Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Michel Colaço on October 18, 2015, 01:03:45 am
I'm Michel Colaco, Brazil.
I'm a big fan of Animo8r since 2006. It is the story of the war that was in heaven among the angels.
"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels [going forth] to war with the dragon; and the dragon warred and his angels"
Revelation 12:7
Amazing work.delightful effects and style.
wow I haven't seen this in a long while.
Very impressive - is anim8or the only animation tool or have you used other tools for the character animation?
Wow Michel! Amazing!! congratulations!
-maybe you can insert in render reflection in the ground!
parabéns!! sou do Brazil também hehehe
-maybe you can insert in render reflection in the ground!
Thank you neirao! I am trying to improve the reflection , but I'm struggling to render it when I have a better equipment will be able to explore reflections and shadow.
is anim8or the only animation tool or have you used other tools for the character animation?
Yes Alec James , Anim8or was the only tool used for animation, and Sony Vegas for editing.
Wow. ;D
Wow, I'm surprised I never took the time to look at this project before. Definitely makes the list of higher-level animations made in Anim8or. Nice :)
Thank you for sharing this. It is such an inspiration