Anim8or Community
General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on May 06, 2016, 03:32:17 pm
Current Development Release - Build 1269, February 14, 2017
The current release is build 1269, February 14, 2017: (
Major changes for build 1269 ( dated February 14, 2017:
Fix #098-098:GetAttributeQuaternion() always returns 0.
Fix #098-099:Anim8or freezes/crashes when using arc-rotate, etc. in the Scene editor starting with 1261.
Topo tool: Fix selection bug for subdivision control meshes in flat and smooth views when points and/or edges are disabled in the GUI for non-control meshes. Also affects other editing tools.
ASL: Fix print order of quaternions. Was printing (q.x, q.w, q.y, q.z)
IK: Tweek Jacobian Transpose solver.
IK: Show/enable IK controller widget on locked effectors when they are selected.
Misc: Fix various crashes and redraw issues.
Previous releases:
Major changes for build 1264 ( dated December 28, 2016:
IK: New IK solver using Jacobian Transpose with improved IK stability.
IK: Remove associated controllers with an IK chain is deleted in the Figure editor. Could cause crashes, etc.
IK: Key all joints when editing an effector's location in the key frame editor. Improves stability and performance.
Fix #098-097: Arrow keys sometimes don't alter frame in Scene editor.
Major changes for build 1263 ( dated December 13, 2016:
Mouse Wheel: Scrolling the mouse wheel in a graphics view changed to expand around the cursor instead of the center of the view. Use <Shft>+MouseWheel for the old behavior.
IK: Improve the stability of locked end effectors that don't move between keys. If two adjacent keys are within +/- 0.5 units any overshoot between keys is automatically eliminated. If the values are exact there should be no movement.
Move Tool + IK: Move end effector locations as well when an element is moved in the scene editor if the animate key is off.
Rotate Bone Tool + IK: Relocate locked end effectors and add a key when a joint is rotated in the Scene editor.
Track Ball: Adjust size of trackball to correct for a figure's scale.
Major changes for build 1261 ( dated November 23, 2016:
Bone Folders: Bones are shown in folders in the Scene editor's track window when they are given folder name. This helps make track windows with many bones more manageable.
Undo errors: fixes several undo/redo errors related to IK changes.
Minor bugs: tracks weren't always selected properly in the graph editor when they are selected in the track window, and several similar problems.
Track window: improved track redraw when holding the arrow keys. The time slider still tends to not redraw, as does the graph window when the track window isn't floated.
Major changes for build 1258 ( dated October 25, 2016:
IK: locked effectors that don't move between keys are held in a fixed position. The IK solver is dynamically run on non-keyed frames.
IK: added "active" controller to IK track to record when an IK chain is active (locked).
IK: change IK solver to use Inverse Jacobian which is more stable that the previous hybrid solution.
Key All Bones: added short cut key <Ctrl-K> to key all bones in selected figures.
Key position and morph targets: also key position and morph values with 'k' hot key for selected figures (in addition to selected bones).
Track Ball: display only one trackball at a time, the most recently clicked. Showing them all can be too cluttered.
Bone Folders: Add "folder" property to bones. Those in the same folder are grouped together in the time track and graph edit windows.
Fix #098-092: End effectors don't show after adding a Figure to a Scene.
Fix #098-093: Drag-select doesn't select all Shapes in wireframe mode.
Fix #098-094: Moving figure with locked end effectors off screen incorrectly moves figure.
Fix #098-095: Importing a sequence crashes.
Major changes for build 1253 ( dated September 30, 2016:
IK: Support for multiple locked end effector.
Major changes for build 1250 ( dated September 21, 2016:
Key Selected Morph Targets: in addition to bones with 'k' hot key.
Select Joints in IK chains: when clicking on an IK controller.
IK for Unrestricted Joints: IK doesn't work correctly with unrestricted joints. Set joints to not move with IK if unrestricted.
File-open dialogs: Fixed to always use full dialog with Options drop-down, etc.
Fix #098-089: Exporting Objects as .an8 files doesn't export all textures.
Fix #098-090: (Likely fixed) Hang when advancing frames with the arrow keys and doing IK manipulations in Scene mode.
Fix #098-091: Crash when deleting a scene and the graph editor window is open.
Fix undo/redo problems rotating bones in Scene mode: when there aren't any key frames and animation is disabled.
Major changes for build 1247 ( dated September 4, 2016:
General IK: In the Scene editor you can click-drag on any bone or a figure's attached object to animate the figure. See the newer comments in this post (,5405.0.html) for details and questions on the new functionality.
Locked IK End Effector's Position You can lock an end effector's position in world-space so that when you animate the rest of the IK chain the figure moves accordingly.
Improved IK Visuals: IK widgets aren't shown unless selected, and are drawn on top of everything else for better visibility.
Bone Rotation: Click drag directly on tip of a bone now rotates to follow the mouse. Clicking on the body of the bone rotates around the bones X-, Z- or Y-axis with the LMB, MMB, RMB.
Fix #098-088: Direct click-drag on bones doesn't rotate correctly in complex cases.
Material Dialog: There is a new hex option for the numeric color values in material dialog.
Major changes for build 1244 ( dated August 27, 2016:
IK: Add IK to Scene editor. Note: there isn't yet a way to lock an end effector's location or orientation but I'm working on it.
Dialogs: Remember the relative locations to the active screen when you can drag them away from the default center location.
Shell Command: Improve extrusion to retain consistent thickness in more cases.
Major changes for build 1240 ( dated August 12, 2016:
IK: Improved picking of IK controls:
1) Previous releases sometimes select controls behind the visible ones.
2) IK controls were accidentally disabled in the previous release when bones aren't being drawn.
Pixel/Inch Image Metric: You can now set the pixel resolution when saving to a .BMP, .PNG or .JPG file. Value is retained in the registry.
Extrude Connected Faces: Faces are now extruded parallel to the original faces in most cases. This is physically impossible without the introduction of additional faces to cap points with complex geometry.
Major changes for build 1235 ( dated August 7, 2016:
IK: Update IK tool in Figure and Sequence Editor. See this post (,5405.0.html) for details.
Major changes for build 1234 ( dated July 23, 2016:
Knife Cut Tool: Fix bug in knife tool when axis is restricted.
Disable U hot key for UV mode: because it conflicted (and blocked) Edit->Subdivide hot key.
IK: Enable preliminary IK tool in Sequence Editor. See this post (,5405.0.html) for details.
Major changes for build 1233 ( dated May 4, 2016:
Knife Cut Tool: Obey X, Y, Z axis restrictions.
Joint Angles: Always show all joint angles in the track window in the Scene editor instead of just those with controllers.
Float Track Window: Add support for floating track window to Sequence editor.
Bone Colors: Fix bug in colors for painted bone weights. This should help painting bones weights considerably. In the future I'll add support for user-specified colors.
P/E/F Highlighting: fig bug that highlighted P/E/Fs even though they were disabled.
Major changes for build 1231 ( dated dated April 13, 2016:
Left-hand Scrollbar: Restore RMB scrolling.
Subdivision Control Cage: Fix bug where faces couldn't be selected by various tools.
Point Select Tolerance: Fix bug where Add Edge, Knife tool, etc. tolerance for point select could be too low to select any points.
Spline Control Points: Fix bug where one control point couldn't be selected.
I'm having the same problem slicing straight down from a point, with this version (1233) Even with only the Y axis enabled, the cut starts from wherever I click near the point, and not from the actual point.
The only way I can see to fix this would be if we could turn off this picking distance thing, so we have to actually click on a point for things like this.
Sluggs: If you click with only the point highlighted the cut will start at the point. Or you can disable edges to make it easier to do. With point pick tolerance set to 0 you will not always be able to hit the point.
The point was hilighted (I don't expect to be able to cut from a point that's not hilighted/selected)
Sorry, I don't know what you mean by disabling edges (that I would want to cut through), and see no option for that.
I'd use 0.98 for this, but we can't disable the other axis's.
It's much easier to animate the object with new color pattern in figure mode. Thanks Mr.Steve
Sluggs: OK the fix didn't stick when I cleaned up the code. I'll fix it for real.
Oh my, and yay! 8)
Sluggs: Give this a try ans let me know if it works: (
It does, and it doesn't! ;D
If I place the point of the cursor near a point and hilight it from the right side of the point, it works, but if I hilight the point when the point of the arrow is on the left side of the point, then it doesn't! :(
But, yeah, it works; sort of! 8)
Edit: Actually Steve, it's perfect! (I had both "Vertex Select" and "Edge Select" selected under "Component" when I tried it, and when I changed it to just "Vertex Select" it worked perfectly!) < I guess that is what you meant previously when you said to disable edges!
Thank you very much for this! :)
I've found something else...
1) The "U" key is mapped to both "Subdivide Faces" and "Texture UV" so that key can't be used to subdivide faces.
2) Is the following a bug or feature?
When you select a face/face(s) in Point Edit mode, go to Object Edit mode and do Join Solids, the selected faces vanish from view as if they get deleted, but come back when you click in the work area in Point Edit mode.
Oh, BTW, there's a spelling mistake on the main page: "There are still may areas that need improvement"
2 bugs to report.
Latest version will sometimes stop selections of things and instead move them. fast select off.
other bug is in both shell object and extrude faces (connected).
As seen in the attached picture, I expected the top model, where shell or extrude would indent the model by x units all round, however, I was given the result below where the bottom edges were slanted outward and on angled faces the shell/extrusion went on the skew. eg.
this right angle would be fine, producing
equidistant shell all round.
this however produced a downward pointing line across the top (thin left, fat right) and an equidistant line across the bottom
realised I hadnt attached an an8 file, so ive made a new one and attached. same thing happened during this iteration.
"Join Solids" coloration/material bug in build 1233+
In the Object Editor, when I did a Join Solid operation, some components changed colors to a previous value. (I didn't notice this immediately.) When Exported to .CMOD format, the exported object had the correct colors.
When I detached some of the mis-colored components (using "select patch" followed by "c", "D" keyboard commands) , the detached components immediately reverted to their correct colors. A subsequent "Join Solids" changed the colors back to the wrong colors, but then a subsequent Render in Anim8or drew the components which had been temporarily detached with the correct colors and those which had not been temporarily detached with the wrong colors.
Unfortunately, saving the buggy model to solids_color_bug.an8 and then opening that file in Anim8or had everything with the wrong colors set permanently (i.e. detached components had the wrong colors), so I'm not sure how to provide a failing example.
Edited to add: Aha! A render of the object in solids_color_bug.an8 still draws the previously-detached components with the "right" color, i.e. it does not render the object in the colors which are shown while in the Object Editor.
I've attached a zip containing the buggy .an8 file and these notes.
Trevor: Can you post your model prior to extruding it? I edited the model that you posted back to how I think is was before the extrusion and then extruded that. It worked as you had expected it to, so there's something different in my initial model. Here's the project that you posted with the original data in the object "Original Version" and what I did (before and after extrusion) in the object called "Steve's Version".
I still have the problem...
I drew another path, extruded (cap start) split into 2 vertically, select bottom and extrude legnth 5.
I left a copy of the same model before extruding inward the skirting for you to do.
which version of an8 are you using?
Im using 1222 since the latest one crashes too often or tools stop working. not sure why tools stop working though... I left a bug report above, actually, its not very explanitory, lt me expand on the problem.
After using an8 for a few minuts, if I change to say the move tool, then points will no longer move. I can use the keyboard but not the mouse.
The only fix is to close and restart an8.
Fast select has no effect.
OK now I know what is happening. I was confused about what part you have extruded.
When you select the bottom faces and the first row of side edges, the Extrude Faces Connected tool moves the vertices of those faces in the direction of the average of all normals for the selected faces that are touching each vertex. For the vertices next to unselected faces, all normals are parallel to the bottom so the averaged normal is horizontal. But the vertices that share both side faces and bottom faces have averaged normals that point out at an angle, not parallel to the bottom, so they move horizontally and vertically, so they don't move in as far. The result is a wider foot.
If you make your model in the opposite order you can keep the edges at right angles like you want:
1) Build the original path at the size of the smaller base.
2) Extrude it (cap start) with two vertical segments.
3) Select the row of edges non adjacent to the base and use the Extrude Faces Connected tool to move them out. Since all these side faces have normals parallel to the base the faces will remain perpendicular.
I selected the top half of the model and extruded negative 5 and yes, the edges extrude straight out, however I am left with faces where the ceiling would be. In fact, I just realised, I only removed the ceiling so I could see what was happening, so normally selecting the ceiling would have the exact same effect as the floor.
Also, with regard to the skirting, rooms are normally measured to walls so its easier to extrude 10mm into the room at the floor (yes the floor will move up 10mm, but thats easy to drag back down to 0.)
The exact same thing happens with shell too by the way (another reason I left the ceiling off was for testing shell).
Shell should move the bottom up in this case 5 and the walls in 5 (leaving a gap of hyponinuse = 7.071... at the corner)
| |_____
I suppose another way of thinking about the extrude tool could be "Extrude and retain angles"
There may be a use for "extrude average angle - constant distance" but I cant see it just now.
Oh, just thought, is it because of spheres that distance is across hypotinuse?
Maybe in that case you could use the smooth angle?
I think even in spheres the distance should be parralel from faces and not distance from verticies.
Just drew 2 decahedrons and made one 4 smaller radius and the parralell distance between the faces is 4 as expected with the distance at the verticies 4.119 which is right because that would be the "hypotinuse".
Anim8or tries to do this but it's not always able to. If you Extrude Faces Connected a single row of faces 5 units around the object the length of the right-angle corners are exactly 7.07 units in length. This works for either the top or bottom row. However if you extrude them together the corner point in the middle row of edges is moved out 5 units while the top and bottom are moved 7.07. I know why this is happening and I might be able to fix it.
Stay tuned...
Just a note to say that I posted an updated IK tool in build 1235 (
version 1235 won't run for me. I get the Windows "Anim8or has stopped working" message as soon as the Anim8or startup window is displayed. If I go back to version 1234 everything's OK again.
Anyone else having problems? Anything I should try? I'm running Windows 7, changing compatibility settings makes no difference (I didn't have to set those for version 1234 anyway).
argee: try running Anin8or from a command line with the parameter -traceinit and let me know where it stops.
Hi Steve,
Attached (I hope) is what I could grab from the screen running the -traceinit. That window disappears as soon as I close the "stopped working" message. It appears to stop right before the "Timer started" message that appears when I run version 1234.
Hi Steve,
I just tried something else.
I started version 1234, went to the File-Configuration and unchecked "Start in Previous" and "Remember Window Location". I restarted 1234 and now the window isn't maximized on start. I then ran version 1235 again and now it works and also starts with the window not maximized.
Is there an external file that stores the configuration?
edit: Looks like it was the "Start in Previous" setting that was the culprit. There's something about the file I created in version 1234 that version 1235 doesn't like I think (although I can open the file once I'm in Anim8or - Odd!).
What version of Windows are you using? Can you try leaving the "Remember Window Location" checked but leave it a smaller size (i.e. not full screen) when you exit Anim8or?
Note: If you first open a command window using cmd.exe and run Anim8or from there it should stay open with the full log available.
I tried what you suggested and it opens fine. The killer seems to be if I re-enable "Start in Previous". I tried it with several different files and the same crash occurs when I start version 1235. And yet I can open those files once I've started version 1235. It's fortunate that I can reset the setting using version 1234 or this would have been a short test (lol).
As for the command window, I think the problem is that Windows puts up the initial message and then puts up another message window about sending in a report and if you decline that it closes the whole program, command window and all.
I tried accepting the report send and by default it tried to open the debug file in VS 2013. That didn't go too well, but it did spit out this line over and over:
First-chance exception at 0x002232B6 in Anim8or_1235.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000003C.
I don't know if that has any meaning for you, I don't speak Greek :).
BTW I'm running Windows 7. Attached is from when I opened version 1235 successfully (with "Start in Previous" disabled) and from when it crashed.
edit: I don't know if this is relevant, but I did a quick search through the registry for any Anim8or entries and found stuff for various versions up to and including version 1234, but nothing for version 1235
Hope this helps some anyway.
Actually I think my edit of my last post was the key to this. Once I associated .an8 files specifically with version 1235, now it works fine with "Start in Previous" enabled. D'ohp! Don't know why I haven't come across this problem before, but that seems to fix it.
Thanks for your help!
Are you starting Anim8or by clicking on a .an8 file?
No, just double-clicking Anim8or_1235.exe.
When I didn't see a registry entry for version 1235 I figured I would add one by creating the file association by right-clicking a .an8 file and selecting a default program to open it with. Seems to have made the problem go away. Might be something to look at as I don't recall seeing this problem with previous versions before I set up the file association. Anyway, it could just be some weird corner case.
I found a way to reproduce the crash. It's related to some of the new IK code. I'll fix it and post an update.
Excellent! Thanks Steve!
I've been playing with the latest version since it's release a week ago. I should say what my thoughts are about it.
- Fortunately, I didn't have any crashes or problems with it.
- The nice thing about it... it seems it loads the textures a lot faster, especially big textures, and that's great.
I am so happy about the new amazing feature's updates in Anim8or (IK).
- The IK would be useful in the scene mode also , but Steve already said he would do that.
- Also, when you hide the figure's bones, you can not move the IK controls anymore. I think would be less distracting when animating if the bones are hidden, and only show the IK controls.
- And last, but not least, I really hope Steve would have the root IK and locking the limbs feature in the next release.
Btw, Steve, when do you think the next release will be?
Ok here's a small update: build 1240 (
Trevor: I worked on the Extrude Connected tool. It should keep all the new faces parallel to the original ones for your example. I added a lot of fairly complex code; can you give it a good testing?
argee: The crash on start-up that you reported should be fixed. Can you give it a try?
daniel99: I fixed the IK controls so they work again when bones aren't being drawn. Haven't gotten to the other things yet but they're coming. Some features don't really make any sense in the Sequence editor. For example, you can't edit the Figure's location or orientation so locking a foot to a point on the ground is undefined. Once IK is in the Scene editor it will work.
Thanks, Steve. Yes, looks great.
Just one small question. Would be possible to have the IK controls show over the figure? Like, sometimes I have some controls inside the mesh (next to the bones, of course), and they're not visible. Would be better to have them show over the mesh, even when they're inside it, to be easier to grab?
Also, about the ... limbs locking. I made a little gif showing what I mean. The body could be moved by the root, and even rotated, within the Joint Limits set in the Bone Editor. Same as a limb moves.
Something like DoIK does it for after effects, but that's only 2D
Update: Sorry, I forgot to mention. It seems the command Ctrl+B doesn't fully work since the last few versions. For example, Using ARB and Using OpenGL Materials works, but Using GLSL is not...And is unfortunate, because GLSL shows the most accurate sim based on scene lighting.
argee: The crash on start-up that you reported should be fixed. Can you give it a try?
Yes! starts up fine with no file association required! Thanks Steve! :)
Danial, as mentioned by Steve, what you are asking for is a "Scene Mode" option, not a sequence mode option.
Sequence is locked to origin, movement within a world makes no sence, if you want to walk round a world you need to be in scene mode.
This was something I found with trying to import GoldenEye animations to an8.
We first used the sequence mode but after sub had said that animations also "moved" we needed to move them into Scene Mode.
Cool, Ill download and test.
oh, just read
"Extrude Connected Faces: Faces are now extruded parallel to the original faces in most cases. This is physically impossible without the introduction of additional faces to cap points with complex geometry."
What do you mean exactly?
I might find out once I start testing
Ive given 1240 a quick whirl and its perfect.
Im still not sure what you meant with the above comment as I see no extra faces being created that are any different to before
Ive extruded skirting on rooms : Perfect.
Ive extrided a sphere like when people talk about the core of the earth : Close enough, easy fix
I extruded a cog : Perfect
I then took the cog and kept extruding bit, merging points etc all perfect
Just need to copy that code into shell mode now :)
Trevor: fixes are coming to the Shell, too, soon :)
If you mathematically intersect 3 non-parallel planes they always intersect in a single point. Consider the case when there are three faces (or groups of parallel faces) in common with a point, p0. To find the direction to move p1, Anim8or intersects 3 planes that are offset by 1 unit in the normal direction of the original planes to find their intersection p1. It uses the vector p0->p1 as the direction and magnitude for the move. This way all three newly formed faces stay parallel to the original faces.
If you add a 4th non-parallel plane it will most likely intersect the planes elsewhere, not at p1, likely forming 3 additional points p1', p1'' and p1'''. No matter what direction you move p0 there will be at least one new face that isn't parallel to the original one.
However if you create 4 new points then the new faces will stay parallel - but there will be a hole in the corner which can be capped with a flat quadralateral after a bit more math, or 2 triangles.
I don't create this extra face. The reason that it seems to work OK now for points with 4 non-parallel face is because a simple averaging of the 4 normals is close to correct for all for in most cases. But it you measure the length that the point moves it's always 1 times the scale where as other points are moved further. In the case of a sphere the angles are all about the same so it still looks good.
Trevor: Yes, of course that's for scene mode :)
Hey, Steve. I have a big and annoying problem. I dunno why, but anim8or start crashing when I'm in sequence mode, animating.... :((( It just freezes and "Not Responding" ... I don't know why.
I go to the desired keyframe, move the IK controllers, then go to another keyframe.
After 6 or 7 moves, it just freezes. I have the latest version. I don't know what to do.
The figure I'm working with for the current project it's not even too hi poly. Usually, I set the subdivisions to 0 and only when rendering I set it to 2 or 3. So, it shouldn't have this problem...
I even waited for the program to respond, but after 15 min of waiting, nothing... Had to ctrl+alt+del to close it... What can I do to prevent this? Please HELP !!!
Btw, When the next release?
This is what I see in "problem details" :
A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: AppHangB1
Application Name: Anim8or_1240.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 00000000
Hang Signature: d014
Hang Type: 0
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional Hang Signature 1: d01402234357ade936b90b71f63d6b4f
Additional Hang Signature 2: 889f
Additional Hang Signature 3: 889f2da0383ffa038b8ea6ce3db888cf
Additional Hang Signature 4: d014
Additional Hang Signature 5: d01402234357ade936b90b71f63d6b4f
Additional Hang Signature 6: 889f
Additional Hang Signature 7: 889f2da0383ffa038b8ea6ce3db888cf
Extrude Connected works much better now. Thanks for doing that. I still wish there was a way to avoid having to clean up faces that become inverted when extruded toward one another. Might it be possible to add an option to automatically merge any new points that pass within a certain proximity of one another during extrusion?
daniel99: Is this reproducable, or just happens in more or less the same way? Are you playing the animation? I haven't been able to reproduce it so far.
But I have been able to reproduce a hang when you play a sequence or scene in loop mode (Options->LoopScene) by typing <CR> twice, once to start it playing then once again while it's still running, and then click on the menu. This causes Anim8or to stop responding. The same thing happens if you click on the Play button in the toolbar.
#098-087 - Hang when playing a Sequence or Scene in a loop.
ronaldefarmer: Unfortunately what you are asking would be rather complicated to implement. I also think it's ambiguous. What happens when the points don't meet at the same time, if multiple points cross from other directions? The user may have a good idea what they want but I can't think of a good algorithm for deciding.
Note: I've cleaned up the Shell command so it keeps faces parallel, similar to Extrude Connected. This will be in the next build.
daniel99: Re: Ctrl-B:
1. Can you set UsingShaders+GLSL in the View->Preferences dialog? Ctrl-B should cycle through GLSL-->ARB-->NotUsingShaders-->GLSL (but close the dialog first, type Ctrl-B, and re-open it for it to work.
2. Is the GLSL setting possibly grayed out?
Thanks for explaining, Steve. And thanks again for the many recent improvements.
It happened for a couple of my projects where I use IK, quite often. I even considered this happens because I move the controllers to fast :D (I know this couldn't be the reason)
I use the arrow keys to move through the sequence, and even for playback, so I don't really use the loopmode.
Here's one of the projects, and how it behaved since opening the project. It took 1m30s to freeze. If you think would help find the cause, I can provide this project.
As for the Ctrl+B, the GSLS is not grayed out. I'll try to find the project I talked about, maybe to provide a screen shot.
daniel99 - I think that you undo buffer hogs the memory because it tries to remember all the undo-redo steps. I had similar issue and that's the only thing I find suspicious. Open the task manager and see how the memory used by Anim8or increases after every movement. You can free that memory by save+close+reopen the project. Integrated GPU uses the computer RAM, maybe it works better with dedicated GPU.
Anyway, some mechanism should be implemented which 'forgets' the undo steps older than let's say 20th or if used memory is above 200MB, I'm sure Anim8or wouldn't crash then.
There is already a setting for the memory limit of undo operations, and it defaults to only 1MB.
you can increase that 1MB up to a 100MB and see if the crash repeats
There is no undo command used in this video.
As a matter of fact, I can't even remember when I used undo in anim8or. Maybe from time to time when modeling and changing my mind about something. Usually, I save copies of different stages, so...yeah! No undo used! :(
Would've been great if that was the problem, I would have stopped using undo
daniel99: Undo records are always being created when you edit even if you don't use the Undo command. They take up memory and thus increase the total amount of memory used by Anim8or. So the memory occupied by Anim8or is worth checking. I've also noticed that Undo memory is not always being freed once you pass the limit so it may increase an unlimited amount.
I have not been able to reproduce the crash - so if you could send me your model I'll look into it further. You can e-mail it to if you don't want to post it.
Oops! Anim8or :)
Slex: I just did that. To be honest, never knew this even exists, even though I use anim8or for many years :D
Steve: E-mail sent!
Just a note to say that I posted build 1244 ( with basic IK support in the Scene editor. It's basically the same as before: you can't lock an end effector's position or orientation, but I'm working of that now.
Wow, Steve. Nice!
Only one question: Why did you change the blue box controllers into the outline box? It is kinda confusing when I'm working against a black background or even an image.
And I would like to make a little suggestion. In the figure mode, would be nice to be able to test the IK when rigging. For example, to pick and move the IK controllers and check how the mesh distorts. When we let go the controller, it resumes to the original position.
Also, another feature that I found would be useful: Let's say I rig a high poly mesh, then I add to that same skeleton a low poly version of the same model. Would be easier to H/Shift+H hide the hipoly mesh when animating. In the scene mode, it will only show the lowpoly mesh, and that would help a lot, being able to play the animation in real time. When rendering, I hide the lowpoly mesh and only show the hipoly one. Now, if I hide the mesh in figure mode, it will still show in the scene mode. I dunno, what do you think about this suggestion?
Thanks for the update. I really appreciate you're working to fix this amazing feature. I can't wait for the complete IK tool to be ready.
You rock, man. \m/
daniel99: Yes, the IK handle is a bit difficult to see. I'm still experimenting with the IK controls' appearance. I want to show the edit-handles on top of everything so they aren't hidden behind other geometry. There's also too much clutter with multiple IK chains. Stay tuned.
Yes, that's a good idea, like I mentioned in the e-mails. Would be helpful to see the IK controls on top.
I am :D I can't wait to test characters walking with the next IK update. \m/\m/\m/
Btw, great to have IK in scene mode. I'm still having that problem with freeze/crash from time to time, but I hope for the best :)
What happened to the bone dragging functionality? It only worked in a couple of builds, but then it was gone.
nemyax: Sorry but I don't quite follow. What tool doesn't allow bone dragging now, and what was the last build that it did?
I mean the Edit Bone tool in figure mode. Currently it duplicates the functionality of Rotate Bone, but it used to move joints before you added the trackballs.
Well, now it does change the bone length when you click-drag on the bone tip, but it also rotates the bone at the same time. Kind of weird :) I'll change it to only change the bone's length when you click on the tip, and only rotate it when you click on the bone (LMB=X-axis, RMB=Y-axis, MMB=Z-axis).
To be really useful, the tool should not only change the length, but also aim the bone at the cursor simultaneously.
Fortunately, I got used to this change, but both Steve and Nemyax ideas sound great!
The click-drag-on-a-bone-to-follow-the-cursor rotation was changed in build 1203 and then build 1235 introduced an error that makes that do weird things when there are a lot of nested rotations. I'll fix this for the next drop.
nemyax: There are 3 bone edit tools in the Figure editor: Rotate, Length, and Rotate+Length. So you have a choice.
The click-drag-on-a-bone-to-follow-the-cursor rotation was changed in build 1203 and then build 1235 introduced an error that makes that do weird things when there are a lot of nested rotations.
I've just checked, and the dragging feature is absent from 1203. In 1201, you can still sort of do it, but only in ortho views.
Bug: Anim8or hangs if you try to use the main menu while a looping sequence is playing.
I already have this bug. There are several ways to make it happen but the underlying problem is fairly difficult to fix (poor design on my part in the original Anim8or code :( ) I have some ideas about how to attach it though.
#098-087 - Hang when playing a Sequence or Scene in a loop.
Ah, OK. Is there a full public list of known issues in Anim8or?
Here's a list I keep for major things that I can't quickly fix: Preview Build Bugs ( It includes old bugs fixed a while ago. It isn't complete however, and doesn't include many trival bugs such as small rendering errors in the toolbars.
Here's a previously reported problem that I didn't find in the list:
In multi-viewport layouts, the Perspective view can't be used in some viewports. Arc-rotating these viewports changes the caption from "Perspective" to "UserN", keeps the perspective projection and disables Alt+MMB dollying. There's only one fully-functional Perspective viewport per layout.
In build 1247, the Edit Bone tool works as intended in ortho views, but not in perspective views (has no effect on length in perspective).
Steve: I just wanna remind you, please, if you'll be able to reproduce that problem I keep having, when Anim8or freezes/crashes. Would be amazing if you could fix it.
I have a few new projects for work, and the same thing is happening with the characters in scene mode....It is almost impossible to work...I'm sure you'll be able to find a solution and fix it. If you need more error logs or screen recordings, and you think this will help in reproducing the problem, please let me know.
daniel99: You have mail.
Steve: Thanks, man! I'll reply a.s.a.p. I'll be testing some projects I know had problems and freeze/crashed. I traveled a lot today, so I'll try to reply to your mail soon. Thanks a lot.
Steve: Sorry for the late reply. I've also sent you the email.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Also, I want to ask you about some little things that might be useful.
1- In the File Load menu (img, object, figures, etc) do you think would be better to have the editable address bar. Sometimes, the paths to folders are very long, and would be easier to just copy/paste, for example: "D:/Local/MyFiles/projects/dani/an8/new/finished/september". I've attached Image1.jpg
2-In the Figure mode/Bone Parameters, I think would help a lot visually if the X,Y,Z would have the colors on, like in the attached Image2.jpg. Sometimes I get the Y&Z messed up :)
3 - When I have the IK on, the slightest touch of the figure rotates it like crazy, without touching any IK controls.
And of course, can't wait for the All Limbs Locked. This would work nicely for walks... and everything.
1) You can enter the folder directory in the file name field, press enter, and it'll go directly to that folder without closing out the file dialog.
Raxx You know I've tried, but it won't work. And it's not strange, being a drop down menu.
I've copied a path, and when I Ctrl+V it went to VLC folder on my Desktop... :)
But it seems the Image Build/Reference Image/ Load File Image is the only menu with a drop down... When you go to Object/Import you can paste the path.
daniel99: it works OK for me for this dialog, which has a drop-down menu as you said:
1. Click on: Build->ReferenceImage...
2. Click on "Load" button
3. Click in File name:" area (if it doesn't already have the blinking cursor)
4. Ctrl-V to past file path name or type it in.
But on my computer Object also has a drop down entry slot that you can also type/paste a file name into. I'm running Win7.
Steve: I'm also running Win7. It's much better than 8 or 10.
Yeaah :)))) I didn't think to add the path in the Load/File Name area. Feel so dumb LOL :D
I was used to the editable address bar, like in Import Object. Seems more practical.
Anyways, I hope you received my reply on e-mail.
Can't wait for the IK. You rock!
Just attached an image showing that from my experience all the dialogs are the same.
Maybe Im missing something but it seems dialogs are already using editable adresses
Image Load - In Win9x this doesnt show the "Places Bar"
Render Save
Trevor: Yes, pretty much. But I think I'm just used to the editable one, I dunno :)
Also, the left column, I think. I usually have many shortcuts of folders I use a lot. (img)
daniel99: OK I found the problem. I'm using the same function for all interactive file-open operations but there are some extra members that were added after I wrote this code (about 100 years ago :)) After I cleared them it always shows the newer style dialog with the directories at the left, etc. Note: You can change what is shown with the "Organize" drop-down at the top. The fix will be in the next build.
Cool, Steve. Thanks, man!
Also, please take in consideration the X,Y,Z suggestion. It might be useful :D
And, as always, can't wait to see the new IK features! :D
Build 1250 marks a version bump: Anim8or is now 0.98b =)
Steve, a small feature request, if I may:
nemyax: The vid is private! :(
Oops! Fixed.
Seen it now. :D
But...for the part where you'll only move the knee and the foot stick to the ground position, that could be accomplished with the locking of the end-effects. Steve is working on that.
But the rest I would find it a little hard to work with, the resizing bones in special...
I dunno, the IK tool works amazingly so far.
This has nothing to do with IK. It's about editing skeleton proportions. The chains in the example don't have any IK setup at all.
nemyax: Oh, I get it now :D
Build 1250 marks a version bump: Anim8or is now 0.98b =)
Steve, a small feature request, if I may:
I had mentioned a feature request like this little while ago, however this video is a great visual demonstration and hopefully gets implimented.
Just a note to say that I just posted build 1253 ( that supports multiple locked end effectors. Finally got all the bugs fixed (I hope!) Plus I fixed a few Undo issues.
I changes the locked behavior slightly. The locked position is not a goal, not an absolute. I couldn't figure out what semantics to use when more than one effector is locked. I'm still working on this so I may be able to support both absolute locked positions and goals - stay tuned.
It feels like IK is finally starting to look real. There are a few more basic things still missing, most importantly a time track for the locked positions so the effectors won't slip around between key frames.
I had to rewrite a lot of code for this build. Hope I didn't break anything! Please let me know what you think.
Wow Steve,
I've been so busy working on my latest Anim8or project that I missed one update and now 1253! Now I need to stop and play with the new IK toys. I've been working with 1247 since it was released and only found one problem. Sometimes when the Materials Tool bar is open the colored balls would disappear. Selecting and applying still worked but the icons were just missing. Then all of a sudden they came back. I couldn't make it happen. I was editing and moving points and lines. then I would do a fill holes and select a material.
I'll keep an eye on 1253 for the same problem.
(Proud Anim8or user!) 8)
It just happened again in 1253. When I re-sized the window to full screen the balls popped back on. Then I clicked on one and it disappeared again. Again I re-sized back to the smaller version they came back on again. Must be a refresh thing.
I'll look into this - thanks for the bug report.
Wow, Steve! An8 is going in the right direction.
It's the best way to animate when the feet are locked, as I said before even for a quadruped.
The position of the locked feet is still a bit jiggly when playback, but I'm sure you gonna solve that too.
What I've observed, the feet jump to last feet position if I try to adjust any previous root position.
A similar jump happened when I deleted the keyframes too.
Here's in this video what I'm talking about.
daniel99: This is because the locked position of the end effectors isn't animated yet. I.e. there isn't a controller to remember where they are set in various frames, but just a single point in world coordinates. When an effector is locked Anim8or simply saves the most recent location for future use. If you change frames and then use the IK tool it will try to move the effectors back to that last saved location.
Until I get the controllers working, you can avoid this if you re-lock the end effectors so they will use the current locations. You can do this by double clicking on a locked effector and then clicking OK since this sets the locked location to the current value.
Steve: Got it. Thanks :D
the Edit Bone tool works as intended in ortho views, but not in perspective views (has no effect on length in perspective).
Correction: it does work properly in perspective, but only if you have created the bones in perspective and switched to Edit Bone without changing the view. If you change the view to orthogonal and back again, you get the same symptoms.
I just posted build 1258 ( with improved IK.
* There are new controllers for the Locked state and the world position of the end effector. So these are preserved in the .AN8 file for later sessions.
* IK is run dynamically between keys so that locked effectors won't slide between keys with the same value.
There are also several bug fixes, including the bug daniel99 mentioned above:
#098-094 - Moving figure with locked end effectors off screen incorrectly moves figure.
See the first post in this topic for more details.
Thanks Steve!
IK now works without we need put 'join limits" values!!! :) ;D ;D
is automate now! wow! :)
Thanks Steve.
There's still some work to do - a few glitches like selecting the IK controllers in the track window doesn't select them in the graph editor, but I'm working on them. Also I plan to add more collapsible sub-tracks so the track window doesn't have to show everything all at once.
Please let me know about anything that you find!
Hi steve.
Thanks for the latest build update. Am just trying it out now.
I plan to add more collapsible sub-tracks so the track window doesn't have to show everything all at once.
Does this mean that, in the left hand side, (margin) of the timetrack, when you click on the little '+' box, next to 'figure01', when it opens to show bones etc..., that it will then show 'created menu folders' with little boxes next to them, that you can click on to show the bones which you have assigned to that menu folder. ?
Similarily, you can hide all those bones again by 'closing' that menu folder in the timetrack margin. ?
Sorry if it seems like a silly question.
Steve, this is fuckin' genius,man. I can't believe it. Anim8or is so close to perfection. I've just tried it for a few seconds, a fast walk scene, and it works beautifully. Steve, you're amazing, for real!!! I really wish I met you when you went to Italy, I've also been there. I would have bought 100000 beers for you, bro! You're da man ! :D :D :D :D :D
Just a question. What would be the best approach for the feet (end-effectors) to keep their orientation? Like, parallel to the ground. I believe would work if I have a separate IK controller for the heel, and another one for the toes,but except that...
Or that's somethin' you'll be working on next?
Thanks again , bro!
Excellent progress!
What would be the best approach for the feet (end-effectors) to keep their orientation?
One way to do it is to give bones an option not to inherit rotation from their parents. Another way is to use constraints, but Steve hasn't implemented them yet.
Hi, long time anim8or user and blown away by the recent changes. Any chance we'll get weighed move tools, aka move a point will also move points in the area around with a gradient? I believe it's the most important modeling feature missing compared to major software.
Right now RMB-dragging an effector moves it towards or away from the user, and MMB-dragging doesn't do anything at all. The RMB behaviour is consistent with the rest of Anim8or (even though it's hardly useful in this case), but how about making the MMB-drag control the IK chain twist? Imagine the MMB-drag modifying the rotation keys on bones so that the entire chain swings about the axis that goes from the chain start to the chain end.
I also think that the Lock Position check box would be more aptly named Animatable position.
Does this mean... when you click on the little '+' box ..."
Yes :) It's more code that I first thought because I never went back and cleaned up all the original track-bar routines after I threw them together - and they're a mess. So I'm still trying to decide the best way to approach it.
daniel99: Adding a separate IK constraint for the foot should work fine now. There are a lot of additional ways to go with the IK controls. Now that the basic interface is more or less working as I had wanted it to, it's time to experiment with more "features"; things like not rotating child bones, attitude constraints (i.e. orientation) in addition to position, partial constraints (e.g. Z >= 0 to keep an effector from going below the ground, hierarchical IK chains. If Anim8or had collision detection (maybe someday ...) that would be an ideal constraint. as well.
Wow, 100000 beers! I'd have to buy a big villa to store it all until it we could drink it :)
nemyax: Agreed, constraints are very useful. Are there any that you thing are particularly useful? Agreed that we need a way to twist IK chains - the MMB might work but it wouldn't allow all rotational directions.
animaniac: A weighted move tool to deform meshes is a great idea. It is on "the list" of potential things to do. I'll look into it when I get back to the modeling tools. I have a few things to clean up there before I make an "Official Release".
And thanks, everybody, for your encouraging comments ( ( (
Are there any that you thing are particularly useful?
Well the usual ones for a start:
- Look at (aim at)
- Parent (child of)
- Orient like (copy rotation)
- Limits (as you mentioned)
Later, all kinds of luxury could be added, like Stick to Surface =)
the MMB might work but it wouldn't allow all rotational directions
Why do you think it wouldn't allow them? Do you mean the limits on bones might prevent them?
Does this mean... when you click on the little '+' box ..."
Yes :)
Good 1.Thanks steve (
....still exploring the latest drop....nice one....(
My favorite tip in sketchup is very simple, yet extremely useful: box selecting going from left to right selects everything in the box, while right to left only selects entities entirely in the box. Would enjoy something similar in anim8or.
Another select tool I'd use is a sphere select, where you click hold a point in the 3D, then drag away to show a sphere around this point and select all entities inside. No idea if it has been done before.
Any chance of adding weighted normals to an8?
I never new this before but found a page describing how to vertex normalise cylinders, but on the page showed a beveled cube.
I have attached the image with a comparison of the same model as rendered in an8.
Results of weighted normals:
Just a note to say that I posted build 1263 ( with a few IK fixes, etc.
@Trevor - I considered this method for normals when I first started writing Anim8or but rejected it. Instead I decided to use surface sub-division. I think this is a more robust solution though it is computationally more complex.
If you look closely at the closest corner of the cube in the animation sharp edges appear at inconsistent angles as it rotates. Low-polygon schemes do this because the normals are inconsistent with the geometry when they are interpolated. Surface subdivision effectively eliminates this inconsistency.
Another way to fix the problem is to use quads instead of triangles.
Here are some screen shots of 3 cubes. The left one has a thin bevel, the middle one a thick bevel, and the right on is the thick bevel subdivided.
Is this surface subdivision temporay or permament?
As you know, I make low-poly models and by low poly, I truely mean low-poly and not 1,000's of faces. It would be nice to render as it will look ingame and still export the normal mesh
Its probably areas like this where low-poly and high-poly moddeling clash, one needs a hack, the other is technically correct.
Surface subdivision keeps the model low-polygon. The detail is added for rendering. Also note that cleaning up a model to use quads instead of triangles can improve all 3 methods: Anim8or basic, subdivision and weighted normals.
Anyway, no promises, but I'll look into adding some form of weighted normals, maybe as a parameter each mesh.
1258: Track Ball: display only one trackball at a time, the most recently clicked. Showing them all can be too cluttered.
Steve, when selecting bones prior to key all selected bones the track ball used to show which bones where selected. With only the last selected track ball displayed its hard to know which bones are selected when switching views.
If I grouped my bones into folders and gave them sensible names I can see the selected bones in the time track so this isn't big issue. What if the selected bones were a different colour? Or is there another way to know which are selected?
Hi AlecJames. :)
The selected bones are, or should be, actually a silvery-grey color when they are selected, while the non-selected bones remain a darkish blue. (default color).
One way, if you're having trouble seeing which bones are selected, is to temporarily hide the mesh/objects. Shortcut 'O' (shift -> 'o').
If this method is still unsatisfactory, maybe it is?, then i agree that it could be a good idea if the selected bones were to be a more easily visible color. Maybe even the 'orange' that you see when hovering over a bone with the cursor...?
Hi johnar
Thanks - Problem was that I couldn't see the selection through my semi transparent object. Shift O is the perfect solution :)
One last drop before New Years! build 1264 (
This new version is great! I'm loving it so far with very little to no complaints.
The one thing I would like to inquire is: is there a feature that would make zooming in/out smoother in this newer version? In the older version, zooming was done by opening the view rotator and alt+right click. While It took a little more effort to do it that way than the simply mouse role of this newer version, it (older version) did include a whole lot more zoom views; that was one of the features I valued most when using Anim8or.
You can still zoom like the old way. Alt+right used to be a substitute for using the middle mouse button (MMB). But now pressing Alt temporarily switches into Arc-Rotate while you're pressing the key. This make it easier to do a quick pan, zoom, rotate, etc. but it means that Alt+right can't be used as a MMB substitute.
Note: you can now zoom the view with the mouse scroll wheel. If you hold the Shift key down it zooms at the center of the screen, otherwise it zooms around the cursor.
Thanks for the info, Steve. However, it still hardly answers my original question.
The old way was smooth. Is it possible to zoom the old way in this new version?
If so, what do I have to do to do it?
You can scroll smoothly in arc-rotate mode with the middle mouse button. The only thing you can't do now is use alt+right button as a substitute for the middle button.
Ah! Got it.
I think you meant I was supposed to click down on the middle-roll button, rather than rolling. When you said "middle-mouse button" the first time, I took that as ambiguously meaning anything.
Haha It was a simple little thing; silly that it escaped me.
I like new defaults for rendered picture, 1/2 of HD. :)... ops, it just remembered the settings from previous project, my bad sorry.
Hey Steve
Thank you, for your work in Anim8or
And this version is working splendid for me in Wine.
I've also figured out a way to solve the display refresh issue with starting the application with vblank_mode='0'
and hopefully we'll get some new features like glsl shaders and such :P
I've also figured out a way to solve the display refresh issue with starting the application with vblank_mode='0'
Doesn't work for me (the Sync to VBlank check box is cleared in nvidia-settings). How did you get it to work?
Arcane Linux Magic, or just use the command lines
vblank_mode=0 wine <path to your exe>
Sketchup and milkshape has the same issue
use the command lines
vblank_mode=0 wine <path to your exe>
Tried that too, same thing =(
of course without the <>
just type in vblank_mode=0 wine...etc
also I'm using an AMD Apu processor + mesa drivers if that helps
of course without the <>
Hey, I'm not that thick =)
This is a known issue with nVidia hardware. You're using AMD, so that explains it.
well at least we know where the bug are and how Steve can fix this
or maybe we can get a linux version of anim8or? :P also with some addition of GLSL scripts
Anim8or already has GLSL workspace rendering. If it's not enabled for you, go to View->Preferences and enable it.
If you meant us being able to use our own shaders instead of Anim8or's materials, that'd probably be a long time coming.
It's been a while so here's another build 1269 ( I've also been bringing the documentation up to date. There are a lot of new modeling tools, IK, a much improved work flow, etc. since I last made an "Official Release". It's about time for another one, don't you think? So after this build I'm going to start labeling things as Beta.
I haven't decided if it will be v0.99 or v1.0 - probably should just bite the bullet and call it v1.0. That way I can start on v1.1 sooner (
I'm having trouble holding back the congrats, even while v1.0 isn't out yet! Anim8or sure has come a *LONG* way - keep up the good work! :D
A new official release is a great idea :)
Updated documentation is also great news
...probably should just bite the bullet and call it v1.0. That way I can start on v1.1 sooner
hooray for relatively-sensible version numbering! :)
Got a suggestion or is it a bug? - Reading on Multi-threading this should already be happening.
Multi-core processing.
When using An8 on my new CPU I notice that only 1 core is ever used.
Ive checked the Multithreaded menu option but no difference
I believe multithreaded means it uses a seperate thread to render than the one it uses for UI, so the UI is still responsive. I believe the renderer is always single threaded
I believe multithreaded means it uses a seperate thread to render than the one it uses for UI, so the UI is still responsive. I believe the renderer is always single threaded
yep, that's exactly it., anybody wanna join my campaign for actual multi-core rendering? Trevor sounds like he might be interested? we'll have placards, and t-shirts just as soon as i can get them printed, and hopefully a campaign cake... 8)
Aww that's a bummer...
Id have thought the renderer would have been multi-threaded. it would still work on a single core 98 box since the OS takes care of threads and which core to run them on.
My idea of multi-threading the renderer would be to divide the render-view into a grid and each grid-square render on a separate thread.
For each grid as soon as 1 pixel gets a colour, fill the square with that colour, repeat for each corner of the square then divide up the square into 4 rendered pixels etc., etc. until the frame is fully rendered (or stopped).
You could set a menu option for the number of grids. (thereby limiting the number of threads to a user amount for large images)
It would be up to the user to choose either (in my case) 16 threads, each logical processor would run at 100%, or use more for a finer grid but incur OS latency in thread switching.
I believe multithreaded means it uses a seperate thread to render than the one it uses for UI, so the UI is still responsive. I believe the renderer is always single threaded
Yikes. I did always look at the cores and noticed that only the one is in use. <Multithreaded still does work FAR better than the alternative for me, as Anim8or generally crashes if I click on the UI while not running Multithreaded when rendering.
thecolclough, is it worth it? Although it seems you can't allocate one instance of the software to one core, it's SUPER easy to render an animation using multiple instance and I've never noticed any dragging on the cores/CPUs because (my impression is that) Anim8or can only run as fast as it's programmed to. Maybe I'm misunderstanding the purpose of multithreaded rendering.
Feel free to call BS on everything.. I got far too little sleep last night :]
davdud - if you're rendering multiple frames at once, then as you said it's easy enough having multiple instances each doing separate frames. i did that for a short video clip recently and it worked fine. if you've got a quad-core, for example, then you can have up to 4 instances going in parallel without them slowing each other down (as you said, again). but if you're doing one still image, then you can't use multi-instancing for that, so it'd be helpful if the single-frame render process could harness all cores at once because then you get your one image in a fraction of the time. thinking of ART renders in particular.
a multi-core rendering system is only an advantage if you've got a multi-core CPU, of course, which i realise not everyone does, but most PCs built in the last few years will have at least 2 if not 3 or 4 (and my rig has 6), and that trend is only likely to increase. :)
I also just realised that in my example you would want twice the threads as cores since on a 1:1 relationship, any slow grid will still be processing on its own after all the rest have finished.
If you have more threads available, then any core that finishes first will get to start the next thread thereby reducing the number of idle cores.
The latency in thread switching I was talking about is less significant than idle cores.
Again though, none of this affects single cored Celeron processors, except that perceptually the image will build faster since it will be filled rather than black with a thin red line moving up.
I would name your latest build Anim8or 1.0 Version
0.98 in my opinion satisfies all of the objectives you apparently set forth for Anim8or at the start. The program is reasonably stable and more than covers the basics of 3D modeling, rendering and animating for which the program was designed. As a user, I have depended upon Anim8or as my go-to 3D program for creating storyboards and basic concept models. The sheer speed and simplicity is in itself elegant and unique and I believe is unmatched in the world of 3D software. I find myself coming back to Anim8or, time and time again when I need speed and freedom of mind. I would not sell this program short with any further partial version numbering. I would suggest also that awarding this build the title of ONE, will motivate and inspire to take things to the next level.
And hopefully, that'll assist in getting this community up and moving again! It's been awfully quiet around here lately :'(
Since this is a development suggestion Ill post here since I feel that posting in the v1 forum should be limited to that build.
Scene mode needs the ability to cop/paste elements.
Its been mentioned before by Kreator here (,4795.msg39186.html#msg39186)
When is the next dev build going to be ready?