Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: AlecJames on May 30, 2020, 04:25:55 pm
Sneaked out of lock down to the local park and set up some lighting and a screen ;)
This scene is a test in which I’m experimenting with lighting. I haven’t used lights much before I’m thinking about a music video at night, so I need to get better animating lights.
Coloured Spotlights. (
Nice one johnar
How did you do the crowd?
I haven't tried anything yet. I had in mind some low poly people (like bob_i_t's), with a material that makes them look like silhouettes, with a little bit of random x-y location so it doesn't look like a static image. But that might significantly increase render time.
Hi Alec,
The crowd was a group of 5 or 6 low poly characters added to a custom figure which allowed 2(?), i think, characters to raise/wave thier arms.
Then that multy charactered figure was imported several times into scene and placed to look like a larger crowd.
It was a long time ago now, but i do remember that it did take some time to render, and was pretty much maximum characters i could add.
My renders are usually pretty straight fwd, no shadows, fog etc, which helps.
If i remember rightly, the crowd was added last, so as not to bog things down when animating the 2 guitars. (which were mainly animated in sequence mode, with the walk added in scene).
I do remember that the scene was pushing my pc to the limits. The crowd was textured with just a simple variety of colours, some have glasses, some long hair, short hair, different colours, but a closer look and you can see they're only half a dozen 'different' looking people.
I'm going to have to think about the crowd.... I'll leave it till later since I don't have a story board planned out yet. I've got some ideas but will have to test...
This project started out as learning lmms music production software. I want to be able to create a music track to "fit" animation projects. When I started playing with lmms I thought I need a video to go with the first project. In this project I can re-arrange the music track for the animation and visa vera.
Its going to take a while, I'm a way off creating something useable in lmms, but I know I need a bell, so I've created a test clip (with lmms sound track :) )
Nice anim8or-bell!
"Had some things to do today, but now I have put it off til later.....cause all I'm gonna do is play around with Anim8or"...johnar
I was going to ask about skinning and weights and then I saw your video....I have some catching up to do! Thanks, nice work!