Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: vuolst on March 30, 2015, 09:47:46 pm
I wanted to do something easy so I made a snowman. I'm still learning the works of the program because I just got it today. :) Let me know what you think!
Excellent first render! If you subdivide the snowman's spheres, he will look smoother. You might also turn on anti-aliasing to get rid of the jagged edges.
I'm still learning the works of the program because I just got it today.
Then you're doing very well. (
Good advice from ronaldefarmer
To subdivide, select sphere and go build -> convert to subdivided.
That way, you can 'unsubdivide' it again later by double clicking on Subdivided sphere, and change divisions options to -working-0 and final-1 Then select and go build -> convert to mesh. Sweet, back to unsubdivided, workable mesh.
Anti aliasing can be turned on by going View -> preferences, and ticking the appr0priate box(s).
welcome...vuolst (
thank you all for the advice! today i'm doing a bunch of online tutorials for more practice :D
nice vuolst!
keep pratice, you wiil make amazing things with Anim8or! :)
ps: wellcome to forum!
the snow has all melted here ;p
I thought I would update you one what I have made so far :)
Fun stuff! You're sooo much further ahead than I was when I first began.
Nice! Try the scanline renderer with antialiasing on.
Me thinks we might have a natural here.
Very cool vuolst
Have you seen the eggplant tutorial yet.
Its sort've an anim8or standard, which everyone should have a go at.
It shows some crucial modelling functions in Anim8or, and its always an occasion when you can ''show us your eggplant" (