Anim8or Community

General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: johnar on April 15, 2016, 08:18:50 am

Title: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: johnar on April 15, 2016, 08:18:50 am
Deleting a scene is causing anim8or to crash. (anyone else?)
 On windows 7 32bit. Not happening on windows XP
Builds 1215 and below are fine. Problem starts at 1219 and above.
 I've tested on several builds  and different scenes.(even empty scenes)
 Looks like it only happens if there's more than 1 scene in the file.  ;)

My easiest test is:
 New file -> Scene mode. Scene -> new. (Scene2)
Scene -> delete. ......"Anim8or has stopped working"
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: slex on April 16, 2016, 11:37:17 am
win7 64bit- no issue of that kind.
I've noticed that new Anim8or build remembers undo/redo steps of all scenes within the project, so you could try to save the file, reopen it(it will forget undo/redo steps) and try to delete the scene again  :-\
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: johnar on April 17, 2016, 01:18:56 am
Thanks for the thought slex
 Didn't fix the issue, but found something else that could be a bit odd.
 I tried your suggestion, saving, closing and reopening, first with 1 object, (sphere) in scenes 1 and 2.
 Saved it, re-opened it, tried to delete scene 2, and she crashed. (The bug i'm reporting)
 The odd thing, which may be normal/expected (?), was, i made 2 scenes with nothing in them.
 While i was in scene 2, i saved the file, closed it, and when i reopened it, scene01 has disappeared.  ???
 Anyway, i tried renaming the scenes to see if maybe that would fix the problem, but no, still crashing as per first post.
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: Raxx on April 17, 2016, 02:58:21 am
I have no such issues with Win10 64-bit
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: slex on April 17, 2016, 04:03:05 am
there are few more thing you could try jonhar:
see if there is some update for your graphics driver (if you have nvidia then there probably is new version on official site)

delete all unzipped versions of Anim8or, then install and run Ccleaner- clean the registry(untick everything you don't want to mess before start), restart computer, unzip last version of anim8or, see if it helps :)
 If you don't want to tamper registry you could try faster way: make new user on your computer, log in that account, start anim8or and see if problem persists.
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: Steve on April 17, 2016, 03:14:13 pm
johnar: When you enter Object, Figure, Sequence or Scene mode without an existing Object/Figure/Sequence/Scene Anim8or automatically creates one.  Such automatically created objects are marked "temporary" until you do something to them and aren't output when you save the project. But when you actively create a Scene using the Scene->New command it isn't marked "temporary" and so is saved.

johnar and slex: I doubt that this is a registry issue. I think it's likely a problem with Anim8or or (possibly the OpenGL driver). Unfortunately I can't reproduce it on 64b Win7.
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: johnar on April 19, 2016, 04:39:36 am
steve Thanks for that information. That explains that oddity.  :)

steve and slex
 I've checked and double checked and tested even more.
 Its a funny thing. I created a new user account, logged in with that, opened a newcopy of build 1231 and like magic, its not crashing.
 Logged back in on my normal account, opened the same copy of build 1231, and the problem still persists.
 Changed my second account to administrator also, in case that had something to do with it, and still no crashing when in new user account.
 I've noticed something which could possibly be related, and maybe a hint at whats going on(?).
 When i open anim80r, (affected versions), in my first account, then when i go from object mode to scene mode, immediately upon entering scene mode, i notice the 'blue bar across the top of the anim8or UI' is greyed, and stays that way until i click anywhere, and then it turns blue. (scene mode only)
 When doing the same thing, but using my second, (new), account, the bar is immediately blue when entering scene mode.
 Of course, that may not have anything to do with it, but it must be a bug there?

 So, back to the issue. By creating a new user account, and then that fixing the problem, does this indeed point towards a registry issue?
 (Haven't updated graphics drivers yet, but installed latest drivers less than a year ago. (?))
 Anim8ors settings are the same under both accounts.
 I'm logging into my computer now, with my new user account, so is not a problem for me any longer.  :) (thanks for the suggestion slex)
 I'd realised i could export wanted scenes anyway, rather than deletingunwanted ones, but logging in as a fresh account is actually quite ok  ;)

 Thanks for your input as well raxx  ;)
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: slex on April 19, 2016, 06:34:50 am
I'm glad it worked jonhar. keep up the good work  :D

Update/ Maybe some of the bugs in new versions on Anim8or occur because there are few versions of Anim8or. Considering that the new Anim8or versions are made by changing the codes in the old versions of Anim8or, it is logical that the .an8 file made with new version of Anim8or 'confuses' the older version and vice versa. They may look the same, but they are basically two different programs which open the same file extension. Files saved within new versions are acting funny when opened with 098 version and often make it crush because there are buttons and commands which weren't there before or they do the different job.
 I'll just delete all older versions as a precaution.
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: johnar on April 20, 2016, 07:36:09 am
 ??? ::)
 I'm dumbfounded.   :P
 2day i can't make it crash!!!  :-[
 Could it have just needed a restart? (was sure i had).
 Ok, interesting comments slex, will keep it in mind.
 Glad, tho puzzled, to say, no problem here anymore......

 that was so very strange, will repost here if it ever happens again......
 Sorry for false alarm steve (tho false isn't quite the right word......for now it's just 'baffling")  :-[ ::) ;) :)
Title: Re: Deleting Scene bug
Post by: slex on April 20, 2016, 04:23:54 pm
I have to admit my comment was a bit paranoid :o