Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Modeler_in_the_Myst on April 13, 2008, 08:47:22 pm
This is the first time I have ever tried to model something that looks like a building, I would say I have spent 8 hours on it in total. I have been using anim8or off again on again for 6 months, and I would say this is my best thing yet. If anyone has any tips on building building I would appreciate it, as well as general critiques.
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Thanks in advance
My first critique would be that you render with 'antialiasing' turned on. When you go "Render>Render Image..." and the popup box appears, check the 'antialiased' box.
My next main critique would be to try to keep everything to scale. Right now, the battlements and entrance look much too big for a realistically sized castle.
I agree with hihosilver, to make your castle more realistic you will need to work on the proportions between the walls, the towers and the rest.
Keep at it and you will get it right :)
Hey, don't get rid of this model, though. Apply a yellow/white material with a nice fine bump map, simulating sand, model a bit of a beach, whack in a star fish or bucket and spade, and this model would be excellent as a sand castle.
i second ensoniq.
Thanks all for your helpful words for my first piece of newbie 'goodness' you have been most helpful, thanks you.
Well,I took your advise and whacked in some terrain and a self made bucket and scoop. I admit I used terrainam8or for the terrain.
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I plan to do something slightl goofy with this, but this is good to show.
I don't understand why the bump mapping doesn't go over the whole castle though, any ideas?
That is pretty !
I don't do any bumpmapping, so can't help you there, but I think you should turn the specular way down on the castle: it looks like shiny plastic. Think about sand: it hardly has any shine at all, so shouldn't reflect that much light.
But the bucket and spade look great :D and the sand around it.
Hey! That's excellent! I love the spade, and the low down, up close camera. Yeah, as others have said, turn the specular down on the sand material, and I would make it much finer. As far as applying the texture to every face of the castle, you need to understand the principles of UV mapping. How this is done depends on what version of Anim8or you are using (V0.95 has a few problems with UV mapping) but in any case I recommend a careful reading of the manual, specifically relating to UV mapping. In a nutshell, you can map textures to individual faces of an object and control their angle, size and position.
Looking good, how'd you do the castleations, don't think I could have ever done anything that good when I go to the beach
I am not sure I completely understand the question.
These parts:
That looks good! Keep it up