Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: fromsoysauce on April 26, 2015, 05:54:52 am
Haven't done a male model in a while, I feel like there could be more to do but I'm basically at a block right now. Feel free to make suggestions for improvement, and I'd also like to know what things you think I'm doing well so I now what not to change.
Sooo since nobody was saying anything I did this:
Just a comment that there's some very nice detail in the second image. I really am please that Anim8or is a very cool modeling tool overall.
I've seen other 3d modeling programs at work. I feel like most of them seem to have a strict process that, to me, resembles actual clay sculpting, but I suck at that. An8 has always felt like drawing with a pencil to me (one line at a time), only in 3D.
I do think I went a little crazy with the Serratus Anterior though, so I made an alt, which looks better?