Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: wannabe67 on April 06, 2008, 06:38:06 pm
this is a walk and running cycle i have been working on it should be ready in a few days
Nice model, that could be really helpful for newbs who want to learn how to and skin and/or sequence
Tanzim, he didn't actually create this model. The image he posted is actually from this site (, and the model and sequence was already created long ago by Bob_I_Ts. He also posted an AT-AT model that was actually modeled by Tralfaz.
None of this work is his, personally I'd suggest a lifeban.
None of this work is his, personally I'd suggest a lifeban.
as much as i want to like everyone on this forum, i'm afraid i'd have to agree with you, silver.
- colclough
This is something I've never seen before... Come on wannabe67, dou you really need to do this?
I'd like to believe this was just a joke (you know, the 'wannabe' nickname...), but I'm afraid it wasn't... This made me feel a bit sad :'( and angry
Yeah, it is a sad case. Doesn't he realise how small and 'inbred' the anim8or community is? By that i mean that for any anim8or website you go to, there's a safe bet the creator is on this forum and at least a hundred other users have been there.
I really just want to know why he'd bother? To be honest, the models aren't so good they're worth stealing and taking the credit for: they're of a relatively normal standard.
And it's no wonder we got such low resolution renders now. Since he didn't even bother to open them and rerender.
**Spits on wannabe's banned corpse **
How disappointing. It's actually quite sad. The poor, pathetic simpleton. I hope he is able to find an animation package simple enough for his feeble wits to understand, so he doesn't have to resort to plagiarism. Or perhaps he should accept that he lacks sufficient neurones and creativity, and will never be able to create even the most basic of models and animations. If he cannot accept this, I think the only other alternative is euthanasia. For his own good of course.
Sorry I didn't know about that :(
I take back what I said.
for shame, this is the only case i've actually seen, but he has done it twice, acting like one of us, but stealing models, it's wrong, if he finds more well hidden sites and takes their models, he gets the credit, i will no longer believe that he made any models that he may upload pictures of, he has lost all credibility, lucky we have a few members who've been here for a while and can spot the fakes
this is wrong, i'd agree with that lifeban, it's the first time i've ever considered suggesting one.
Shame on him.