Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: vader45 on April 04, 2008, 09:35:10 pm
My first complete model on Anim8or.
Can any one guess what it is.
It looks like something out of this world... may be a 'three-tailed shark' from mars... hahahaha... nice start. keep it coming.
My guess, it's a space ship ...... no, it's a futuristic dart ;)
hmm...a teleported shark, that accidently merged with itself?
no, a tie fighter that melted and got covered in blue paint
wait wait!'s a...umm...a piece of moulded blu-tack!
It's got to be some sort of fishy type thing?
If not...............I'd bet on the blue tac.
even better - it's a futuristic, teleported-and-melted three-tailed-shark shaped fighter spaceship, made out of blue-painted blu-tack!
- colclough
Good Good! Or it could be a deformed alien blue tac that looks like a shark and has laser cannons attached to it! (Tie Fighter!). With extra large spikes for catching fish! No, bieng serious good start!
ooooohhhh!!!! let me guess!
its a..... cylinder thats got flattened faces then pointed using the pinting tool :D
or its some kinda shark type thing :)
It's a toothpick for those hard to get pieces - It's an alien sandspur. It's the spinal cord of no mobility. Really, it could be something.
i immediately thought shark / manta ray combination. it's a cool design