Anim8or Community

General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: daniel99 on February 23, 2015, 01:03:08 pm

Title: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: daniel99 on February 23, 2015, 01:03:08 pm
Hey, guys.

I would like some help with this one.
Is there any way to create/add a script for morph targets?
As an example, when you decode the voice track for the lipsync, you add the desired morph target (and possible, the value) on the desired frame in a txt file. This would save a lot of time with the characters who talk.

I use papagayo for decoding the voices, but when it comes to add the lipsync in anim8or, that usually takes a lot of time, since we use morph targets and not statics like in 2d animations. That's why I think a value should be added in this script.
Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: neirao on February 23, 2015, 07:48:13 pm
hi Daniel,
check my old tool "PAPAGA8OR".. :) no so good, but help..

full link here, some images are offline... for undstand DOWNLOAD THE .PDF TUTORIAL OK!!: :)
Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: daniel99 on February 24, 2015, 08:04:33 am
Wow, Neirao. This looks amazingly useful. I didn't know about this tool.
I'll test it today, after I finish my office work.

I'll e-mail you if I have any questions. Is that ok ?

Thank you again, bro.
Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: daniel99 on February 24, 2015, 09:39:01 am
I tried you tool. It's great and will be very useful to me. :)
The only big problem I need to solve.
If I have other targets (like blinking, eyebrows etc) and bone movements already in the timeline, how can I prevent papaga8or to mess with those?
Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: neirao on February 24, 2015, 11:33:12 am
If I have other targets (like blinking, eyebrows etc) and bone movements already in the timeline, how can I prevent papaga8or to mess with those?
see my old post, about this (blinks etc..) ok :)  :,1692.msg12701.html#msg12701
Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: ianross on February 25, 2015, 09:43:35 am
You can also use magpie freeware, this is what I created with magpie and anim8or.

Here is a tutorial.

Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: daniel99 on February 25, 2015, 03:29:21 pm
Neirao, I've read the post about blinking. But let's suppose I have a scene with a complex animation, bone movements and morph targets like blinking, eyebrows, ear movements, facial expressions etc, and I only want to add the lipsync after all that is done. Is there a way to copy the code without it interfering with the already existing keyframes ?

Ianross - Nice. I used to make my lipsync for my 2d anims with papagayo, but I find Neirao tool amazing. Thanks for the suggestion, though!
Title: Re: Script for Lipsync (morph targets)
Post by: neirao on February 25, 2015, 06:29:17 pm
I only want to add the lipsync after all that is done.

hi Daniel, i make this tool more time ago, my memori no so good.. :)
but i believe that you can YES! use in complex scene or only copy the code e insert in your code(by notepad/another text editor)
but before MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR an8 file ok? try make some tests before.

- after create your complex scene, go in Papaga8or, choose the character "singly" --> create the code--> copy--> paste save..
- repeat the same process for all characters with morph phones.

PS: in "top right" have a option for you choose the "START FRAME" select based in your character frame in scene mode... :)