Anim8or Community

General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on December 11, 2017, 06:33:54 pm

Title: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2017, 06:33:54 pm
The current development release is v1.01.1403, August 29, 2022: (

These notes are for the development branch of Anim8or, currently labeled v1.01.xxxx. As changes are verified many but not all will be rolled int the main branch, v1.00x.

The following is a cumulative list of major changes to this development branch since the latest "official" release, v1.00b.

Major changes for build 1403 ( dated August 29, 2022:
#101-056 - Bone Influences or Painted Weights: Points with total weight of 0.0 can follow the wrong bone's orientation.

Major changes for build 1402 ( dated May 17, 2021:
#101-054 - Element's location changes when making a bone the parent.
Add double clicking item list to edit item properties.
Add bone folders to sequence editor

Major changes for build 1400 ( dated March 14, 2021:

Fixed a few bone-as-parent issues and other bugs.
#101-049: Blank parametric parameter field suspends dialog.
#101-050: Making a bone a parent causes element's position to change.
#101-051: Light direction incorrect for light with bone as parent.
#101-052: Moving an element with a bone as a parent works incorrectly.
#101-053: Deleting last knot in a controller crashes.
New Scene Navigation Keys: Home, End, PageUp, PageDown

Major changes for build 1396 ( dated February 27, 2021:

New: Bone in Figure as Parent: You can not make any bone in a figure the parent of any element. When the figure is animated the child element follows it's motion.
ASL Scripts: String and identifier lengths can be up to 4096 characters in length.

Major changes for build 1395 ( dated January 5, 2021:

New: Time Dependent Meshes: Parameteric Plug-In Scripts can now reference the time and frame variables to create meshes that change over time. The value of these variables is always 0 in the object editor but changes with the frame in a scene. Requires an #animated directive in the script.
Subdivided Meshes: Parameteric Plug-In Scripts can be subdivided after the script runs. You can choose the levels of subdivision in the properties dialog in the object editor.
Autosave directory moved to %USER%/AppData/Local/Anim8or/temp

Major changes for build 1393 ( dated September 7, 2020:

Fix #101-046: Renaming bone deletes controllers keys in scenes.
Fix #101-047: Script bone controllers aren't saved to .an8 file.
Fix #101-048: .WAV sounds that don't match sample rate, number of channels and bits per sample of project sound spec aren't output to rendered movies.

Major changes for build 1390 ( dated August 9, 2020:

Fix #101-044: Crash when rendering a scene.
Fix #101-045: Bone folders not working in Scene mode.
Add Sound Spec to project for format of rendered sound stream.
Add phoneme references to key frame clipboard so copy/past works with full phonemes.
Improve visuals for phoneme keys in time track.
Build merged sound track support for future multiple format/multiple stream audio support.

Major changes for build 1387 ( dated July 12, 2020:

Fix #101-041: Skinning was broken when support for working vs. final subdivision levels was added (in cl-1386).

Major changes for build 1386 ( dated July 9, 2020:

Fix #095-059: Different subdivision levels for working and rendered views isn't implemented.
Scrubbing Sound: And one-frame sound playback when scrubbing or using arrow keys.
Delete lead and tail keys when deleting a phoneme ref.
Phoneme track: various visual improvements.

Major changes for build 1385 ( dated June 29, 2020:

Fix #101-039: Import scenes with figures doesn't include figure; can crash.
Fix bug: where morph targets used as phonemes in a scene interfered with morph target menu in object editor.
Allow user defined keys to intermix with phoneme keys.
Add color to phoneme keys in graph editor and time track.
Add user specified strength of phoneme keys, lead and tail timings.
Connect changes in graph window with phoneme definitions so that editing the graph window updates phonemes properly.

Major changes for build 1384 ( dated June 13, 2020:

Fix #101-037: Copy/Paste of a mesh causes images to disappear.
Fix #101-038: Morph target derived from a previous morph target only works if the default name isn't changes.
Fix #101-040: Adding a figure to a scene crashes.

Major changes for build 1383 ( dated June 09, 2020:

Fix 101-036: Anim8or crashes when reading a project that references non existent sounds.

Major changes for build 1382 dated June 08, 2020:

Add lip-sync track: There's a new animation track that make scheduling lip-sync morphs easy to add and edit. Chek out this topic (,5955.0.html) for more details!
Add 500 msec pause between cycles when looping a scene or part of a scene. This should make it easier to animate characters when the action continues past the rang that you are looping.
Fix ShowIK setting that would change after a render.
Don't alter camera or light position or FOV if locked, layer is locked, or licht or camera is hidden when using Arc-Rotate.

Major changes for build 1380 ( dated May 06, 2020:

Sound output in .AVI files: see this post (,5916.msg43974.html#msg43974) for more details.

Major changes for build 1379 ( dated May 03, 2020:

Fix 101-033: 16 bit .wav sounds don't display waveform.
Fix 101-034: .wav sound with spaces don't display waveform.

Major changes for build 1378+ ( dated May 02, 2020:

v1.01.1378+ fixes movie render bug in v1.01.1378
Add .WAV Sound Support: You can now add .wav sound to scenes.
Fix #101-031: Anim8or freezes when playing or looping a scene or sequence.
Detach Selected Faces: Fix crash when detaching large number of faces.
Add Extrude Faces by Normal: Extrude Faces Shftl+LMB.
Bug fix: Fast Select used to change value when canceling the Configure UI dialog.
Fix #101-030: Scrolling in camera view sets key when camera layer is locked, and related bugs.

Major changes for build 1363 ( dated July 30, 2019:

Add Joint Rotate to Scene Editor: This is similar to that added to the Figure editor discussed inthis topic (,5742.0.html) except that the child bones retain their global orientation. Note: In Scene mode this is still a work in progress. Joint limits and locked IK targets are not yes supported. See that topic for more information.
Z Limits Bug: Progress on clipping bugs that appear with very large (in scale) objects.
Fix frame MM:SS bug in the status bar of the Scene editor that assumed 24 FPS.

Major changes for build 1357 ( dated March 15, 2019:

ASL scanner: Add tokens for at sign "@" and question mark "?":
Fix #101-028: Arc-Rotate Crashes in Perspective and Stereo Crash views.
Stereo Views: update in parallel when using Arc-Rotate.

Major changes for build 1356 ( dated March13, 2019:

ART rendering: Improve fast AA for transparent and reflective materials.
ASL scripts: Add "wb" option for ASL files.
ASL scripts: Save render images in script with new type image and output functions:

class image {
    int WriteBMP(string fName); // All functions return 1 if OK, 0 if failed
    int WriteJPG(string fName [ , int quality = 95 ] ); // 0 = lowest, 100 = highest
    int WritePNG(string fName [, int IncludeAlpha = 0 ] );

New member "GetImage()" in project type:
image GetImage(int image_id); // Returns NULL if no such image.

Fix #101-026: Sequences that go beyond the end of a scene don't extend the scene.
Fix #101-027: Stereo Crossed option doesn't do anything.
Stereo: Fix View->User and View->Stereo menu commands.
Stereo: Add menu option to swap left and right images for use in VR viewers.
Arc Rotate: When using Arc-Rotate in a camera or light view, alter the position and orientation of the camera or light accordingly.
Frames or Seconds: Add menu option to toggle between showing seconds or frame numbers in time tracks.

Major changes for build 1348 ( dated December 13, 2018:

Clay Model Style: Added a new rendering style for working views and renders that displays all objects using a two-sided clay material. This can make it easier to see the shape when you're modeling especially for objects with patterned materials.
Fix: Edit | Rotate doesn't work for components again.
Fix: Art FastAA crash when more than 256 samples are used.
Fix: GLSL fragment shaders: emissive weight was wrong, it used Ks instead of Ke.

Major changes for build 1345 ( dated December 2, 2018:

Reimplement: changes in builds 1325 to 1332 that were lost due to my disk crash.

Major changes for build 1332 ( dated August 6, 2018:
New Bone Editing Idea: This build has one major addition, an alternate way to edit a Figure's bone structure, plus a new way to show bones. Please post your comments about it in this topic (,5742.0.html).

Major changes for build 1330 ( dated July 22, 2018:
ART: Increase maximum number of threads for multi-threaded rendering from 8 to 16 (with an 16 core CPU).
ART: Add int attribute "MaxThreads" to set the maximum number of rendering threads.  0 = use Anim8or default. -N = use #cores - N.
Scene Editor: Add camera move/pan widget. Active in Arrow/Move and Arrow/Rotate modes.
ASL BUG: Restore LockAmbiantDiffuse, SetAmbientColor, SetDiffuseColor, etc. function calls that were accidentally deleted in earlier drop.
Fix bug from cl-1324: Edit->Rotate menu accidentally disabled in point editor when Delete Unreferenced Materials was added to Edit menu.
Fix #101-025: Image, Panoramic and Cube Map Backgrounds rendering issues.

Major changes for build 1329 ( dated July 7, 2018:
ART: Add multi-threaded rendering. Increases speed up rendering up to 8X (with an 8 core CPU).
ART: Improve Fast AA rendering speed and accuracy. (depth, light-mask, normals, materials)
Normal Maps: Fix problem in ART Normal Map rendering.
Normal Maps: Add new option to swap U coordinate direction.
Fix ART bug: where something marked Don't Cast Shadows do so anyway.
Fix #101-023: Ctrl-A Doesn't Select Faces in Groups.

Major changes for build 1325 ( dated May 30, 2018:
Delete Unreferenced Materials: new command.
Improve texture file searches: fix "./" file path bug.
ASL Materials: Add numerous new members, include two sided support. See the ASL spec ( for details.

Major changes for build 1321 ( dated March 15, 2018:
Fix crash loading project introduced by cl-1320.
ASL Files: Add support for reading text files using GPScan token scanner. See this topic (,5705.0.html) for more details.

Major changes for build 1318 ( dated January 25, 2018:
Scene Editor: Added Element Folders which all you to group element in the track window for easier management of large projects.
- Fixed several minor Undo/Redo bugs such as Element name changes not being applied.

Major changes for build 1317 ( dated January 14, 2018:
Fix #101-017: Issues with Groups and Layers.
   Use group's layer instead of each component's layer when displaying or selecting a group.
   Use the group number of the components in a group when creating a group.
   For multiple group numbers, use any one of them.
Fix #101-018: Reading a .an8 file with a script-based parameteric shape in a group crashes.
Fix #101-019: Script controllers for scene morph targets with aren't saved in .an8 file.
IK effector: Change to not move location of effector unless the user have specifically moved it
(i.e. not when it was moved because it couldn't be reached when the whole figure was moved).
Connected Face Extrusion: Expand cases when new faces are kept parallel to original faces.
Inset Tool: Change to inset edges parallel and equal distance to original edges. Previous behavior (that moved edges relative to the length of each individual edge) is available using the Shift key.
Scene Editor: Add menu command Edit->Bones->KeySelectedControllers.
Fix #101-020: Object Editor: Copy/Pasting a Group with a sub Group doesn't work correctly.

Major changes for build 1314 ( dated December 20, 2017:
Depth Channel: You can now make movies of the depth channel.
Depth Channel: Fixed small bugs in Z-near/Z-far dialogs as they relate to rendering.
Frame Viewports: Hot-key f changed to frame only the focus view. Hot-key Ctrl-Sh-F added to frame all views.
User Lights: Added an option Options->UseDefaultLighting to disable user lights and use default lighting in the scene editor:
CAD: Display the angle between selected adjacent edges.
CAD: Highlight values in orange when the mouse moves over the component.
Material Samples: Fix bug where they didn't render when layer 0 was hidden.

Major changes for build 1312 ( dated December 11, 2017:
Fix #100-010:GLSL materials with more than 4 textures are broken.
Fix #100-011:Rendering a scene a second time hangs
Fix #100-012:Shape rotations don't follow object coordinates in object editor.
Fix #100-013:Object/Move command uses World coordinates when Object coordinates are selected.
Fix #100-014: Shell and Extrude Connected commands can cause spikes.
Fix #100-015: Sliding Resized Figures with IK.
Scene Editor: Add Copy/Paste for Scene Elements.
Object editor: Add Build->SplitSolids command that separates unconnected parts of a mesh or subdivision surface.
Pivot: Add Edit->Pivot->CenterPivot, AlignWithShape, AlignWithWorld commands.
Point Editor: Implement Edit->Rotate->Rotate commands.
Text Object: Add default font to project: type-face, size, italic, bold

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1312, December 11, 2017
Post by: fefe01 on December 12, 2017, 04:21:45 am
Wow, it is really great! Thank you very much Steve! Can the depth channel be enabled in the render movie menu in this version?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1312, December 11, 2017
Post by: Steve on December 12, 2017, 11:50:45 am
No, this build doesn't have an option for rendering a movie of the depth channel.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1312, December 11, 2017
Post by: fefe01 on December 12, 2017, 02:08:28 pm
Anyway, all the new features are really satisfactory. Thank you very much Steve!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1312, December 11, 2017
Post by: nemyax on December 14, 2017, 07:43:39 am
Point Editor: Implement Edit->Rotate->Rotate commands.
This is a very welcome improvement, thanks!
I hope move and scale are coming soon, too.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1312, December 11, 2017
Post by: Trevor on December 15, 2017, 10:19:01 am
Ive been meaning to mention this since build 12xx but refrence images are not transparent in wireframe mode.
this means I have to switch to solid mode and assign a temporary transparent surface to model to match refrence image.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1314, December 20, 2017
Post by: neirao on December 24, 2017, 06:35:39 pm
thanks!! Merry Christmas for All!!!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Steve on January 26, 2018, 07:24:47 pm
OK one last post in the development branch: build 1318 ( If it checks out OK  I'll post a new v1.0 update.

The main change is that I added Element Folders which all you to group element in the track window for easier management of large projects. There is a new field in the Element Properties dialogs that let you specify a folder name. All elements with the same folder name [and parent element] are grouped under one expandable tree control in the Track Window.

This changed quite a bit of code, so please try it out and let me know if you find any issues.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Gyperboloid on January 27, 2018, 01:01:11 am
The current development release is v1.01.1318, January 25, 2018: (


Previous v1.01.xxxx releases:

Major changes for build 1317 ( dated January 14, 2018:
Fix #101-017: Issues with Groups and Layers.
   Use group's layer instead of each component's layer when displaying or selecting a group.
   Use the group number of the components in a group when creating a group.
   For multiple group numbers, use any one of them.
Fix #101-018: Reading a .an8 file with a script-based parameteric shape in a group crashes.
Fix #101-019: Script controllers for scene morph targets with aren't saved in .an8 file.
IK effector: Change to not move location of effector unless the user have specifically moved it
(i.e. not when it was moved because it couldn't be reached when the whole figure was moved).
Connected Face Extrusion: Expand cases when new faces are kept parallel to original faces.
Inset Tool: Change to inset edges parallel and equal distance to original edges. Previous behavior (that moved edges relative to the length of each individual edge) is available using the Shift key.
Scene Editor: Add menu command Edit->Bones->KeySelectedControllers.
Fix #101-020: Object Editor: Copy/Pasting a Group with a sub Group doesn't work correctly.


I don't know how I missed the 1317 release  :o , but that's superb Steve. Can the exact same behavior be implemented for the Bevel tool also ?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Steve on January 27, 2018, 12:56:13 pm
Yes, I'm working on Bevel but it's a LOT more difficult .... Stay tuned ....
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on January 30, 2018, 12:13:57 am
Will check out this build as soon as I get a chance Steve, esp. as it looks like you may have addressed some of the issues I raised with you in December regarding Groups and Layers functionality.
(BTW. Does private messaging work on this forum? I sent you a follow up PM in Dec, but as there is no apparent Outbox/SentBox in the forum, in the absence of a reply from you, it's not clear to me whether PM's are delivered or not.)


A suggestion for new functionality...

I do quite a lot of repetitive actions in my modelling (especially involving rotations, as I often design models which have some level of symmetry around the Y-axis).

For example, I might create a piece of geometry which I then want to duplicate and rotate through 60 degrees (x 5).

In this case the actions would be:

ctrl-V (Paste in the initial geometry)
then ...
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, Edit -> Rotate -> Rotate Custom -> tab to the Y-Axis box, type 60, click OK
and repeat this 4 more times...
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, Edit -> Rotate -> Rotate Custom -> tab to the Y-Axis box, type 60, click OK
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, Edit -> Rotate -> Rotate Custom -> tab to the Y-Axis box, type 60, click OK
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, Edit -> Rotate -> Rotate Custom -> tab to the Y-Axis box, type 60, click OK
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, Edit -> Rotate -> Rotate Custom -> tab to the Y-Axis box, type 60, click OK

WHat would be quite good is if there was some sort of "Repeat last operation" function (ideally linked to a hotkey ... perhaps ctrl-R or ctrl-shift-R)

This would significantly improve this workflow, by reducing the need to access several layers of menus multiple times in order to repeat the same rotation, and if tied to a hotkey would greatly reduce the tension in my mouse wrist!  8)

ie. It would be reduced to:
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, Edit -> Rotate -> Rotate Custom -> tab to the Y-Axis box, type 60, click OK
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, ctrl-R
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, ctrl-R
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, ctrl-R
ctrl-C, ctrl-V, ctrl-R

I guess this "repeat last operation" could extend to other types of operations as well, not just rotations (that just happens to be the situation where I often find myself needing it).
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: selden on January 30, 2018, 07:45:15 am

Groups can be used to reduce the number of manual copy-paste-and-rotate operations when the rotations are around a central point. You can group the models that already have been rotated and then rotate that entire group. It can significantly reduce the total number of operations involved. When you're done you can ungroup them all (or not) as appropriate. Similar groupings can help when creating linear assemblies.

I agree, though, that creating "macros" consisting of a sequence of operations would be very helpful.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Steve on January 30, 2018, 11:15:30 am
chuft-captain: For your immediate example, try:

1.Copy, paste paste paste paste, and position them.
2.Select all copies and Edit->Rotate->Rotate Custom one time to rotate them all y+60.

In the past I've looked into building sort of "recorder" where you could record all actions and then play them back. Originally it was for making tutorials, but the underlying code could do what you suggest as well.

One big issue is that it has to work for pretty much everything. Partially working features are frustrating to use because sometimes they just mysteriously don't work. Another is screen resolution which affects some commands. And the big one is the amount of work to add it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on January 31, 2018, 10:58:51 pm

Groups can be used to reduce the number of manual copy-paste-and-rotate operations when the rotations are around a central point. You can group the models that already have been rotated and then rotate that entire group. It can significantly reduce the total number of operations involved. When you're done you can ungroup them all (or not) as appropriate. Similar groupings can help when creating linear assemblies.

I agree, though, that creating "macros" consisting of a sequence of operations would be very helpful.
Thanks Selden,

I have in fact used that technique many times in the past which can be great for replicating geometry where symmetry is involved.

chuft-captain: For your immediate example, try:

1.Copy, paste paste paste paste, and position them.
2.Select all copies and Edit->Rotate->Rotate Custom one time to rotate them all y+60.
You may have misunderstood my description of the scenario. In my example, the first object is copied and pasted then rotated to 60 deg. It then has focus, so the next copy/paste operates on that object which is then rotated to 120 deg (60+60), the next 180, and so forth around the y-axis. --- So I end up with 6 objects at 0,60,120,180,240,300.
I should mention that these are imported objects which seem to be treated a little differently in rotation than natively created objects.
eg. If I draw a cube, position it at [-50,0,0] then rotate it, each copy is rotated about it's own internal axis.
However, if I first export and re-import it (as an STL), then each copy is rotated about the workspace axis.

I'm NOT complaining! This difference (whether deliberate or not) is a very helpful feature, but anyway, the second scenario is what I was talking about, whereas I think you're talking about the first.

Quote from: Steve
One big issue is that it has to work for pretty much everything. Partially working features are frustrating to use because sometimes they just mysteriously don't work. Another is screen resolution which affects some commands. And the big one is the amount of work to add it.
I understand. It's just a suggestion for what might be a "nice to have", but the decision about what to do is entirely up to you, and must be tempered by the amount of work required, and the risk of regression/confusion.
My initial feeling was that this could be restricted to rotations, but I understand your motivation to implement a feature such as a "repeat last action/operation" with as wide a scope as possible.
I do think that cut and paste operations maybe should be excluded from a feature like this, and of course it should be subject to the usual undo/redo functionality.
If you were to add this in some form and extend it's use beyond just rotations, perhaps there still should be some limit to it's applicability ... ie. no cut/paste and perhaps limited to "transformation" type operations only, but then as you point out, you get into the issue of confusion around  "partially working features". I really don't have a broad enough knowledge of Anim8tor functionality to be able to suggest limits on it's scope.
Probably requires a bit more thought by "minds immeasurably superior to mine".... da .. da .. daaaah; da .. da .. daaaah !  ;-)

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Steve on February 01, 2018, 01:15:59 pm
The reason that STL imports behave differently is that the format doesn't have a separate center (aka the "pivot") for the model, or for separate parts of the model, like Anim8or does. So Anim8or places the pivot at the origin.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on February 01, 2018, 07:30:17 pm
Thought that would be the reason ... and it's a good thing, because often it's very helpful to rotate about the origin instead of the mesh's pivot ... and you know what I'm going to say next don't you ...   ;D 8) ... that it would be a good option to offer users when doing rotations of native meshes .. the option to rotate around the origin instead of the mesh center.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Claude on February 01, 2018, 10:04:44 pm
In axis mode,you can move and rotate the pivot point.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on February 01, 2018, 10:20:06 pm

That's good to know ... but to borrow a phrase by Slartibartfast from Hitchhiker's Guide, "I don't know this 'Axis' mode of which you speak".
The only "modes" I have ever seen are Object, Figure, Sequence, Scene.

(I did say my knowledge of Anim8or features was not that broad, didn't I?  8) :D :D ::) )

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Claude on February 01, 2018, 10:54:53 pm
This button called Object/Axis mode lets you move an object's pivot or origin.

There's also some special functions in menu Edit/Pivot.

Sorry if my answer lacked details.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on February 01, 2018, 11:38:05 pm

I can't find that button in my version (latest dev build 1318).
The only button that looks vaguely like it is in the Coord section (group of three) but when I hover over it, it says "World Coordinates <w>".
Is that the button you meant?

EDIT: Forget that, I think I just found the button you mean (just above the other one) ... sorry about that. I'll try that out to see it's effects.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on February 02, 2018, 12:08:59 am
No need to apologize,

Tried that out, and it seems to do pretty much what I was suggesting to Steve, so it looks like he has already long ago implemented this, just in a form which I was unaware of.
(There are large sections of Anim8or functionality that I have barely touched on, so please excuse my ignorance.)

Thanks for the guidance. I learn something new about Anim8or every day, and it just keeps getting better and better!

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on February 02, 2018, 12:26:21 am

Sorry, I appear to have hijacked this thread a bit. If you want to keep this thread on topic, you can split off all my suggestions into a separate thread if you like (especially as it turns out you've already implemented most of my suggestions in some form or other a long time ago!)

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: chuft-captain on February 02, 2018, 05:03:22 am

I just did a very quick check of the Group/Layer changes, and on first glance it looks great!
Individual and combinations of layers can now be displayed or hidden at will, regardless of the status of Layer 0, and it appears that Layer 0 is no longer treated as a special case. (This I agree with completely.)

I'm sorry, I don't have time to test these changes in depth at the moment, but on a very cursory first glance it looks really good, and I'm amazed you got this done in such a short time since Christmas! Thanks a lot!
I'll do some more in-depth testing of the interaction between Group/Ungroup actions and layer memberships when I have more time, but it's looking good so far.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: itsstillthinking on March 26, 2018, 12:26:57 am
Was wondering if i could maybe add something for the next build? Something i always wanted was that when one is animating a object if one wants to move a object a short distance over a small length of time it will always make a "Hairpin" curve on the track that the object will follow. This can be annoying when animating objects as you have to manually find what the center of the object is so you can move it back to a strait line. Be great it it did not automatically do that! 8)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: AlecJames on March 26, 2018, 04:26:22 am
I think Anim8or can already do what you want.  A key can be step, corner or smooth. 

This next bit I need others to confirm - when a key is corner or step, it allows you to change the path in the graph editor, so with a corner key you can create literally a corner on the path but you have to make the corner in the graph editor. Simply changing the key type is not enough.

I've never got on well with graph editor, I'm going to spend some time with the manual later to try to understand why the UI does not always behave as I expect.
(Sometimes I cannot select a key to get the handles to appear - not sure why)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: itsstillthinking on March 26, 2018, 11:21:21 am
Thanks everyone, il give it a try as soon as i can! Sorry everyone for all the questions :P
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: itsstillthinking on March 28, 2018, 11:02:58 pm
Been playing around with it and sadly it seems that using the graph editor cant really fix the problem :'(
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: AlecJames on March 29, 2018, 03:38:33 am
Can you post an example an8 file with the problem?  e.g. A single sphere in a scene with the "hairpin" you refer to?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: itsstillthinking on March 29, 2018, 08:16:34 pm
Quickly threw together a example
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: AlecJames on March 30, 2018, 08:28:52 am
Moved keys discussion to "General anim8or forum",5712.0.html (,5712.0.html)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: polyGon_tError on May 27, 2018, 01:11:46 pm
hello Steve, i have some issue esp. with bump tool top faces of bump area is missing when using that tool but it is showing when other option is selected, strange ...
* can you please implement group inset? :)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: Steve on May 27, 2018, 03:07:28 pm
polyGon_tError: There is a problem with the material for selected faces in the bump tool and a few others. They either aren't shown or are drawn with 100% transparency, I can't figure out which. So far I haven't been able to find the problem. It only happens with the new OpenGL faster rendering is enabled (Options->Debug->NewOGLRenderer).

What do you mean by "group inset"?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1318, January 25, 2018
Post by: polyGon_tError on May 27, 2018, 04:53:10 pm
this option, actually close to bump but instead raising and spreading selected face group (connected) border toward face average normal distribution (in and out) it inset selected face group(connected), bump tool is useful and i use it to do like this ... i was implementing one in script but long time passed and you made lots of changes, so asking here instead :)
* can you please provide me a list of what changes you made to ASL after version 0.98 esp. if any of this get changed,4634.msg33287.html please write there other will also learn ...
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1329, July 7, 2018
Post by: neirao on July 09, 2018, 06:19:00 pm
Thanks Steve!!!!!!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1329, July 7, 2018
Post by: Kyle on July 13, 2018, 09:22:19 pm
Oh cool, this update should mean I can have windows (with transparent properties) set to not cast shadows while still using art. I had to omit the glass before to use art.

Edit: camera movement using the old arc rotate shows erratic behavior when middle mouse clicking.

Edit 2: can you elaborate on what this is about steve?

Scene Editor: Add camera move/pan widget. Active in Arrow/Move and Arrow/Rotate modes.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1330, July 22, 2018
Post by: neirao on July 28, 2018, 09:02:32 am
Very Nice the 'camera move/pan widget. Active in Arrow/Move and Arrow/Rotate modes'!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1330, July 22, 2018
Post by: Steve on July 28, 2018, 12:23:29 pm
neirao: the ner camera controls make it much easier to smoothly dolly and pan the camera. I still have a bit of work to do to eliminate the over/under shoot of the movement. Currently you sometimes need to fix that in the graph editor, but I think I have a solution.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: scoop7 on August 15, 2018, 09:19:44 pm
Build 1332 has been very helpful for alternate way to edit a Figure's bone structure, plus a new way to show bones, has been just awesome.
I was wondering if when entering Figure Mode if the ball showing in the center could be preselected,so that you do not have to select it to than add a bone.
Just trying to cut down on moving mouse back and forth to select.....just a thought....LOVIN ANIM8OR
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: AlecJames on August 17, 2018, 04:15:18 pm
Welcome to the forum scoop7

Sounds like a simple enhancement but I think Steve is busy refactoring some of the recent updates :)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on August 19, 2018, 02:39:22 pm
scoop7: if you Fast Select (hot key Ctrl-T) is enabled you should be able to click-drag on the root bone and it will be selected automatically.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Michel Colaço on September 06, 2018, 01:20:07 pm
Congratulations Steve! The new updates worked very well for me! especially copy and paste object within the scene and the new editor of bones. Steve, do you think it would be possible to edit wireframe points within the scene mode? I use a lot of morph, but I think this could speed up a lot of processes!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Trevor on September 12, 2018, 02:22:29 pm
steve, can you fix the "Backfaces" button/preference so that it actually culls backfaces. As far as I know its never worked but it would be handy if it did :)

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on September 13, 2018, 04:42:11 am
Michel Colaço: I can see how editing morph targets in thescene editor would be helpful. Anim8or isn't quite set up for that but I'l see if I can figure out something.

Trevor: Those buttons should disable the selection of front or back faced polygons, edges and points.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Trevor on September 15, 2018, 06:10:31 am
sorry steve, I don't mean the left hand toolbar, I mean in "Options > [ ]Backside" and "View > Preferences > [ ]Backside"

Disabling these makes no difference in the viewport.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on September 15, 2018, 11:17:15 am
OK that was used by the origional Anim8or software renderer. Not everyone had working OpenGL drivers in the early days so I added a software path for drawing the working screens. Disabling backfaces often made it run much faster.

How important is it? At first pass it seems that it would be easy to add, but I suspect that a lot of things won't work correctly without a tom of tweaking.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Trevor on September 16, 2018, 12:58:49 pm
Its not HUGLY important, but does come in usefull from time to time when modeling inside a box.
At present I use the double-sided material with back set to 0 for transparency BUT if 2 such surfaces overlap then both become transparent (even if facing front) so it doesn't work all the time.

Culling backfaces directly with a toggle switch would be more convenient and should not incur such a bug as the material method.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: daniel99 on October 06, 2018, 01:58:50 am
Hey, @Steve
       Just a quick question. Let's say I have Scene01, with Figure01 (animated). If I create Scene02, I import the same figure, and I try to copy the animation keys it won't work. Also, the lights or camera animations keys from one scene to another. Will you consider that, would be very helpful.
       Second. Is there a way to only render the shadow cast by a figure/object? That would also be amazing, being helpful in compositing.
       How it would be to use hrdi or panoramas to light a scene or character?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on December 03, 2018, 08:49:10 pm
OK I think I have rewritten everything that was lost when my disk crashed. It's Build 1345 ( Let me know if I missed anything.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: nemyax on December 04, 2018, 04:06:37 am
Edit | Rotate doesn't work for components again.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: AlecJames on December 04, 2018, 11:23:07 am
OK I think I have rewritten everything that was lost when my disk crashed. It's Build 1345 ( Let me know if I missed anything.

Thanks Steve! :)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on December 04, 2018, 05:39:56 pm
nemyax - "Edit | Rotate doesn't work for components again."
Thanks, I'll fix it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: nemyax on December 05, 2018, 09:29:23 am
Cool! Can you also add Edit | Scale and Edit | Locate capabilities for components?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Trevor on December 07, 2018, 11:22:19 am
Oh wow, the re-write also seems to have fixed "bright internal corners" bug.

This is what it looked like before (1332)
this is 1345

Thanks steve,
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on December 07, 2018, 02:29:25 pm
Trevor: Cool! I'm glad it's fixed. I'm not exactly sure what fixed it, but I've made a number of small changes for other bug.

I'm curious, so I'll check older builds to see if I can find the fix :)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: neirao on December 20, 2018, 04:47:17 pm
very satisfying modeling on Clay mode! :)

Thanks Steve!
Title: Texture differences between 1345 and 1348/ Scene Mode Camera selection
Post by: dancingshoes on January 11, 2019, 07:11:19 am
I noticed that in scene mode selecting the camera view via the menu (View->other->camera01) is not the same as selecting the 'Camera' via Num-1. 'Camera' does not equal 'Camera01'. Transparency is handled differently between the two(?). 1348 doesn't allow you to select 'Camera', via the menu and 'Camera' seems to handle things properly.

And compared to 1345 (and earlier) and 1348, I'm getting different handling of textures in the display. One example, among several, is attached.

Is this because of the shader fix in 1348?

Otherwise 1348 looks good!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on January 11, 2019, 12:47:23 pm
The ''Camera" view is the active camera. It behaves differently from "normal" views in ways like not showing lights or other cameras.

Individual camera views are the view for that camera. The behave like all the other views, showing lights etc. This allows you to position lights and such easier.

I'll look into the texture issue and get back to you. Also transparency for camera views.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: dancingshoes on January 11, 2019, 01:17:27 pm
Thanks for the responce.

Looking further, my difference between 'camera' and an other-> 'camera01' seems to be at least that 'camera' responds to enviromental fog whereas an other->camera01 does not.

True back to at least 1269.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: captaindrewi on January 19, 2019, 07:40:58 pm
@Steve ..Where has the alternating between point, face, edge, expansion of selected area function gone? I really liked that.Hope it's coming back in some form.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on January 20, 2019, 10:47:20 am
You can set Anim8or to expand the selection or not with the "Extend Point Edge Face Selection" check box in the File->ConfigureUI dialog.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: captaindrewi on January 20, 2019, 02:23:33 pm
Phew!.. :)Thanks
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: captaindrewi on January 21, 2019, 09:58:09 pm
I am not seeing the background image in scene mode.1348 1349.
Ah! i see reading 'Dancing shoes' post this issue has been already highlighted.
The usual camera selection has gone from the view menu so i used the wrong camera selection.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 05, 2019, 07:21:07 am
Having a little issue with setting up a scene on the most recent build from December 2018. when I attempt to do a background, either images or color, it doesn't show using the active camera or during render. Am I missing something or is this a bug?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 05, 2019, 07:38:40 am
Scratch that. Read the "Dancingshoes" post. Showed up in render after I renamed "camera01" to "camera."
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - v1.01.1348, December 13, 2018
Post by: slex on February 08, 2019, 09:06:25 pm
"Stereo view" is not shown in context menu in scene mode- on the top of the screen. It's still remains in upper left side of he work space menu, and it works fine. I just hope that it doesn't get removed in future builds, it's a nice feature. 
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on February 09, 2019, 04:16:14 am
Oops! Didn't mean to remove stereo from the menu. I'll fix it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Trevor on February 09, 2019, 04:13:52 pm
can you add "fixate" to stereo view so that both sides move when moving either the camera or alt - last time I checked only one side moves which breaks the stereo vision without reselecting the view from menu.
also can you add "swap eyes" to enable cross-eye or vr viewing.

actually, on the subject of vr, you wouldn't be able to add full screen workspace and custom ratio to stereo too? what I mean is, with the Oculus I was able to use a desktop VR app that literally splits the screen down the middle for left and right however it kept the original desktop ratio so the image appears stretched.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 25, 2019, 07:45:36 am
Having some issues with scenes. I played around with the suggestion from Dancing Shoes but a few things I've come across:

I changed camera01 to camera as suggested. Works fine if you just use a color as a background, but won't work with a background image.

Lights show up during rendering.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 25, 2019, 09:06:25 am
One other thing, texture transparencies are fine in object, figure and sequence, and scene, but totally ignored when you render.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on February 25, 2019, 01:19:22 pm
Only the active camera view shows the background and automatically hides lights and other cameras. This makes it easier to positioned cameras relative to the other cameras and lighting elements.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 27, 2019, 04:27:28 am
The camera is marked active. I only have one camera in the scene. I've tried renaming the camera but that doesn't work either. It totally ignores any background image, solid colors, no problem. Still seeing the lights as well. Am I doing something wrong?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 27, 2019, 08:31:04 am
Perhaps I should illustrate
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on February 27, 2019, 12:00:15 pm
There is a built-in view named "Camera" which shows the active camera, whichever on it may be. To see this view, use the menu command View->Camera,, type Num-1 on the numeric keypad, or use the on screen drop-down menu to select Camera. This is the only view that shows the background and hides lights, etc.

The other camera views can be seen through View->Other->Camera01 (or whatever is the camera's name). This view does not show the background and does not automatically hide lights, etc.

If you rename "camera01" to "Camera" it will only cause confusion so it's best to leave it as "camera01" or use some other useful name such as "POV camera", "wide-view", etc.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: AlecJames on February 27, 2019, 12:33:33 pm
Is this problem related to "camera" being missing from the View menu in 1348? 

You have to use Numpad-1 to switch to the required camera view to render and there is no hint, you need to know from previous versions. 

And (I think) that if you are in 2 views (etc) you have to use View-->Front then Numpad-1 to get back to a single view camera because Numpad-1 in 2 views etc changes one of the 2 views.

I think Steve commented on a thread somewhere that camera is going back on the view menu in a future release?  Or is it done already and I'm on an old version?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: Steve on February 27, 2019, 02:08:58 pm
Dropping the camera from the View command was a bug. It'll be fixed in the next drop, probably next week if not earlier.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1332, August 6, 2018
Post by: bayinghound on February 27, 2019, 02:36:59 pm
I should have clarified the version. Using 1348.

I absolutely love anim8or even if I don't know what I'm doing half of the time. :)

And thanks Steve, for your quick reply.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1356, March 13, 2019
Post by: Steve on March 13, 2019, 05:23:26 pm
I just posted build 1356 ( with some new features. See the top of this topic for details.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1356, March 13, 2019
Post by: nemyax on March 14, 2019, 07:31:07 am
Classic arc rotate is broken in perspective view.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1356, March 13, 2019
Post by: Steve on March 14, 2019, 12:37:54 pm
Oops! You're right - Perspective and Stereo views crash when using arc-rotate. I'll fix it :(

#101-028 - Arc-Rotate Crashes in Perspective and Stereo Crash views.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1356, March 13, 2019
Post by: Steve on March 15, 2019, 07:04:49 pm
Crashes should be fixed in build 1357 ( Also when you use Arc-Rotate in a stereo view it moves both eyes at the same time (
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: chuft-captain on March 15, 2019, 07:06:41 pm

Just wondering if you also had a fix for the frustrum issue ( culling ? ) I raised with you around Sep/Oct just before your Italy trip.

Sorry to harp on about this, but I checked the last DEV build 1348 (December) and it had not been fixed at that point. Let me know if you'd like me to re-send you details if you've forgotten or overlooked this.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: Steve on March 15, 2019, 07:21:14 pm
Unfortunately I haven't been able to find the cause of this yet. I'll give it another look.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: 3Dgeek11 on April 01, 2019, 04:56:02 pm
I just downloaded the latest version, and it looks like Anim8or has changed and improved a lot since I last dropped in here!

Good to see it, and keep it up, Steve!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: Steve on April 09, 2019, 10:23:08 pm
chuft-captain: I sent you a message.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: chuft-captain on April 11, 2019, 12:00:16 am
chuft-captain: I sent you a message.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: Trevor on April 14, 2019, 06:42:07 am
Things seem rather quiet on the development front.

What is on the agenda for future releases and are you close to another build?

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: thecolclough on May 11, 2019, 06:28:56 am
found a bug in 1357: in point-edit mode, shift+move doesn't respect Grid Snap.  move without shift works fine, and everything's fine in the main Object/Edit mode.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1357, March 15, 2019
Post by: Steve on May 12, 2019, 09:56:47 am
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: davdud101 on December 17, 2019, 09:38:01 pm
Possible bug in 1363 (that I discovered in 1357) - for some reason objects are all showing of having a location of 0,0,0 (as if the origin is offset by the object's actual location)

Check out the file below...
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Steve on December 18, 2019, 08:29:05 pm
It all depends on how the meshes are built. Their vertices' values are all relative to the "location" of the mesh. A vertex with a value of (10, 0, 0) in a mesh with a location (0, 0, 0) represents the same point in space as a vertex with a value of (0, 0, 0) in a mesh with a location of (10, 0, 0).
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: davdud101 on December 18, 2019, 10:54:29 pm
It all depends on how the meshes are built. Their vertices' values are all relative to the "location" of the mesh. A vertex with a value of (10, 0, 0) in a mesh with a location (0, 0, 0) represents the same point in space as a vertex with a value of (0, 0, 0) in a mesh with a location of (10, 0, 0).
You're suggesting that the location of the center of the mesh is offset from the vertices? The strange thing here (unless I'm mistaken in that attached file) is that the center/crosshairs of each of those meshes IS indeed where it should be ???
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Trevor on December 19, 2019, 06:31:57 am
There are 3 "locations" in an8.
1st is each vertex has a location, which is relative to the mesh location
2nd is mesh location which can but doesn't have to be the center of the mesh. This is relative to world.
3rd is "Pivot" location, which is the Red Green and Blue lines normally at the mesh origin (0,0,0) but doesn't have to be.

the 3rd allows you to rotate a mesh around another location so you are not stuck having to rotate them move the mesh round a joint for example.

Suggestion, Can the pivot point be aloud to snap to grid please. Can it also have a dialogue box for exact placement.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: olan on December 24, 2019, 10:24:07 am
thank you steve
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Trevor on February 08, 2020, 06:13:58 am
Any updates for 2020?

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Gyperboloid on February 08, 2020, 10:42:39 pm
2020 just started Trev  ;D
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Steve on February 09, 2020, 09:57:30 am
I'm working on a couple of things. But at the present I'm just finishing up moving so everything's on hold until that's done.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: RudySchneider on February 09, 2020, 02:07:43 pm
Moving, huh?  Oh, what a joyful treat [u}THAT[/u] is!  I retired two years ago in May and moved from Silicon Valley to a 55+ community in Lincoln, California.  Yeah, moving is a hassle, but I have to say, it was (one of) the best decision(s) I've made in my life!

So, just outta curiosity, Steve, where's your new habitat?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Steve on February 11, 2020, 04:45:08 pm
Two places: Lucca, Italy and Austin, Texas. 6 months a year in each.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: RudySchneider on February 11, 2020, 10:05:20 pm
Two places: Lucca, Italy and Austin, Texas. 6 months a year in each.

NICE!  My late lady friend and I used to travel to "the wild side" of Vancouver Island, to a town called Tofino.  We got to know the proprietors of the Tough City Inn there, who spent six months in Tofino and six months in Costa Rica. 

With all the trips you've taken to Italy, I'm guessing you've got family there?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Alpha2 on April 17, 2020, 01:55:13 am
Hi, I was just using 1363 and noticed soemthing I'm not sure if this is an issue that is part of the main release or if just part of this one but...

While in the scene mode while looking through the camera view, if you scroll the middle mouse button wheel while moving a bone, it will move the camera and set a key frame for it. I didn't want my camera to move (I needed it locked off so I can start several animations from the same position and keep the view consistent,) so I set it to another layer locked the camera in it's properties and then locked the layer for extra peace of mind. When I went back to animating I accidentally scrolled the wheel again and it still set a key frame. What's more, I couldn't erase the key frame unless I unlocked the camera which suggests to me it's not supposed to set that key frame in the first place since it's super inconvenient to remove, especially with how easy it is to accidentally zoom when trying to manipulate a bone with the middle mouse button scroll wheel.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Trevor on April 26, 2020, 10:58:28 am
Hope you are well Steve.

Just wondering the current state of an8, would adding the basic attributes as simple checkboxes be a quick enough task? I think it was mentioned before.

I just keep forgetting the exact spelling of each attribute and whether or not its an int or string etc.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Steve on April 26, 2020, 01:13:18 pm
@Trevor, are you referring to the attributes for materials, such as "class", " IOR", "specular", etc.?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1363, July 30, 2019
Post by: Trevor on April 26, 2020, 01:47:57 pm
yeah, Ambientoccluder too

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 12, 2020, 08:21:41 pm
A couple of issues since the last few versions...

First: I use a trick for characters holding items: I hide them with a morph target and then attach the item to a characters hand in the figure editor. I shrink something like a gun until it's so small that it can't be seen, when it's time to show it I just turn off the morph and it appears in hand, but both 1380 and recent previous versions have been doing this thing where every time I touch the skeleton to move and arm the hidden item pops back into view. I can hide it again by stepping back and forth a frame or two, but this doesn't help much because it just comes back the second I touch the character to try and animate. This reverted morph is also visible when I go to render an image without clearing the frame. It doesn't persist when I render video, though.

Second: IK handles don't hide when I render unless I manually hide them first. They'll appear in both image renders and video if your object (in this case the character they're attached to) is visible. They won't appear if it's just the skeleton.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 13, 2020, 04:06:51 pm
Alpha2: if you enable "Show IK Controls" (hot key "I", or click on the lower IK button in the left-hand tool bar) then the IK handles are visible in both the working views and in the renders. If you disable it then they shouldn't appear in either.

Can you send me an example of the morph target issue?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 14, 2020, 04:01:30 am
Alpha2: if you enable "Show IK Controls" (hot key "I", or click on the lower IK button in the left-hand tool bar) then the IK handles are visible in both the working views and in the renders. If you disable it then they shouldn't appear in either.

Can you send me an example of the morph target issue?

Okay, in the video link you'll see:
-I demonstrate the morph on the "wacom tablet" object.
-In scene mode I show how the morph works on the model by adding a key frame which hides the tablet in the character's hand.
-I touch the arm and the tablet reverts to zero(visible) despite the key frame.
-The key frame is still active and the tablet shouldn't be appearing.
-I move the arm to show that it's still visible while animating.
-Scrubbing through the timeline for a frame causes the key to activate.
-But the tablet re-appears the moment I try to move the arm again.
-Also note that the "hover board" beneath the character wasn't there when I first entered scene mode because it was hidden until I tried to animate.

If I don't scrub the timeline they will appear in image renders and you can imagine when you have a character holding several items in preparation for later parts of a scene it gets hard to animate things like the fingers properly because so many elements keep popping into view despite being hidden, and they didn't have this behavior in earlier versions.

As for the IK handles: I understand that the button hides the handles. As I said, they do vanish when you manually hide them (by hitting the button), but I felt like the bones or even the axis that are visible outside of the body don't show in renders even when their buttons are active in scene mode so it stands out as odd that the IK handles show. Like I can understand the the camera is visible if you render in other views because usually that's the position you render from so you shouldn't see it in a shot normally, but all the other things seem to know to hide automatically when using the camera view.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 14, 2020, 10:47:38 am
I think I see what's going on. It looks like I update the figure's shape but forgot to reapply the morph targets when you move the arm. I'll fix it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 14, 2020, 11:50:24 am
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 14, 2020, 04:51:16 pm
Alpha2 give this build #1381 ( a try and see if it works for your scene.

Note: I haven't fully tested it so unless you have a problem like Alpha2's you're probably better off using build 1380.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 15, 2020, 01:53:47 am
That seems to have done it. thanks again.

On a side note I notice it still makes a keyframe on a locked layer camera if I use mouse wheel scroll in camera view. Not pressing, but I just noticed it now while testing 1381 and thought I'd let you know just in case.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 15, 2020, 05:50:03 pm
Alpha2, I can't reproduce this. What camera controller's key is being set, "position"? I tried this:

1. Enable animation.
2. Set the camera's layer to 2.
2. Lock layer 2.
4. Switch to Camera view.
5. Scroll the mouse wheel in the camera view.

No new keys appear for the camera. If I unlock layer 2 then it sets a new key.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 15, 2020, 07:05:20 pm
hmmm my bad Maybe it wasn't the scroll wheel this time I could sworn that's what caused it. But I went back to test it and it did create a key frame when I moved the camera with arc rotate. Here's what I did:

1. Activated animation in scene mode.
2. set camera to layer 7.
3. right clicked the layer number in the top bar to lock it.
4. moved several frames into the animation.
5. turned on Arc Rotate
6. changed position and orientation which resulted in key frames
7. I moved to several other frames to make sure and each time both position and orientation changes with arc rotate created key frames.

(additionally, just to be thorough, I went in to the camera properties and ticked the lock check box and the arc rotate still keyed both position and orientation.)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 16, 2020, 06:36:46 pm
OK I can reproduce it now. I wasn't using Arc-Rotate but just scrolling the mouse wheel in the camera view. I'll fix it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 17, 2020, 02:16:33 am

...Okay so I've run into another bit of weird behavior, which I think I might be tied to why I was getting annoyed with the IK handles showing up in renders. I usually use scanline for simplicity, but today I had an image where the draw distance seemed to be cut off way too close (and I wasn't using fog,) so I was testing the other renderers to see if they extended the the draw distance in the image and after each image render I noticed the IK handle visibility kept getting toggled on when I returned to the scene mode. Every time I turned it off so it wouldn't show in the render, when I returned to the scene it was back on again.

Hope I'm not bugging you with all these.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 17, 2020, 01:52:24 pm
What tool were you using? If it is the IK tool then it automatically turns IK visibility and Animation on because those are usually what you want.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 18, 2020, 10:58:19 am
Sorry I took a bit to respond, had to deal with Windows 10 being a jerk all day.

Uh, maybe I don't understand the usage scenario you had in mind where IK visibility is needed that often that it needs to turn back on automatically?

Here's full disclosure for clarity (so pardon the wordiness): I've been using the program for years at this point so actively using IK is a fairly recent thing for me and I mostly use it for movements of groups of multiple bones (ie. lifting a leg so the knee bends naturally). I use Bone Rotate more in general (for individual limbs and/or clean up of things that get wonky after IK movement,) so most of the time I'm using something else like Bone Rotate, Select, Move or Arc Rotate to make sure everything is positioned properly before switching to the camera view. Usually the IK tool isn't even turned on when I go to render a shot or scene, but when I return to scene mode, regardless of what tool I was using, the IK visibility is always turned on again which needs to be toggled off manually every time I want to go back to render another image... Just now while I was testing it for the reply, it seems odd that the visibility would turn on if I'm not even using the IK tool since using the Bone rotate tool (rather than the IK tool) to move IK handles seems counter intuitive as it only seems to move a bone IK chain isn't even supposed to effect.

If you feel IK visibility is that necessary a function I can't deny it's usefulness to other users, I can work around them being always on in scene mode, but it feels like the sensible thing at least would be for the visibility to turn off during a render, the same way the path visual or the axis visuals do, so as not to interfere with renders.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on May 18, 2020, 04:56:12 pm
Whenever you activate the "Rotate Bone", "Rotate Joint", or "Inverse Kinematics" tool, both "Show IK" and "Animate" are automatically enabled. This is because that is what you want almost all of the time. You can turn "Show IK" off and still use them.

Now when you render and return to the active tool, bot Animate and Show IK get reenabled. I'm simply trying to explain why it is happening.

I'll see if I can preserve the settings after a render so it doesn't happen after a render

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on May 18, 2020, 10:54:53 pm
Okay, so if I understand correctly, as long as I stay off of the rotation or IK manipulation tools when I render it should not reactivate then? This is probably what I needed to know to avoid complaining and rid me of the assumption that it was a bug. My apologies. I do very much appreciate your patience with me in explaining this. It makes the difference between flailing in frustration and directed towards growing with the program. It wasn't so much that I couldn't understand as it was that the time saver just bumped against the makeshift workflow I'd built up over the years.

Basically I wanted it to work a certain way because these are the first figures I've worked with for an extended length of time that have had any IK so I wasn't aware of the newer features tied to them. Up until the beginning of this year everything I'd done with Anim8or had been done with the Bone rotation tool.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1380, May 6, 2020
Post by: Steve on June 08, 2020, 07:46:17 pm
Alpha2: I've updated the way these settings work in build 1382. See if they work better.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1384, June 13, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on June 21, 2020, 09:24:15 pm
Oh geez! Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner, Steve. I'd been wrapped up in working on some of my projects I'll give it a look right now.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1384, June 13, 2020
Post by: Alpha2 on June 21, 2020, 10:27:38 pm
Alpha2: I've updated the way these settings work in build 1382. See if they work better.
Okay so far IK handles no longer appear in renders unless you were last using the IK tool, so this at the very least makes me happy! They still appear when rendering an image or movie if you had the tool selected but, I guess I'll just have to remember to switch off of it before a render. A locked camera is locked period, yay! I tested by locking both together locking it's properties and individually placing it on a locked layer, scroll wheel or other accidental camera movement does not result in a key frame in either case, thank you!

While testing just now:
I ran across an instance when after a render the scene mode GUI became locked for lack of a better description. I couldn't scrub the timeline and the keyframe button was unresponsive. I escaped this frozen state by rendering an image after which it was fine. My theory in that moment was that maybe I'd tabbed out of a video render while typing this post and when the render was done it got stuck switching back to scene mode, but this seems not to be the case on a attempt to replicate. Might be nothing but thought I'd mention for the sake of thoroughness, and I'll keep trying to repete it.

Also, I don't know if it's ever been brought up: when rendering a range of frames, the Movie spec editor never seems to remember the first frame number even if it's just frame 0. It will remember the last frame, but you always have to re-enter the starting frame number otherwise you get the error "start frame: malformed number". It's not an issue if you always render all frames, just when doing a range. The video resolution also defaults back to 640 x 360  rather than the last resolution I entered for some reason despite the codec setting. If I recall it used to only default between sessions, but it's doing it after every render now.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1385, June 29, 2020
Post by: bayinghound on June 29, 2020, 07:21:55 pm
I tried downloading v1.01.1385 but get an error saying File too Large.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1385, June 29, 2020
Post by: bayinghound on June 29, 2020, 07:25:18 pm
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1390, August 9, 2020
Post by: JSmith_DumDumDumDumDum on August 30, 2020, 06:46:27 pm
In v1.01390, I can't free-rotate x-y-z while in object mode; or any of the modes, for that matter. Also, the middle-click for finer zooming is also gone.

The rotation system in this most current version is isolated to view-x, view-y-, view-z, which we can only rotate singularly at a time. When I rotate view-y and then rotate view-x, the camera angle of view is unwantedly tilted; which renders rotation in .01390 completely useless.

The rotation/panning/zooming features were much treasured, productive and efficient from previous downgraded 1.01 versions. Please bring them back.

Also, in the current version I'm using (a downgraded 1.01 version; not sure which), the program regularly crashes when I undo and redo spline-work. Whole projects will then be thrown the the sewer, and I would end up extremely frustrated, putting my project away to not touch again for hours, days, or even weeks.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1390, August 9, 2020
Post by: AlecJames on August 31, 2020, 04:03:15 am
Do you mean arc-rotate has changed? 

If so, look at  Options-->Debug-->Use original arc rotate.  I have this checked, does this fix it or have I miss understood?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1390, August 9, 2020
Post by: AlecJames on August 31, 2020, 04:57:44 am
On the crash issue, can you make a simple project / procedure that reproduces the issue? 

While I've never used it, there is an autosave feature (  (I must try it out :) )

I save regularly and my save location is synced to ms one-drive.  In the one drive web interface I can restore a previous version.  I need to know roughly when I did what, but its saved me a few times.  (I think this works with the free version of one drive.)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1390, August 9, 2020
Post by: JSmith_DumDumDumDumDum on August 31, 2020, 06:14:59 pm
Thank you, Alec James. Let me check out your suggestions in a day or two, when I get better rested than the last 3 nights.  8)

Do you know if in .01390 the spline undo-redo error has been resolved?

Also, yes, Arc-rotate is exactly what I mean. I simply forgot that that's the technical terminology. (Despite the fact that I've known it long!  :-X :-X :-X lol)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1390, August 9, 2020
Post by: AlecJames on September 01, 2020, 06:39:54 am
I tested adding spline segments and then using undo / redo in 1390 and 1391 and I don't see any problem.  But the problem will likely be in the detail - there will be some difference between my procedure and yours.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Old Codger on January 12, 2021, 10:49:06 am
Just saw the mention in the regular forum about 1395 and I FREAKING LOVE IT! The rotation and movement available from the alt key are super! Now I just have to edit my desktop shortcut to run it rather than the older version.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Steven, YOU . . . . . . DA . . . . . . MAN!!!!!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Steve on January 12, 2021, 12:33:56 pm
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: 2020 Hindsight on January 16, 2021, 01:52:57 pm
Bug report:

Just got an "assertion failed!" message when rendering an image with the attached script files.
I had just changed my script to try an idea for a 'V' wake effect. It was a failure, and the water was very spiky - pointy waves, but not massively tall.

I get the same message from "Anim8or_1395.exe"

Assert failed!

Program: ...\Anim8or_1394_plus.exe
File C:\Users\rstev\MyApps\Anim8or\src\VArray.h
Line: 83

Expression: !"array index out of bounds"

To trigger the assert, I load "ThirdWaveTest.an8" go to Scene mode, And select Render->render image
After clicking OK I get the assert.

Here are the offending files:
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Steve on January 16, 2021, 02:08:49 pm
OK I'll check it.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Steve on January 17, 2021, 10:47:43 am
2020 Hindsight I found the problem. Your script is producing Z values of infinity. If you start a new project and click-drag to add a ThirdWave object the middle row has values like this:

+      points[2112]   {x=0.0320000015 y=0.0320000015 z=1.#INF0000 }   Point3

This causes other issues within Anim8or which produce the assertion.

Note: The variable "points" is from Anim8or's internal representation, not a variable in your script.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: 2020 Hindsight on January 17, 2021, 11:35:14 am
Sorry for the wild goose chase! I thought I was doing you a favour passing the report on.

I thought my script protected against getting large values.  But looking at it I see the new code bypasses the test!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: johnar on February 01, 2021, 01:03:05 am
 Unable to download build 1395.
 Clicked on both links, just takes me back to same page with no download occuring.  :(
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Steve on February 01, 2021, 05:56:40 am
johnar both links work when I try them but I sent you an email with a copy.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Claude on February 01, 2021, 07:27:59 am
Steve, it seems you're the only one having access permission.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Steve on February 01, 2021, 08:23:26 am
Hmm. The directory and file permissions all look OK. Can you download the other builds? Can you try typing the URL into your browser?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: Claude on February 01, 2021, 10:54:24 am

Typing it worked. Adding it to the post also. But after I corrected my post, it stopped working.

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: johnar on February 01, 2021, 04:02:04 pm
 Thanks steve (

 Thanks for your input Claude (
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1395, January 5, 2021
Post by: captaindrewi on February 05, 2021, 10:31:10 am
I had to copy and paste link in new window to get it to work ;)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1396, February 27, 2021
Post by: Trevor on March 02, 2021, 02:12:08 pm
Suggestion for next build - allow debug window to be closed without closing an8 (if a script requests the window to open allow it, and again, if user closes window dont close an8 too)

Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1396, February 27, 2021
Post by: 2020 Hindsight on March 03, 2021, 04:53:11 am
Something that I've noticed on the 1.01.1394+ build (I haven't downloaded the latest) is that in the "Parametric Plug-in Editor" if you delete a float field the cancel button does nothing (but it does work if you do the same to an int field).

You can always cancel by pressing the Escape key, but I didn't know that, and suffered mild anxiety when I accidently deleted a field after zoning in on settings.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1396, February 27, 2021
Post by: Steve on March 03, 2021, 01:42:58 pm
2020 Hindsight: looks like a bug. When a parameter field is blank the dialog stops working until you put type something into it. I'll fix it.

#101-049 - Blank parametric parameter field suspends dialog.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1400, March 14, 2021
Post by: Trevor on April 03, 2021, 07:18:37 am
Hi Steve, been a while since its been asked but is, and if not can it be added, vertex colouring on your todo list?
You already have painting in the figure editor and it would be great if this could be ported to object editor.

I was sent a modified obj and luckily an8 still reads it which would imply that rgba could be read from it in the future since instead of just reading 3 entries ver pertex, you read 7 (I had thought that the modified obj format originally had the rgba in a comment, but its not)
v 1082.512451171875000 689.930297851562500 5735.037109375000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000

many thanks and keep well,
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1400, March 14, 2021
Post by: Steve on April 03, 2021, 02:09:04 pm
The problem isn't reading this, but that Anim8or doesn't support vertex coloring in either it's model format or any of the renderers. Instead it uses a face/material model.

I think this is an extension to the .obj format. Do you have a pointer to something that describes it?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1400, March 14, 2021
Post by: Trevor on April 03, 2021, 03:16:10 pm
I know an8 doesn't support vertex colours, that's why Im asking if it can be added. 8)

there are 2 variants of coloured obj files.
the most recent being that which I posted above, a normal obj but with 7 parameters for v (X Y Z R G B A) where RGBA are normalised 0-1. (presumably to allow HDR?)

the original method looks like this and is a little more complex (since it also has animation joints)
Code: [Select]
vt 0.199219 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.873047 0.0
v 875.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 1
#vcolor 254.000000 254.000000 254.000000 255.000000
v 1050.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 2
v 1050.500000 2100.016602 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 3
f 1/1 2/2 3/3
#fvcolorindex 1 1 1
so this format is using comments to allow more data interchange than the standard obj format.

#joint 0 refers to a previously set jointposition
Code: [Select]
#joint 0
#jointposition 962.500000 2015.016724 -36.117146
g Room02_primary
usemtl m0
vt 0.199219 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.873047 0.0
v 875.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 1...

#vjoint is the vertex index and is the same as "weighted bones" except that each vertex is assigned wholly to a bone (using #joint n directly before)

#vcolor is the colour of the vertex with RGBA in 0-255 format (float could allow HDR maybe?)

#fvcolorindex is the same order as f but assigns the colour index (vcolor)

v x y z
#joint n
#vjoint i
#vcolor r g b a

f 1 2 3
#fvcolorindex 1 2 3

However, I think that talking about file formats is a little superfluous at the moment since an8 doesn't yet support it.

My suggestion would be that if vertex colouring was found, they take precedence over material colour (diffuse) other material colours could still apply on a per-face basis.

Making an object could initially upon selecting the brush tool copy all currently assigned material colours to vertices.

As I say, the brush tool in figure editor would work well for vertex painting.

Backwards compatibility in older an8 would be hopefully to ignore any colours, however if this broke older an8 then a seperate colour file might work?

I again hope this can be done at some point :)
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1400, March 14, 2021
Post by: Steve on April 05, 2021, 06:06:04 pm
Unfortunately adding vertex coloring would be a lot of work so I don't plan on doing that at this moment. But thanks for the input.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1400, March 14, 2021
Post by: mrbeaver.07 on June 06, 2021, 10:07:08 pm
Thank you, Steve! Now Anim8or doesn't crush when adding figure in Scene mode. This really helpful!
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1400, March 14, 2021
Post by: Sagadali523 on August 17, 2022, 07:15:25 am
Yes! I am no longer using 2017 version. Thanks Steven. Also, can you add the newest version on the official Anim8or website?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: matty47 on September 25, 2022, 11:02:28 pm
Just getting back into Anim8or. It looks great for creating low poly game models. It's also wonderful that you are still developing the program - although the forum seems rather quiet.
What I like is that it is not overloaded with complication - amazing what it can do from such a small package.
Title: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403 bug: incorrect "Autosave is in use"
Post by: selden on December 24, 2022, 12:53:41 pm
Recently I've been getting an error popup which says
Initialization message
AutoSave in use by another Anim8or session:

Currently unavailable for this session.
even though no other session is running.

Also, there are no files in the location specified for autosaves,
which is C:\Users\selden\AppData\Local\Anim8or\temp\

How can I clear this error?

Edited to add: when I try to reconfigure Anim8or to not use Autosaves, I get another error popup which says

Just to you'd know...
ReleaseMutex failed: 0x00000120
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: Steve on December 26, 2022, 01:08:45 pm
There might be an old Anim8or that's still running after it closed it's window. Look in the Task Manager and if you see a task named Anim8or you can shut it down. Otherwise rebooting your computer will fix this.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: selden on December 26, 2022, 02:28:16 pm
There had been two other copies of Anim8or still running, although neither of them had windows open. Using Task manager to terminate them was the first thing I tried. I'm sorry I didn't mention it. That didn't help. :(

I wish a reboot weren't necessary for a couple of reasons For one thing, I'm often working on other projects (on separate Virtual Desktops) that I'd have to close first and then restart after the reboot. (I often use Anim8or to modify a model that's being used by them.) For another, restarting those projects after a reboot can take a while. I'm working on scripts (using vdesk) so I don't have to re-open all of them manually, but still....

Is there any chance of a workaround becoming available? Maybe a utility that'd clear the Autosave lock and reset the ReleaseMutex?
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: selden on January 20, 2023, 02:16:35 pm
build 1403: mistaken info in the "About -> System Info..." popup.

The popup "About -> System Info..." shows the operating system version as being
OS Version: Windows 8 (6.2) build 9200

However, my computer is actually running Windows 10 22H2 build 19045.2486

Might it be showing the system info for the computer that it was built on instead of the computer that it's running on?

Also, it would be great if the text in the "About" popup windows could be copied-and-pasted.

In build 1403, that's only possible for the text in the "About" popup "License".
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: Steve on January 22, 2023, 12:13:44 pm
I should probably remove the OS version from that dialog. Windows runs applications in various environments, depending on the resources used by the application. Anim8or only needs the resources in Windows 8. Microsoft used to return the actual OS level but stopped doing that a while back.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: selden on January 22, 2023, 01:13:13 pm
Thanks for the clarification. Removing that option does seem reasonable.
Title: Re: v1.01 Development Release - Build 1403, August 29, 2022
Post by: Mactetra on December 18, 2023, 05:58:03 am
not sure if this has been reported already, but when trying opening a file where any scene is placed inside a folder, it will give an error and not load.

Opening the .an8 in a text editor and removing the folder from a scene makes it load fine. It also loads fine in earlier anim8or versions where folders for scenes were not implemented.