Anim8or Community
General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on July 19, 2015, 02:16:11 pm
There is a mode in all of the editors called "Viewpoint" that you select by clicking on int eye button at the top of the toolbar. I don't think it is very useful. I duplicates the functionality of Arc-Rotate. I was planning on removing it if there aren't any objections.
All feedback is appreciated.
terrifying takes me to where i can zoom in and out don't see how thats a duplicate of the rotation tool.
ah i see does if one has a three button mouse attached.
The idea will further reduce functionality for us laptop users
as there is now no middle mouse button emulation since you removed that :-\
but its your creation and you are in charge :)
Good point. I'll hold off on this until there's a way to zoom without using the MMB.
I have had a user on my facebook group asking why the rotate tool does not work in this "Eye Mode" if you hold off can you make it enabled? ( tbh I never use it & Drewi you should really get a three button Mouse instead of using a touchpad!)
I never use it.
As long as the "frame view" ability is left intact, i'm fine with this
I use the View Tool and Alt Button more or less 50/50.
The View Tool was there first and what I learned, the Alt Button is soo much more powerfull, however I just 'slip' back into old habbits.
Usefull functions of the View Tool, FrameAll and zoom without mmb.
Otherwise, yes, I can live without it. As I say, the Alt Button is way more powerfull.
When you're already used to using Alt to toggle Arc Rotate, tapping f or Shift+f to frame all/selected comes easily.
Except alt to toggle arc sucks (I want it bound to a different key, and yes I am still on that).
i rarely used the viewport mode, and pretty much never use it now i've got my head around the full capabilities of the arc-rotate tool.
i rarely used the viewport mode, and pretty much never use it now i've got my head around the full capabilities of the arc-rotate tool.
Same here. (
Removing it would make room for something else.........not sure what, but something cool.......
edit: ...possibly put the arc-rotate button there?........
I use the "eye" viewpoint button often when starting in Object mode. It's a relatively quick way to make the entire model visible, especially one that's too large or too small to see otherwise.
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I'm not going to remove the viewpoint button anytime soon. I don't have a laptop so I'm not aware of all the particulars of using one with Anim8or. If I come up with an equivalent way to change the viewpoint I'll revisit this issue.
BTW I have a fix for the rotate bug for Front, Back, Top, etc. It'll be in the next build.
Rotate bug?
What rotate bug? It seems to work fine as is...
Well, if the only thing preventing the viewpoint button from being removed is the lack of a middle mouse button alternative for zooming, why not add an option to where it's done by holding both left and right mouse buttons?
Another option is to add three icons onto the viewport/workspace (top right corner, probably), where you click and drag on one and it pans the view, click and drag on another and it rotates the view, click and drag on the other and it scales the view. Personally I wouldn't use it, and it adds more noise to the workspace, but it's beginner friendly and an option for those with limited input capabilities.
Rotate bug?
What rotate bug? It seems to work fine as is...
In viewport mode rotate tool does not work in any view apart from perspective.(build 1179)
Well, if the only thing preventing the viewpoint button from being removed is the lack of a middle mouse button alternative for zooming, why not add an option to where it's done by holding both left and right mouse buttons?
sounds good
Well, if the only thing preventing the viewpoint button from being removed is the lack of a middle mouse button alternative for zooming, why not add an option to where it's done by holding both left and right mouse buttons?
sounds good
In viewport mode rotate tool does not work in any view apart from perspective.(build 1179)
Oh, well in that case lower my percentage of useage to 10% because I never noticed that... I guess I use Alt more often than I thought.
Rotate bug?
What rotate bug? It seems to work fine as is...
In viewport mode rotate tool does not work in any view apart from perspective.(build 1179)
is this universally true?it seems to be performing as expected for me unless i'm missing something,which is always a possibility. :)
enclosed vid shows me using arc rotate in viewport mode without any obvious setbacks. unless as i say i'm not understanding.
captaindrewi, the issue is with using the rotate tool in viewpoint mode, which is supposed to do the same thing as the arc rotate's rotation function. Go in viewpoint mode, click on the Rotate View button (<r>) in the left-hand toolbar (not the arc rotate button in the top toolbar), and try rotating around.
ah i see..thanks for clearing up my foggyness :)
Another option is to add three icons onto the viewport/workspace (top right corner, probably), where you click and drag on one and it pans the view, click and drag on another and it rotates the view, click and drag on the other and it scales the view.
sounds suspiciously like a variation on the theme of widgets 8)
it adds more noise to the workspace
am tempted to say "what if they only appear when you activate Arc Rotate", but i'm sure somebody would come back and say that isn't newbie-friendly... which is probably true :(
Responding because of V1.0 Beta.
Please do not remove it. Or at least make it enable-able from some options mode.
Please also add optional middle mouse rotate to match the functionality of some other 3d editors. Middle mouse scroll already can zoom, please add rotate too.