Anim8or Community
General Category => ASL Scripts => Topic started by: Deepthought on May 13, 2015, 12:40:24 pm
converts from Source engine MDL to anim8or an8.
Thanks to NickE for figuring out how to convert from the MDL reference frame to the an8 reference frame.
It does not currently output material definitions. i plan to fix that soon. Also, make sure that the .vtx and .vvd files have the same case as the corresponding mdl file.
You can find some models to try out at
Does it convert skeleton animation?
If the answer is yes,do the models on
include animation?
It does not currently convert animations.
Has anim8or frozen whenever you open the files this produces? I've had some odd problems with that especially after i add the materials
Sorry, i didn't try it.I asked the question to know if
it was a potential source of animated models
to test code I'm working on.
OK. I think the zip has source code in it. You might find some of that useful.