Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: Steve on March 22, 2017, 04:50:35 pm

Title: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on March 22, 2017, 04:50:35 pm
The third beta release of version 1.0 is now available here ( with many new features including updated user interface, new modeling tools, and inverse kinematics to speed up animation. Read more about it here v1.0 Beta ( and download your own copy.

Notes for v1.0 beta 3, dated May 6, 2017:

User views: user views and now global to each project.
New Option: to not select connecting points/edges/faces when changing P/F/E selector. See the File->ConfigureUI dialog.
Trackball: Update active trackball when a bone is clicked on in the track editor or the graph editor.
Fix #100-002: Creating a new Object when in a user view crashes.
Fix #100-003: Importing a Sequence that doesn't have a Figure crashes.
Fix #100-004: User Views can't be changes with Arc Rotate, Mouse Scroll, etc.
Fix #100-005: Texture UV tool is broken in point-edit mode.
Fix #100-006: Renaming a bone causes a crash when adding figure to a scene.

Notes for v1.0 beta 2, dated April 15, 2017:

CAD notations: shows more data about splines, including all selected points. coordinates and selected segments' lengths. This is similar to the debugA=1 hack (for those that are familiar with this.)
Hot Key Changes: Ctrl+N for File->New, Ctrl+O for File->Open, Ctrl-S for File->Save, and Ctrl+Shift+S for File->SaveAll. Smooth shading was changed to Ctrl+U.
Alignment widget: fix general issues with the alignment tool (i.e. the little arrow on the edg of the screen when CAD notations is enabled).
Fix #100-001: Bad Values in Movie Image Properties dialog for the frame rate or aspect ratio cause dialog problems.
FastAA Option: Added a now option for faster AA rendering in the ray tracer. It samples a few points in a pixel and one in each neighboring pixel and decides it it needs to keep sampling or just use what it already has. Check the "FastAA" box in the Render->AA Setup dialog to enable this. Anim8or uses the depth, normal, material, color, etc. of each sample to do this.
Save Art AA Settings to registry: These are saved so you don't have to reapply settings whenever you reload a project.
Fix bug in ArtFresnelReflactor::Sample_f(): that could return negative colors. This fix also speeds up dielectric material rendering be skipping rays with  a very small or even negative weight.
New Scene Attribute: Set the integer attribute to ShowFastA to 1 and you can see which pixels Anim8or was able to accelerate. For an NxN AA setting, the resulting image is BLACK when N sampels are used, ORANGE when 2*N samples are used, and violet, cyan or white for those that use all N*N samples. See the attached image for an example.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Trevor on March 22, 2017, 05:04:26 pm
I nearly missed this because it wasn't in the development category.

Any new things from 1269?

Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on March 22, 2017, 05:15:14 pm
I fixed a lot of small issues and inconsistencies but nothing major. For example:

* IK hot keys were inconsistent. Now they all use an upper case "I" to toggle the display and a lower case "i" to switch to the IK tool.
* Converting Text to splines had become disabled in the main Object editor.
* Changing values for HSV colors didn't work when they were shown in hex.
* A few obscure crashes for extreme cases (i.e. polygons with 2 vertices, which shouldn't happen to begin with but apparently does somehow.)

and some more things like that.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: AlecJames on March 22, 2017, 05:57:31 pm
Thanks Steve, you've been busy :)

Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: thecolclough on March 23, 2017, 06:39:09 am
I think congratulations are in order, Steve!  :)
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on March 23, 2017, 06:55:00 am
Agreed, congrats Steve!  I have to admit, seeing "v1.0" in the thread title gave me chills!  Looking forward to checking this out.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: captaindrewi on March 23, 2017, 07:22:21 am
I get this box running the v1.0 beta. win 10
doesn't happen and never has with any other version. :o
not a major problem but something new is happening to cause it.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: selden on March 23, 2017, 07:23:41 am
Do you plan to have a v1.0 beta bug report forum?

I have two to report, one minor and one major, which I'll put in the  Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on March 23, 2017, 12:46:03 pm
captaindrewi: It all depends on the security settings on your computer. Try clicking "Run anyway" and the see if it asks again when you try to run it a second time. Do you remember if it asked about previous versions of Anim8or when you first ran them?

selden: Thanks, I just added a forum for v1.0.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Trevor on March 23, 2017, 03:45:20 pm
It asked me too, never did with previous builds.

Windows Defender uploaded the file to MS but clicking Run Anyway works and it doesn't bother again.

Hopefully this will be fixed on MS end.

Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: captaindrewi on March 23, 2017, 08:49:20 pm
captaindrewi: It all depends on the security settings on your computer. Try clicking "Run anyway" and the see if it asks again when you try to run it a second time. Do you remember if it asked about previous versions of Anim8or when you first ran them
captaindrewi: It all depends on the security settings on your computer. Try clicking "Run anyway" and the see if it asks again when you try to run it a second time. Do you remember if it asked about previous versions of Anim8or when you first ran them?
Clicking on 'run anyway' results in anim8or working but the dialog box freezing on the screen..the only way to remove the box [calls itself smartscreen] is via task manager. exiting anim80r then restarting brings up the same dialogue box again.
This is new to me no other version has caused this box to appear and i have run every release.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on March 23, 2017, 09:11:11 pm
This is quite puzzling. I don't build it any differently than before. I changed the internal release number to from which is a property of the executable file. That shouldn't make a difference that I know of. I'll see if I can find out what's going on.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on March 24, 2017, 02:38:10 am
I received the MS Essentials security warning on downloading the zip file but no problems running V1.0 beta.

EDIT: W7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 SP 1 Bld 7601
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Raxx on March 25, 2017, 01:34:19 am
Congratulations Steve :) It's odd not seeing v0.9X tailing Anim8or's name anymore.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: captaindrewi on March 25, 2017, 06:28:23 am
@Steve..I have downloaded the new version again, this time from the anim8or site and its now working ok. :)
Previously i had downloaded the 1.0 beta from Kreators Anim8or Facebook area and that edition/version gives me the dialog box.
Sorry to cause you undue work. :(
On further inspection i found the location of the troublesome version was downloaded to some obscure location within IE. and i think the cause was that it was being run from this odd location.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: johnar on March 25, 2017, 06:48:43 am
Congatulations on Anim80r Version 1 beta Steve.

 I've only had a short time with V.1.beta, but is opening older files as good as gold, and so far all is working just fine.

 Awesome job Steve.
 Hip Hip ... (
 Hip Hip ... (
 Hip Hip ... (
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on March 25, 2017, 04:56:20 pm
Raxx: Thanks for all your help with this version. The new color scheme is much less tiring to use especially for ling sessions. And the topo tool is now my most used tool.

A while ago you posted something about not wanted the end-points selected automatically when an edge is selected. I can't find the post. Do you remember what your suggestion was?

captaindrewi: Glad you got it working. Do you remember what the location was where it caused problems? I'd like to investigate.

johnar: Thanks! Looking forward to Froyd's future adventures!
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: captaindrewi on March 25, 2017, 10:46:57 pm
I have no idea how it got there... i absent mindedly just clicked on the zip file and then when presented with the unzipped exe, pinned it to the start menu then ran from there, which gave me the result as described previously.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: civic71 on March 28, 2017, 11:13:00 am
Thanks for the new version, I like it very much ... I am happy :)
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Raxx on March 28, 2017, 10:43:26 pm
Raxx: Thanks for all your help with this version. The new color scheme is much less tiring to use especially for ling sessions. And the topo tool is now my most used tool.
Steve, these two are definitely my favorite additions thus far. Glad I could be of help here and there :)

A while ago you posted something about not wanted the end-points selected automatically when an edge is selected. I can't find the post. Do you remember what your suggestion was?
I thought it was something about wanting to keep the end-points selected, which seems to be the case now?

I don't know if I mentioned it before, but I really dislike the way it selects p/e/f when you switch between those types. It always throws me off and I have no use for all that extra selected mess. Is there any chance you can add an option in Configure->UI to disable it and just keep the selection(s) as-is?

Also, a bug: If you switch to smooth or fast shaded while outline is enabled, face-select/edit is always on regardless of which p/e/f configuration is set.

And...any chance of Ctrl+S being to save, Ctrl+O to open, and Ctrl+Shift+S to save as? Whenever I come back to this program from, say, any other program in existence, I keep accidentally toggling Smooth shaded mode and god knows what else pressing the other hot keys :P
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Trevor on March 29, 2017, 01:26:24 pm
Agreed about Key Combos, there are a set of standard windows combos that just help to be consistent.

Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: thecolclough on March 30, 2017, 05:39:20 am
Agreed about Key Combos...
me too!  consistency is a wonderful thing =]
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: GISNut on March 31, 2017, 02:04:40 pm
Wow, 1.0!  Earlier ,this month, I downloaded 1269 and only had a short time to play with it and then I had to move to another project.

I come back to the forum today and, BAM, 1.0! After downloading and running it I was pleased that it wasn't a big change. It works great. I just spent a couple of hours putting it through some hoops.

Great job Steve. I cut my 3D teeth on Anim8or since 2007 and now it's my goto for initial designs. Now I need to figure out how to do IK.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: davdud101 on April 03, 2017, 12:32:55 am
And...any chance of Ctrl+S being to save, Ctrl+O to open, and Ctrl+Shift+S to save as? Whenever I come back to this program from, say, any other program in existence, I keep accidentally toggling Smooth shaded mode and god knows what else pressing the other hot keys :P

Hey Raxx, long time no see!! :)

Awesome, Steve! I'm looking forward to getting back into modeling once I get my new computer built. Congratulations on hitting that first milestone - Anim8or is truly remarkable for a one-man free-time project!
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: V on April 05, 2017, 02:00:18 pm
Hello. Have few troubles with new version:
1. Can't get UV scaling with touch-pad on netbook. So in where is no middle button and earlier it was no problem - scaling was duplicated to Alt key combination, but now Alt is binded for Arc Rotate. Can it be possible to make a check-box in properties or debug menu or button like for fast selection or some over manner for turning old way Arc Rotate/UV scaling or something completely different to get it? It could be in more generalized form like "Two buttons compatibility key map" for such things.
2. Multithreading is on but, one core only is used.
3. Turning layers in render-view screen has no effect until go to scene view and check on them in where.

:P Sorry for tongue-tied wording it is google-translate in most cases.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: ianross on April 12, 2017, 09:06:26 am
Wow! version 1, thank you Steve this is wonderful news.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: R3dknight on April 12, 2017, 11:15:58 am
Congratulations...I thought I would never see this day.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on April 15, 2017, 08:13:09 pm
The second beta for v1.0 is ready. Get your copy here: ( See the first post in this topic for details.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: captaindrewi on April 15, 2017, 09:04:29 pm
link not working :o...just in case you were unaware. :)
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on April 16, 2017, 03:53:35 am
OK I'll fix it in the morning. I'm away from my computer until tomorrow morning.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on April 16, 2017, 01:30:06 pm
The link works now.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Trevor on April 16, 2017, 02:31:33 pm

Checked out the CAD, better than debug A since can select lines/points.

Fast AA works great in non-AmbientOccluder renders, not so good in Occlusion tests (very granular)

Its kinda similar to how the N64 does AA in that it doesn't sample every sub-pixel (N64 only checks 8/16 in a staggered/dithered pattern)


Edit: ah, Steve fixed it
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on April 16, 2017, 05:22:38 pm
Yes, I need to return more information from where the rays hit the first object to make soft shaded things like ambient occlusion work well with it, but I can also do better with a more comprehensive filter of the samples. This probably won't be ready in time for v1.0 because it risks adding a lot of bugs.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: thecolclough on April 17, 2017, 12:44:17 pm
Notes for v1.0 beta 2, dated April 15, 2017:

Hot Key Changes: Ctrl+N for File->New, Ctrl+O for File->Open, Ctrl-S for File->Save, and Ctrl+Shift+S for File->SaveAll. Smooth shading was changed to Ctrl+U.
we can probably file this one under 'better late than never', can't we :P
this is a really good change, though - thank you Steve :)
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: MvGulik on April 25, 2017, 02:47:21 pm
Well well well. Look at that. ... Almost there.

Just to indulge in some temporary personal curiosity.

Linux Mint 18.1 "Serena"
+ Wine 1.6.2
+ (An8 Sys: OpenGl 1.4 Mesa 11.2.0)
++ (Startup, +mode switch:Object+Figure+Sequence+Scene+Browser, Quit)
... burp ...
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Aethelwulffe on May 02, 2017, 04:36:47 am
@Steve  Giving the Beta a download and test now.  We have been waiting a long time for something with a 1.0 tag, and this is totally awesome to see.  This product has been *the* most intuitive 3d drawing software out there for a long time.  In terms of modeling speed, it is faster to produce something in Anim8or then chuck it out in 3ds for anything else that need be done with it than it is to do it natively in the other popular platforms (open-source and otherwise).  I have always looked forward to the day when there were more tools available...but not at the expense of the simple and powerful interface.  It is also the best education platform out there.  I am *inordinately pleased* that the project is still in development and has not gone off the rails (totally).
  I only wish it were open source, or at least had a developer vetting process and a team involved...with a despot at the head that could make sure the interface doesn't get "Blenderfied".  Truth is, if it were open source, I would probably stop working on medical software that is perhaps for the best!
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on May 07, 2017, 03:53:04 pm
The third beta for v1.0 is ready. Get your copy here: ( See the first post in this topic for details.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: nemyax on May 10, 2017, 07:10:46 am
Limiting the selectable component types (to vertices, edges, faces or combinations thereof) isn't working in the 1.0 betas. Faces are always highlighted whether or not the face button is active.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on May 10, 2017, 12:22:55 pm
I was able to reproduce this once but can't do it again. I need some more information.

What tool were you using and what editor?
Were you in wireframe, flat or smooth view?
Was Fast Select enabled?
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: nemyax on May 10, 2017, 02:11:35 pm
What tool were you using and what editor?
Select, Move and others.

Were you in wireframe, flat or smooth view?
All of them.

Was Fast Select enabled?

It appears that Anim8or silently enables face mode in addition to vertex/edge by mistake, but doesn't activate the face icon.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: Steve on May 11, 2017, 01:47:32 pm
OK I found the problem. It's fixed for the next build.

In flat or smooth shading mode Anim8or needs to temporarily enable faces when you are picking points or edges to see if the point or edge is hidden behind a face. After the test face selection is reset to the user's value. I missed a place where it needs to be reset.
Title: Re: Anim8or v1.0 Beta is available
Post by: texastuner on May 16, 2017, 05:10:22 pm
Super sweet sir steve