Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: captaindrewi on June 01, 2015, 11:35:17 am
An un-removable icon has rather annoyingly appeared on my win7 taskbar. >:(
telling me i can upgrade to win 10. :-\
I am wary of change :o.
i'm old i like things to stay the same.
are there any issues for anim8or
with windows 10?
i can't comment on Win10 yet as i haven't been in the developer access program (or whatever they call it), but i've got a Win8 netbook which i will DEFINITELY be ugrading to 10 asap because i hate Win8's guts - or more accurately, i hate its iPhone-wannabe interface. i haven't used An8 on the netbook yet because it's not the best machine for animating (slow processor, that sort of thing); however, once i've made the jump to 10 i might try running An8 and seeing how well it works, and i'll report back if i find out anything interesting.
I have the icon as well, and signed up for the upgrade. I'll report my results if/when it happens.
Not on mine yet.
Free for a year, but after that, you have to pay for the licence.
If you have installed it during the free year offer, will they want you to pay when the years up??
I read that its the very last windows version anything new will be via updates.
What happened to version 9? I heard people could upgrade to version 8 quite sometime back and now version 10? Slow down Microsoft!
Not on mine yet.
depends on your update schedule - next time your computer installs updates, one of them should add the Get Windows 10 app to your taskbar.
Free for a year, but after that, you have to pay for the licence.
If you have installed it during the free year offer, will they want you to pay when the years up??
what they mean is: if you've got a legal copy of Win7 or 8, you get a one-year window (presumably ending on 29 July 2016) during which you can claim your free upgrade to Win10; if you claim it during that first year then you get to keep the update permanently without any payment; on the other hand if you don't claim it by end of next July then you'll have to pay for your update like XP / Vista users would.
What happened to version 9? I heard people could upgrade to version 8 quite sometime back and now version 10? Slow down Microsoft!
I believe Microsoft skipped version 9 to avoid confusion with Win95/98, which were sometimes referred to as 9x, or 9.x. Might be wrong.
Personally I'm in no hurry. There's still a lot of time left and I'd rather not be a guinea pig for a new OS. As much as I hate windows 7, windows 10 is still unproven and who knows what kind of compatibility problems will pop up. Not just with anim8or but all programs.
Ill test an8 right now.
Ok, Test results in and it woirks flawlessly.
I did however discover (Nothing to do with win10) that even though in sequence mode bones by default are "free" and "No Limits", when you type an angle into x,y or z it pops up saying "Entry out of range"
no idea. i chose linux over win8 so i won't have to deal with any future crap windows pulls
Not sure who the last comment is refrencing...
The joint thing happens in 98 too so its an an8 problem not a Win problem.
Win 10 is actually looking really good now. There are a few bugs but less and less as we approach Jul 29.
10 is a definit improvement in GUI over 8. Desktop mode is default again and the start menu can be customised such that its closely resembles a basic 7 menu by removing all tiles. This leaves recently opened aplications on left and then all programs in a scroling menu when clicked.
On Phones, if you plug in a keyboard and mouse it switches to desktop mode which is pretty cool. Kinda wish nokia used intel chips now... would have been cool to use an8 on phone :P
Yeah, I do beleve they skipped 9 due to 9x, but they also said they wanted to use "One" however they wernt alowed since Win "1.0" was taken so they chose 10.
Also, after the 29th they plan to continue the Insider program for Win11 on the 30th.
Anyone have any win32 programs they wish to have tested in 10?
Win 10 is actually looking really good now. There are a few bugs but less and less as we approach Jul 29.
that's good to hear - i've just built a new high-end PC for media work (including anim8or!) and am basically waiting for Win10 so i can get it fully working - seems a bit stupid to install 8, and then change it a few weeks later. and it's got a hex-core processor, which means i'm more keen than ever to see true render multi-threading get implemented...
Yes, multithreading would be very helpful.
Not sure who the last comment is refrencing...
Microsoft. we get something crappy like vista, the win7 is adequate, then they gives the i-device wannabe windows 8, then windows 10. and it costs money.
linux is less trouble for me
Not sure who the last comment is refrencing...
The joint thing happens in 98 too so its an an8 problem not a Win problem.
Win 10 is actually looking really good now. There are a few bugs but less and less as we approach Jul 29.
10 is a definit improvement in GUI over 8. Desktop mode is default again and the start menu can be customised such that its closely resembles a basic 7 menu by removing all tiles. This leaves recently opened aplications on left and then all programs in a scroling menu when clicked.
On Phones, if you plug in a keyboard and mouse it switches to desktop mode which is pretty cool. Kinda wish nokia used intel chips now... would have been cool to use an8 on phone :P
Yeah, I do beleve they skipped 9 due to 9x, but they also said they wanted to use "One" however they wernt alowed since Win "1.0" was taken so they chose 10.
Also, after the 29th they plan to continue the Insider program for Win11 on the 30th.
Anyone have any win32 programs they wish to have tested in 10?
Lol, I heard that it was because people would have low expectaions and would equate "Windows 9" with just basically another Windows 8, and so they'd seperate from the stigma by skipping a number.
Many reasons, I guess though.
Yes, multithreading would be very helpful.
What noticeable difference will this make with rendering?
In principle, different threads can render different sections of the image. For example, if you have 4 cores, it could render 4x as fast.
This was a standard trick used to speed up POV many years ago: run multiple copies of the program at the same time, each rendering a different section of the image.
The benefits of me having a non genuine Windows 7 and never updating :')