Anim8or Community

Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 04, 2008, 12:13:05 am

Title: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 04, 2008, 12:13:05 am
I have always wanted to make something complex since I started 3d modelling/animating 3 months ago (just as a hobby). Here is the start.

After being inspired by hihosilver's Ford Mustang, I started working on this Enzo Ferrari. Not finished yet but couldn't wait to share it with you guys..

ANY sort of comments and suggestions are most welcomed.
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: hihosilver on April 04, 2008, 01:00:38 am
You've got a great start there!  I'm glad I could be inspiring as well :D
You looks like you have a good start there, do you think you could show a wire (unsubdivided as well).  Edge-loops are one of the biggest things in organic and car modeling, well, subdivision models in general really.  It helps keep the mesh clean without any strange bumps, etc.
I'm not a complete expert on cars, but I believe you could reinforce some of those edges more.  Make sure to look at plenty of images of the car, and look at how sharp the corners really are.  Normally on cars the corners make slight changes but have pretty sharp edges.
Once again, good start!
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: Tanzim on April 04, 2008, 02:07:23 am
Great start, it's coming out a lot better than mine did, what's your secret
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: cumesoftware on April 04, 2008, 08:50:21 am
Great model, so far. I can't wait to see it finished and with reflexive textures.

Will you make it detachable? (that is, the doors can be open, etc.)
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 04, 2008, 09:29:23 pm
Thanks a lot for all your comments..

Hihosilver - I have seen your mustang and it is amazing. Mine one is not even near. My wires look really messy. Please have a look on my wires and give some suggestions on edge looping (i really need it). How is your Mustang going? Just can't wait to see the final version. good luck.

Tanzim - Hey buddy. How's life? thanks for the reply. I don't have any secrects, mine is a subdivided version compared to your low-poly, I spend a lot of time just to make the front bit (almost 2 weeks) and it's still not perfect :(((.

cumesoftware -  Thanks for the reply. I did not think of making it detachable, but it is a good idea. May be I will (even though it's gonna take ages for me, i know). Thanks for the idea.. :)
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 04, 2008, 09:30:15 pm
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: hihosilver on April 05, 2008, 01:31:20 am
Thanks  :)
The wires actually look pretty good.  There are a few triangles you might want to look into getting rid of, but they don't seem to be doing much harm to the mesh.  There are some sections I feel you could simplify, getting rid of some loops.  I feel it's best to use the least amount of polys while getting the same effect.
My mustang's going slow :/  I don't get much time for art with school and all.  Hopefully I can do some work this weekend.

Now, on to your car!  Here I've marked up your image a bit:
( (
Now, for an explanation:
The blue lines are loops you can probably get rid of and not change the actual model any.  There are most likely other places you can achieve this as well, so be sure to look at that yourself.
The green lines show where you should cut or, you can simple bevel the loops next to them (to select a loop of edges, select one edge in the loop and press 'q').  The yellow circled part, with the image next to it, shows what you're leaving out.  The front actually sweeps around a bit more, and you might want to make sure you model that.
Next, I'd advise you actually model the headlights.  That means that you'll want to model the indentation that the headlights make, then put the glass plane over.
Also, be sure to observe where indentations are, that split things like the hood from the car.  In the end you may want to detach the hood from the whole car model, then make it thicker to add realism.

Good start though!  I look forward to seeing this progress  :)
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: thecolclough on April 05, 2008, 06:12:43 am
it's coming out a lot better than mine did

meh, i don't know what you're complaining about, tanzim.  you should see the jaguar s-type i made for an animatic video once - it was made of 2 cubes and 8 cylinders, and didn't look much like a jaguar at all.  then again, i guess it looked *beep* because i didn't try very hard...

anyway, back on topic - i was just thinking, maybe if you car-modellers actually finish off some of these machines of yours, then maybe someone could collect together all your .an8 files, and build a showroom to put all the cars in, and make a really awesome render of everyone's cgi wheels?  just a thought :)

- colclough
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: cumesoftware on April 05, 2008, 08:45:49 am
anyway, back on topic - i was just thinking, maybe if you car-modellers actually finish off some of these machines of yours, then maybe someone could collect together all your .an8 files, and build a showroom to put all the cars in, and make a really awesome render of everyone's cgi wheels?  just a thought :)

- colclough
That's a great idea!
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: Tanzim on April 05, 2008, 10:15:09 pm
meh, i don't know what you're complaining about, tanzim.
Complaining, no, I was merely saying beyond_3rd_dimensions' Enzo is coming out better than mine did
Also, the showroom idea is pretty good, someone is going to make a museum using cre8or or something, maybe someone should ask him (when someone remembers his name)
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 07, 2008, 01:04:47 am
Thank you for all the support.. specially hihosilver for your valuable suggestions... I know my model still has got some flaws and a lot of things to be done.. but I can't wait to share my progress with you guys.. :) ... hope you like it...

Here is a pic of the progress.. please let me know what you think...
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: floyd86 on April 07, 2008, 05:50:05 am
Wow looks sweet, the best car i ever made was the halo warthog. But this one is way better. It would be nice to see it finished, especially with some nice reflections with ART.
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: thecolclough on April 07, 2008, 05:52:07 am
tanzim: hope somebody remembers the guy's name eventually ;D

beyond-3rd: it's looking great!  keep it up :)

- colclough
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: Tanzim on April 07, 2008, 06:52:56 am
floyd86 said:
especially with some nice reflections with ART
I think there are ART reflections, look closer at the picture
Anyway, that's coming out great, I guess Bengali's just have a knack for Enzo Ferrari's eh?
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: floyd86 on April 07, 2008, 08:03:13 am
I think there are ART reflections, look closer at the picture

I know but i had like to see it finished i mean =D.
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 07, 2008, 01:00:03 pm
lynn22, that's the guy's name i think, nice ferrari, and good idea about the showroom guys, car models seem to be very common these days
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 08, 2008, 04:01:20 pm
The ferrari is almost complete.. The finishing touch is taking longer than I expected... :( .. Tanzim, I am not sure why I like this car.. It has got an aweful design (coz of the aerodynamic stuff i guess) but very picturesque... Thanks for everyone's support...

Quote of the day: "Plagiarism is the pillar of failure"

Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: hihosilver on April 08, 2008, 05:33:43 pm
That's very fast!  Have you modeled the wheels and the details for the headlights, etc?
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: lynn22 on April 09, 2008, 09:18:11 am
lynn22, that's the guy's name i think, nice ferrari, and good idea about the showroom guys, car models seem to be very common these days
Nope, it's not me !
I remember reading a post from someone about putting a museum together for donated objects but I can't remember in what thread.

I'm working on an animation "The Museum" but it's filled with my own objects.
BTW lynn22 is a she not a he  ;D

With that out of the way, beyond_3rd_dimension congrats for your beautiful car  :)
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: 3D Joe Wiltshire on April 09, 2008, 09:25:51 am
hehe, my mistake, i got you guys mixed up...if that guy is reading this, please respond, we're going crazy trying to find you, sorry for the hole "Him" thing, but i'm glad we got that outta the way.
Title: Re: Car Model (Enzo Ferrari) - WIP
Post by: lynn22 on April 09, 2008, 12:53:12 pm
No problem, what's in a name anyway :D