Anim8or Community
General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Trevor on May 05, 2020, 09:46:24 pm
ASL Bugs and Feature requests as of Build 1379
Nested If statements cannot return to caller, an8 hangs, turns white, titlebar states (Not Responding) and console stops output.
// Return True if Vertex Exists, Save NewID Mapping to $gVtxIDMap
int $VertexExists(point3 $xyz, string $uv, point3 $rgb, int $a)
int $i, $r;
for ($i = 0; $i < $gXYZs.size; $i++)
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("Compare to %d", $i));
// cant do && "Illegal Type arg"
if (($xyz.x == $gXYZs[$i].x) && ($xyz.y == $gXYZs[$i].y) && ($xyz.z == $gXYZs[$i].z))
if ($uv == $gSTs[$i])
if (($rgb.x == $gRGBs[$i].x) && ($rgb.y == $gRGBs[$i].y) && ($rgb.z == $gRGBs[$i].z))
if ($a == $gAs[$i])
$gVtxIDMap[$gVtxIDMap.size - 1] = $i;
//return true;
$r = 1; //BUG cannot return from here, this makes script wasteful
return $r;
Attributes cannot return NULL...
workaround: Use a global Attribute and use Push/Size = 0
//return $gCurObject.GetAttribute($i);
//return NULL;
$gLookupAttributeUcase.size = 0;
As Documented already Recursion is not supported, however it would be good to support for parsing trees.
void $ParseChildren(shape $Shape)
$DebugPrint("Parsing Children " + $;
if ($Shape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_GROUP)
//Recursion Not Supported
$ConsolePrint("Groups are not supported\n");
I also put together some functions for people to use but hope for native support for them instead.
// Returns Index to start of $Contains if within $Base.
// Returns False if $Base does not contain $Contains
int $StringContains(string $Base, string $Contains)
int $i, $r;
string $Comparitor;
//$DebugPrint(PrintToString("looking for %s in %s", $Contains, $Base));
for ($i = 0; $i < max(0,($Base.length - $Contains.length)); $i++)
$Comparitor = $Base.SubString($i, ($i + ($Contains.length-1)));
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("contains %s at %d", $Comparitor, $i));
if ($Comparitor == $Contains)
$r = $i +1;
//$DebugPrint(PrintToString("returning %d", $r));
return $r;
// Split String $Base anywhere $Split occurs
// Returns Array (via $gSplit) of Strings
int $StringSplit(string $Base, string $Split)
int $r, $Start, $End;
$gSplit.size = 0;
while (1)//$StringContains($Base.SubString($Start, $Base.length), $Split))
$End = $StringContains($Base.SubString($Start, $Base.length), $Split);
if (!$End)
//$r = 0;
$DebugPrint($Base.SubString($Start, $Base.length));
$gSplit.push($Base.SubString($Start, $Base.length));
$DebugPrint($Base.SubString($Start, $End - 1 - $Split.length));
$gSplit.push($Base.SubString($Start, $End - 1 - $Split.length));
$Start = $Start + ($End-1) + ($Split.length);
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("Split legnth %d, contains %s", $gSplit.size, $gSplit[$gSplit.size-1]));
return $r;
// Returns String from Array (via $gSplit) of Strings
string $StringJoin()
int $i;
string $t;
for($i=0; $i< $gSplit.size; $i++)
$t = $t + $gSplit[$i];
$gSplit.size = 0;
return $t;
// Returns String as UPPER CASE
string $StringToUpper(string $str)
int $i, $t;
for ($i = 0; $i < $str.length; $i++)
$t = $str.GetChar($i);
if (($t >= 97) && ($t <= 122))
$t = $t - 32;
$str = $str.SetChar($t, $i);
return $str;
// Looks up Attribute by Name (Case-insensitive)
void $LookupAttribute(string $str, int $CaseCompare)
int $i, $r;
attribute $temp;
if (!$CaseCompare)
$str = $StringToUpper($str);
$DebugPrint("Looking up Attribute " + $str);
for ($i = 0; $i < $gCurObject.GetNumAttributes(); $i++)
$temp = $gCurObject.GetAttribute($i);
if (($StringToUpper($temp.GetName()) == $str) && (!$CaseCompare || ($temp.GetName() == $str)))
//return $gCurObject.GetAttribute($i);
$DebugPrint("Found Attribute " + $str);
$r = true;
if ($r) return;
//return NULL;
$gLookupAttribute.size = 0;
// Convert quaternion to xyz (PYR)
point3 $QuaternionToPYR(quaternion $q) {
point3 $angles;
float $sin_cos, $cos_cos;
// pitch (x-axis rotation)
$sin_cos = 2 * ($q.w * $q.x + $q.y * $q.z);
$cos_cos = 1 - 2 * ($q.x * $q.x + $q.y * $q.y);
$angles.x = atan2($sin_cos, $cos_cos);
// yaw (y-axis rotation)
$sin_cos = 2 * ($q.w * $q.y - $q.z * $q.x);
if (abs($sin_cos) >= 1)
$angles.y = clamp($sin_cos, -PI / 2, PI / 2); // use 90 degrees if out of range
$angles.y = asin($sin_cos);
// role (z-axis rotation)
$sin_cos = 2 * ($q.w * $q.z + $q.x * $q.y);
$cos_cos = 1 - 2 * ($q.y * $q.y + $q.z * $q.z);
$angles.z = atan2($sin_cos, $cos_cos);
return $angles;
// Returns the integral value that is nearest to val, with halfway cases rounded away from zero.
int $round(float $val)
if ($val >= 0)
if (fract($val) >= 0.5)
return ceil($val);
return floor($val);
if (fract($val) > -0.5)
return ceil($val);
return floor($val);
//Cast To Integer
int $int(float $val)
return $val;
//Cast to Float
float $float(int $val)
return $val;
I also took the documentation and put it in a h file for use in VS.
I shifted the comments round so it works with Intellisense and word completion as you type.
Which reminds me, any chance of ignoring #include "a8s.h" and then including other script files?
Also #if(0) #endif would be good to block certain code blocks from functioning
Many Thanks
Trevor, I split this into a separate topic to make it more visible.
Thanks, I wasn't sure where to post, its ASL but its related to current dev so I chose the later:)
Ive noticed that tridata doesn't seem to keep triangle RGB separate, i.e. I had one triangle which was green, but the tridata only had one of the verticies use that material with the other 2 using other materials.
Is there a pattern here? or is it random?
In Anim8or polygons use a single material. You can't assign different materials to the vertices.
Yes, all the more confusing as to why tridata only has 1 coloured vertex
Possibly my bad... I missed something from the obj plugin
I fixed and added some more "basic" functions above but would still prefer to se language support for them instead including ToUpper, Split, Join, casting (Int/Float), case insensitive attributes and quaternionToPYR
Steve, would you be able to say if asl function recursion is possible and if so how long it might take to implement?
Just wondering because I would like to parse groups as groups and might have to make a workaround but obviously recursion would be great and an instant fix for my loop.
Sorry, Trevor, but adding recursion is a whole lot of work and I don't have plans to add it in the near future. I agree that it would be quite useful, though, so I'll keep it in mind.
ok no probs
YAY, I managed to implement my own recursion in an8 script :)
this is the specific function;
int $ParseChildren(shape $Shape)
// Set up Stacks instead of normal vars
int $si[0];
shape $sShape[0];
int $Result, $i, $j;
shape $CurShape, $ChildShapes[0];
//Push Shape to stack
//Push Stacked Counter
$Result = true;
//While shapes are on stack and result is still true (No Fail)
while ($sShape.size && $Result)
//Get current shape
$CurShape = $sShape.pop;
if ($CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_GROUP)
//Recursion would happen here
// $ParseChildren($CurShape)
//… however ...
//Get Children
$DebugPrint("getting Children " + $;
$i = $si.pop; //get last i off stack
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("getting i %d, stacksize %d ", $i, $si.size));
if ($i < $ChildShapes.size)
$DebugPrint("Parsing Children " + $;
//Has Children, traverse tree
$sShape.push($CurShape); //Push current Node to stack
$sShape.push($ChildShapes[$i]); //push next Node to stack
$DebugPrint("pushing child " + $ChildShapes[$i].name);
if(!($StringContains($ChildShapes[$i].name, "BSP")))
for ($j = 1; $j < $sShape.size; $j++)
$PrintTree[$PrintTree.size - 1] = "\t|" + $PrintTree[$PrintTree.size - 1];
$si.push($i); //Push(save) current nodes counter to counter stack
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("getting i %d, stacksize %d ", $i, $si.size));
if ($ChildShapes[$i-1].GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_GROUP)
$si.push(0); //Stack new counter
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("accidental infinit group? getting i %d, stacksize %d ", $i, $si.size));
$DebugPrint("end of branch");
//reached end of branch
$C_File.print("* Group: \n");
$C_File.print("* Name = %s\n", $;
$C_File.print("* Objects = %d\n", $ChildShapes.size);
$C_File.print("static Gfx %s_dl[] = {\n", $;
for ($i = 0; $i < $ChildShapes.size; $i++)
if ($StringContains($ChildShapes[$i].name, "BSP"))
$C_File.print(" gsSPDisplayList(&%s_dl),\n", $ChildShapes[$i].name);
$C_File.print(" gsSPEndDisplayList(),\n};\n\n");
else if ($CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_PATH ||
$CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_MODIFIER ||
$CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_TEXT)
/* No 3D mesh to output. */
//Print mesh
if ($StringContains($, "BSP"))
//Do Nothing
$Result = $GenerateArray($CurShape);
//$PrintTree.push( PrintToString("%s", $;
return $Result;
Nice job. I know it's more work to implement it this way. Maybe someday I'll get recursion done!