Anim8or Community
General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on October 16, 2017, 05:51:30 pm
I just uploaded Build v1.01.1306 ( to get some feedback on using a Track Ball for the Arc Rotate widget. It allows finer control of rotation in various axes, and in either Screen coordinates or World/Object coordinated depending on that setting.
I'm attempting to make Arc Rotate work better with touch screens. Needing 3 mouse buttons doesn't work so well on them.
My opinion so far: rotation is easier but panning and zooming is a bit harder. I'm experimenting with other ways to do these, maybe using the right mouse button to pan, but that would defeat the original purpose.
You can revert to the original Arc Rotate by checking Options->Debug->Use Original Arc Rotate
Let me know what you think.
This probably doesn't count as a touch screen in the more common sense, but I use a Cintiq. The rotation seems...disorienting to me. If I change the Y rotation then switch to an X rotation its as if I'm tilting my head slowly to the side, which I would never want.
And while a right click wouldn't really work when using fingers, it would be good for me as I always have two buttons on the stylus, with one assigned to a right click.
Don't know about touch screens, but it certainly works well with a mouse ........ Nice one steve(
Necessity to aim at specific places and transform only along the axes feels annoying for me now.
Dropping of transforms when cursor goes off buffer to UI (up/down in most) too.
The choice of the right viewpoint has become more clear with world space .. em.. gizmo - is good.
It's a neat addition to the original!
It's a neat addition to the original!
Yes, it's great as an addition, but not as a replacement. Steve, if you decide to keep it, how about retiring the camera tilt from arc rotate and making it available only in track ball mode?
Is the navigation arc too large, when panning with the arrows, now the mouse goes off screen and I can only pan a little distance. I would prefer the arc about 1/2 the size it is currently.
I find myself trying to pan with the right mouse button out of habit, it would be nice to continue with the RMB pan ability. Zoom is not an issue as I use MMB.
The new navigation arc seems to provide finer control and less dead spins than before, overall it seems more professional.
am i missing something, or is it no longer possible to rotate multiple axes at once? i like being able to rotate multiple axes.
i can see how the separate-axis controls could be useful in some contexts, but if we're going to go with the trackball model then please could we have an extra widget added to it that allows multi-axis behaviour in line with the original tool?
Good feedback. There does need to be an easier way to pan, plus a way to pan in X and Y directions simultaneously. I'm also working on two-axis rotation but the math is a little tricky so it's taking longer that I thought it would.
am i missing something, or is it no longer possible to rotate multiple axes at once? i like being able to rotate multiple axes.
i can see how the separate-axis controls could be useful in some contexts, but if we're going to go with the trackball model then please could we have an extra widget added to it that allows multi-axis behaviour in line with the original tool?
I have to agree, the fluidity and quick rotational control of the old arc is a must. I do like the new arc for finely tuned XYZ control when working in detail, but for macro tweaks the old arc cannot be beat. I believe I will be switching between the two arcs as needed.
I like it but agree with Kyle, original aloud rotating round an object while looking down on it, new one rotates the horizontal "plane" meaning that you now rotate round to below the object then back up top... As Kyle said, this is disorientating.
As far as I see, only Z translation is missing, which could be added as an arrow up the left or right of the circle.
As for the X and Y trnaslations, they work fine for me, I don't run off screen since I start at the end closes to screen edge and swipe across through the circle maximising screen swipe.
I would also suggest a Zoom on the other side to Z, working the same, swipe up or down it to zoom in or out.
^ - ^ - ^
| / | \ |
Z <-X---------X-> FOV
| \ | / |
V - V - V
Adding these 2 "sliders" avoids the need to use any more mouse buttons for touchscreens, however, it would be nice to mix the old and new keeping the new UI and the old mouse commands.
New UI allows single mouse button, old commands allow those with a mouse to still take shortcuts.
Hm, cool addition. Anim8or becomes modern day by day. :) I don't know about others, for me Arc as a tool is perfect and beside other stuff it was the one I never though myself that it needed any improvement. But since the code has been writen, the difficult part is done and yet another addition to Anim8or's toolset is only a good thing. The main improvement to the "classic" Arc tool to me seems to be the manipulations in the World Coordinates and Screen Coordinates ( Object Coords same as World Coords ), since in the original tool the precision in rotation on one axis is possible, but only in Y axis in World coord behavior and in X axis in Screen coords behavior ( no matter wich coord system is active ). And of course, maybe I should put it first, it seems to be highly oriented to touch screen performance, maybe, since Steve mentioned it himself ??? One small suggestion in the current stage of development of the tool, since I don't know if only the new one will stay when finished ( logical enough, no need for two same tools ??? ), maybe to use the Ctrl + R shortcut ( currently used for the Arc Rotate Tool ) , since there's the Alt shortcut already, to switch between two "Arc modes" quickly, insteed of changing it from the debug menu.
I don't know that we necessarily need 2 separate tools, The New UI should replace the old UI but the back code of the new one needs brought "up to classic spec".
Being able to do everything with 1 mouse button / finger is great and the new UI (with addition of the 2 sliders I suggested in previous post) accomplishes this, I just think that having a mouse should allow the "old" behavior if you press right or middle buttons.
Also the rotational problem needs fixing, or made optional. (PerfectGold recently changed its rotations to similar to an8's "classic" and Subdrag called it "First Person Shooter Style" as against "Flight Sim Style". Since Arc-Rotate is more like looking down on a table you could call it "Table Top Style" and the odd - though technically correct fixed axis rotation - "Orbit Style")
Well, I only mentioned that the Arc Rotate tool wasn't something that highly needed to be improved. Of course one tool will stay, when the new one will be "polished". About 2 additional arrows, it's a good idea, but if even in the original Arc you may think that it kind of covers the working space ( minimum ), the new one does a little bit more and how it will look like with 2 more extra arrows, I'm not sure.
How do you zoom?
You zoom in with the mouse scroll button. By default it zooms at the mouse pointer but you can make it zoom at the center of the frame by holding the Ctrl key down. Note: you don't need to be in Arc rotate mode to zoom.
You zoom in with the mouse scroll button. By default it zooms at the mouse pointer but you can make it zoom at the center of the frame by holding the Ctrl key down. Note: you don't need to be in Arc rotate mode to zoom.
He means Shift
Oops! Sorry about that, chief! (Ctrl, Shift, I knew it was one of those keys :-) )
Thanks - I don't have a mouse on the laptop - thought I was missing something :)
I have to admit Steve - this may be one of the cases where I'd rather stick with the old method. Is there a toggle to go back to the old Arc Rotate?
It seems to slow my process up quite a bit when the model isn't automatically oriented upright. It it nice and accurate though which is cool - maybe it could be a crosshair in the center of the arc rotate that has all of the single-axis-rotation functions, so it's the best of both worlds?
Options->Debug->Use Original Arc Rotate
I haven't practised much with the new track ball, sometimes I don't hit the track ball lines so nothing happens
I use the original arc rotate, too. I'm not sure the new one will work out but I'll leave it there for now. There are some problems with the original rotation direction when you are looking from the back or from an odd angle that I do nee to fix, however.
Note: new users should have the old one enabled by default.
I'd like to go on the record and state that I really don't like the new track ball for arc rotate.
Yes, another experiment that didn't pan out as I'd hoped. It can be useful in Object coordinates (hot-key 'o') however.
I'm also experimenting with a miniature version over the little axis in the lower left-hand corner so that when you move the mouse over it the track ball appears aligned with the axis.
As I stated before, for a touch interface, the addition of a zoom would be usefull, but yes, with a mouse the original arc rotate is far better hence why I said the new one should still accept right and middle clicks (since they cant be done on touch it wouldn't affect them - well, right can, its touch-and-hold-then-drag :P)
Yes, another experiment that didn't pan out as I'd hoped. It can be useful in Object coordinates (hot-key 'o') however.
I'm also experimenting with a miniature version over the little axis in the lower left-hand corner so that when you move the mouse over it the track ball appears aligned with the axis.
After all, it’s a very cool addition. Hope you won’t remove it. It just can be located in debug menu by default.
Steve, I like the trackball feature, but sometimes I don't need that much precision. I wonder if it would be possible to modify it so that it would rotate freely on all axes and slide in all directions when you click in any quadrant rather than on the lines.
i have been grumbling to myself for months about the new track ball system and have only just realised i could change it via 'options'..... :-\.dull as dish water me.
But having both seems great. 8)
Yeah, I should make that more obvious somehow.
Have been using the new trackball-type arc rotate tool and have decided i do prefer the original.
Reasons already stated by others in this thread. Agree with Gyperboloid tho...
it’s a very cool addition. Hope you won’t remove it. It just can be located in debug menu by default.
, and thought this was interesting, by steve
I'm also experimenting with a miniature version over the little axis in the lower left-hand corner so that when you move the mouse over it the track ball appears aligned with the axis.
Have been using the new trackball-type arc rotate tool and have decided i do prefer the original.
Reasons already stated by others in this thread. Agree with Gyperboloid tho...
it’s a very cool addition. Hope you won’t remove it. It just can be located in debug menu by default.
, and thought this was interesting, by steve
I'm also experimenting with a miniature version over the little axis in the lower left-hand corner so that when you move the mouse over it the track ball appears aligned with the axis.
Funnily enough I came to the same conclusion last week. I spent a while tearing my hair out trying to find classic arc rotate - trackball is cool but the two main things that do make it a little less convenient are that you HAVE t
Actually @ Steve, come to think of it - what if both of them are merged together? So where (for example) clicking on the axis causes the view to move according to that axis, while dragging on a 'blank space' within the circle is still classic Arc Rotate.
I personally tend toward just standard views and old skool arc rotate but there are some times where I suppose it could be convenient to have both the more precise and the hastier options available at the same time. Just as an idea!