Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Tof on May 04, 2020, 12:02:55 pm
Hello everyone,
Today I wanted to challenge the transparent class material.
So I modeled a wine glass that will be used for my experiments. My model is rather simple and has few faces but has been converted to a subdivision. I then rendered with the ART Ray Tracer (scene mode, standard lighting, AA = 100, no shadows yet).
Unfortunately the glass is still empty, but I rather see it as an opportunity to test a dielectric class material ;).
The cracked effect in the area surrounded in yellow leaves me a little perplexed ... Is it due to too low AA, the environment, the use of a subdivision or something else?
First attempt to make wine (very low quality, AA = 4 to go faster). Wine without my glass looks like wine, wine in my glass looks like water... The greats of this world have turned water into wine rather than the opposite I think! :'(
Has anyone an idea to fix this? ???
I changed your material for the glass from class=transparent to class=dialectric:
Thank you very much Steve, for this fix and for your wonderfull Anim8or!
It's time for a glass of rosé. After many tests I arrive roughly at the expected result.
But I realize that I am missing a table on which to put my glass, I will make one one of these days.
Looks delicious!
It's time for a glass of rosé. After many tests I arrive roughly at the expected result.
But I realize that I am missing a table on which to put my glass, I will make one one of these days.
Excellent render!! Shame on me to not be a huge wine guy :P
Another test ...
I tried to simulate a few caustics, like Kubajzz does in challenge 15 (with a spotlight under the model).
The technique works well with a sphere but is not really suitable for my glass of wine. I don't think the ART Ray tracer can add caustics another way, does it?
Caustics would be great but they are fairly complex to add. I haven't attempted doing that yet, maybe sometime I'll give it a try!
Indeed Steve, when I observe caustics in real life, and when I try to understand how they occur, I can easily imagine how difficult they would be to add! What Anim8or can do is already impressive.