet, so, will fix mine as best i can.

 On this last clip i've changed FOV on 2 camera views, just to get that little bit closer in. Went through and added some more eye neck movement, fixed hands on table, sharpened the poses a bit and other little things that may, or may not, be that noticeable.
 Feel like i can't do a lot more with these characters and the way that i've set up the scene.
So,  i'll get another audio clip, do some fixes on my characters, and start afresh. (lipsync and animation2)
 Thanks again for your kind comments.
 Heres the final clip. (

Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: Steve on June 12, 2020, 10:34:09 am
I like the way he lowers his sunglasses before he ask her what crime.
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on June 13, 2020, 02:34:25 am
You'll like the next one then. (
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: gwald on August 05, 2020, 05:59:56 am
You'll like the next one then. (

Cool thread! more more! ;)
Title: Re: lipsync and animation
Post by: johnar on August 05, 2020, 07:09:53 am
gwald (

see 'lipsync and animation 2' in this forum.

and , watch for '6 plus 1'. ...coming soon... (