Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: neirao on April 15, 2019, 06:21:17 am
Hi all, 8)
sorry I forgot how to correctly use the "Figure -> Build -> Mirror Bones"
The copy of the my bone mirror is only doing on an axis.
I searched the Forum but did not find the link to use this tool. :'(
Can someone tell me again the link of the Mirror Bones Tutorial ??
Thank you :)
I can't see it, nor can I find it in the manual.
I tried in 1357 and I could only mirror on the X axis. When I tried other axes I often ended up with a duplicate bone hidden inside the original (so I can see it when it's selected).
Do you think there is a way to mirror on other axes?
@AlecJames yes, happens one same thing with me on 1357 version... :'( :'(
@Steve Please help us!! :) :) :)
AlexJames: Sorry but I don't understand. What do you mean by "When I tried other axes"? There isn't any option to select an axis. Selecte bones are always mirrored on the X axis of their parent.
I mean if I draw a figure in the left ( right / top, etc) view instead of the front view and then try to mirror (expecting a mirror in the screen X axis).
In the attached; left view, mirror the selected bone, it duplicates the selected in the same position.
Anim8or always mirrors bones along the X-axis of the parent bone of each group of selected bones. It doesn't depend on what view you are using. In your case the parent bone's X-axis points directly out of the screen but the bone that you want mirror is perpendicular to it, (i.e. it is in the Y-Z plane of the parent bones coordinates.) So the mirrored bone has the same orientation as the original.
If you enable Show Axis (hot key X) and select the parent bone, the green circle is the Y-Z plane and teh X-axis points out of it. I've attached a picture that shows this:
Hi Steve, thanks for answering
i create this image sample to show the problem...
+ .an8 spider sample file
I don't think you can do this with the current Mirror Bones command. You'd need to use the Z-axis. But if there was an option for the X-, Y- or Z-axis it would work. I'll add one.
Hi Steve,
i remember when you release the Mirror Bones you was implements the use of the (X-Y-Z) buttons enabled/off as options for mirror!
Thanks if this are implemented again! ☺