Anim8or Community
General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on February 16, 2016, 04:09:25 pm
I just posted Build 1219 ( which has an option to move the Time Track from the main window into the Graph Edit window with the menu command Option->FloatTimeTrack. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Note: There is a resize bar between the Graph Edit window and the Time Track. I know it doesn't work yet :) I found a last minute bug that was crashing Anim8or so I disabled it for now.
Works well and adds another refinement to usability. :)
Great feature
I plan to add a floating camera view as well, or I suppose any 3D view that you'd like. This could be useful with multiple monitors.
This change was the first step, and was a lot of work rewriting the code handling sub-windows. There seems to be a bug in the Windows MoveWindow()/SetWindowPos() function when used with SetParent() to chage a child window's owner. Or I'm missed something important like another call that needs to be made in conjunction. If anybody out there is an expert in MS Windows GUI coding I could use some help here.
That also would be nice... I like how you kept the time scroller on the main window separate from the time line, intentional or not that was smart.
Hypure: thanks, it's a rally useful tool for tweaking animation. It's called "scrubbing" to move the slider back and forth to study the motion. Back in the good old days you had to flip sheets of paper to do this :)
I found another glitch in build 1219. If you float the time track in the Scene editor, it doesn't show at all in the Sequence editor. I'll fix it. Actually I'd like to allow it to float as well (and to add a graph editor to Sequence mode but that might take a bit longer to do ...)
Graph Editor in Sequence mode would be awesome!
Steve I just got that, "flip sheets of paper" ::) indeed ;D
Hi steve.
The floating time track is awesome.
A huge improvement in animating, gives so much more room. Have had dual monitors for some time now and its so GR8 to be able to make use of them now with Anim8or.
Absolutely excellent. (
When using the timetrack in another monitor it would be really helpfull if the pop-up value editors could remember where they are dragged/floated to.
(Working in the track editor on a second moniter is absolutely awesome, but needing to go back to the main moniter every time you bring up a 'value editor box' is not so good. ;) )
Sorry. just realised thats probably what you were talking about here: ::)
was a lot of work rewriting the code handling sub-windows. There seems to be a bug in the Windows MoveWindow()/SetWindowPos() function when used with SetParent() to chage a child window's owner.
(whoops, i should read more carefully)
And a bug. Objects and figures in scene mode need to be physically moved to set the 1st position key.
(1st Orientation key can be set by double clicking either object/figure, or in timtrack, and entering value in editor or just going 'OK', but not so for position key.)
Cheers for the great work steve
johnar: I'm having trouble seeing the difference between position and location when adding new keys. I can't make either orientation or position add a key using the dialog box unless I change a value in it, then they both add a key. (Of course the "Animate" key needs to be enabled.)
Sorry steve. Will try better to explain.
Heres a quick test to show what i mean.
New scene, animate key on and the timetrack open.
Add an object. Double click on the object, (or the name in time track), to show the 'Object element editor'.
Click the ... box, next to the 'orientation value boxes', and the 'Key Position Editor' appears. Just click 'OK' and an orientation key is created in the timetrack. (as it always has done)
Now click the ... box next to the Location value boxes. Click 'OK' in the 'Key Position Editor', and no key for position is recorded in the timetrack. (as it just did with the orientation key).
Anim8or has always 'automatically' set a key by simply clicking 'OK' in the key position editors, without needing to enter any values. The key is created using the values already in the boxes. I've always used this method for quickly adding position and/or orientation keys without altering the current position and/or orientation of the object or figure.
(just a thought)
When you're in the 'object element editor', and you click on the 'Location ... button, the editor that pops up is called the 'Key Position Editor'.
When you click on the Orientation ... button, the editor that pops up is ALSO called the 'Key Position Editor'. Should it be called the 'Key Orientation Editor'. :-\
Actually, so, rather than this:
would it make more sense something like this:
OK, now I get it. I was just editing the numbers in the mail dialog box, not clicking on the "..." button. I'll fix this so the position acts just like all the others.
(If you watch the graph editor closely, you'll see that when you click "OK" in the Key Position editor it flashes a position key for a moment and then it vanishes. So Anim8or is *trying* to do it :) )
While we're talking about keys and stuff, there's the issue of not being able to double click or open in any way an expression controller (outside of position, orientation, etc) after it's been created, in order to edit it.
Raxx: OK to make sure I found the same issue:
If you double click on the name of a controller in the Graph Window it brings up the Key Value Editor dialog. Clicking on the "Edit" button in the "Expression" box at the bottom let's you edit it's script.
This doesn't work, however, in the Track Window. Double clicking on the name doesn't show the Key Value Editor dialog when there is a script. It does if there is no script.
#098-082 - Double clicking on a controller name in the Track Window doesn't show the Key Value Editor when the controller is a script.
(If you watch the graph editor closely, you'll see that when you click "OK" in the Key Position editor it flashes a position key for a moment and then it vanishes. So Anim8or is *trying* to do it :) )
Yes, i did notice that. (
Fixed in Build 1222. (that was quick)
Thanks steve
I plan to add a floating camera view as well, or I suppose any 3D view that you'd like. This could be useful with multiple monitors.
Being able to float the 'whole view panel' onto another monitor would be really usefull.
If all views are on monitor 2, i could set up number 1 monitor like this:
And have this happening: (among other things)
That would fix, for now at least, the current issue of the key editor boxes only showing up, (launching), on monitor 1.
So +++1 from me for floating more things, especially the views. (the whole workspace/view area) ;D
I would use the above set up now, if i didn't need to see the scene. :)
Apart from that it works well, except when i click 'OK' in the key editor the timetrack dissappears. (needs to 'stay on top' ?)
when i click anywhere on the screen floating timetrack and graph editor reduce down to the taskbar is that intended?
johnar: You should be able to move the whole floating window to another monitor. That's my normal set-up. Or move the main window to the second monitor and leave the floating one on the main monitor. You can make either or both full-screen, too. Are you able to do that?
captaindrewi: This shouldn't happen. What OS/graphics hardware are you using? Is this on one monitor or two?
steve: win7 home premium 64bit
amd radeon hd 6520g
one monitor.
I am having trouble with this also.
It first raised its head when I was using the graph editor, and timeslide both appear to go to the top of my screen in a very small window (Screenshot) I think its trying to float the graph editor as well.
amd radeon Win 10 Pro One Monitor
Will try it out on the Nvidia card on the desktop
Seems ok on Nvidia Card Both are visible
What build are you using? Build 1222 fixed a similar bug where the main window was opening as a tiny window in the upper left corner of the screen. I haven't been able to reproduce this in the floating graph/track window.
Build 1222 on both machines
johnar: You should be able to move the whole floating window to another monitor. That's my normal set-up. Or move the main window to the second monitor and leave the floating one on the main monitor. You can make either or both full-screen, too. Are you able to do that?
Yes i can, and its excellent. :)
I suppose the main thing i'm trying to achieve is to have the pop-up 'key value editors' appear on the same monitor as the timetrack.
At present, they will always pop up on the monitor which shows the main anim8or interface. (not really suitable if the timetrack is on another monitor and you're setting keys/working from the timetrack.)
In a nutshell, the key value editors need to 'float' and 'stay', just like the timetrack and graph editor do. They need to 'remember where' they have been floated to, so they'll pop up there again next time.
Sorry to bring this up again, if it's something you already have in your list(s) of things to do, and perhaps related to: ...seems to be a bug in the Windows MoveWindow()/SetWindowPos() function when used with SetParent() to chage a child window's owner.
I was just looking for a workaround and realised that floating the camera view to another monitor would allow me to float the timetrack back to the original monitor, where the editors are currently appearing.
johnar: "I suppose the main thing i'm trying to achieve is to have the pop-up 'key value editors' appear on the same monitor as the timetrack." In build 1227 ( the dialogs are positioned over the current focus window :)
Woohoo!! MAGIC!! That's a huge improvement. Floating timetrack/graph editor window is now an absolute pleasure.
Thanks again steve. All thumbs up. (