Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: neirao on April 19, 2018, 02:24:42 pm
Someone know how?? in 'ASL Specification' not show it...
This logo like something that I forgot to include in ASL. I'll see if I can add something to support two sided materials.
Thanks Steve! :)
i think is missing another function in ASL for meshs kind -> "'SHAPE_KIND_SUBDIVISION'
check this my another post:,5715.0.html
Edit: :)
How choose the place for 'new material color' by ASL?
by default is 'Object' how choose 'File' as place?? ???
$myMaterial = project.NewMaterial("name"); -- Adds material to the current project (i.e. to File)
$myMaterial = $object.NewMaterial("name"); -- Adds material to $object.
Steve, works!!
now i need only the 'Two Sided Material' by ASL for implements the 'Cel-shading script by Raxx'
and create a new automatic/full 'cel shading' button ;)
Thanks :)
Two sided support is coming soon. Preliminary documentation is here ( but I'm still testing the software.
Wow! 8)
Very Nice! ;D
I just posted a new build 1325 ( with two sided support.
I've attached a script that lists all materials and their properties in a project.
Thanks Steve!!
i will try now! :)
Thanks Steve,
for ASL var for new 'Two Sided Material'' :)
works fine.
i starts the creation of the New 'Raxx´s CelShadurr', but i need some helps:
i attach below the preview new Script V.04 (CelShadurr v0.4.a8s) button script:
and need HELPS to finishing :(
Thanks Advance :)
PS: @Steve in this my new Sample/Code when i merges with Raxx´s plugin code the
'$currentMaterial = project.NewMaterial("BLACK_OUTLINE");' not is accepted, only MODE '$obj.NewMaterial'...
-Auto Black color on Outline [LIVE DEMO BELOW]:
- code change:
CONTINUES IN THIS NEW POST:,5726.msg43003.html#msg43003
Sorry I haven't been able to look at this yet.
The first issue of the inside material showing white instead of the actual material color seems like an internal Anim8or issue that might not be able to be fixed via ASL. You can try the refresh() command after generating and applying the material to see if it helps.
As for picking different shapes for different celshading, it can't be done with parametric shapes since there's no way to get the current selection from within the parametric shape script. You'd have to turn it into a command script and use attributes to determine the outline widths and other parameters.
Hi Raxx,
im not so good with ASL, but i continues trying :)
Very Thanks!!