Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: xalener on April 12, 2008, 04:51:20 pm
I have a large scene, an room with pillars and bannars in it. The floor is marble, and I wanted to add a glossy atribute to it. As soon As I go to render it, anim8or crashes immediately. It shouldn't be too hard to recreate. All you need to do for it to work is to add atributes to a mesh with textures (the floor had a bump, specular, and a diffuse map.)
Could it be the specular map?
the anim8or class specular glossy attribute should be able to use all maps. To test your theory though, I'd try only applying one map at a time and try rendering, and see if it crashes or not. Then you could figure out the issue.
I have tried it in my laptop in every combinations... ''glossy + texture'' seems to work just fine for me..
yeah, ive had similiar problems ... though my sets are massive, set to cast shadows (ray traced) and anim8or shuts down ... its annoying.
i think it comes down to the amount of memory who pc has ...
apparently, ive been recommended a 2g memory and a ... 3000mb? graphics card (oir some biger graphics card than i have currently, which is a 128mb )
so, its probably due to the fact your pc is slow ...
I believe glossy works in combination with the rough value of the material, which is standard 32. Having a glossy effect with rough at 32 will cost alot of memory. I suggust setting the rough to something like 200 or higher, i believe it goes up to 1000. That might solve the problem.