Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: weirdguy on February 15, 2015, 05:18:30 am
Just a couple of really low polygon "USS Connecticut" class steampunk airships, equiped with SE5a fighters instead of boats.
Yay for steampunk. (Don't see enough of it....(imho))
Nice one weirdguy :)
good! try render again with textures and ambient occlusion!
like this
Nice modelling, weirdguy! I'd say add some textures to make the primitives less 'primitive' and (like neirao said), do some AO you'll be looking good!
No thanks. I prefer to just toy around with the simple 3D models. Texturing it and going to high polygon counts wasn't the plan.
Not that I can't do that mind you, I just have no real incentive to go to a higher grade model.
Great models.
Can some explain to me "textures to make the primitives less primitive" and "render with ambient occlusion"?
Can Anim8or "render with ambient occlusion" - I see no references in the manual or in options
Textures go a long way towards making low-poly (or in fact any) model look more detailed and 'real' than it really is, which I believe is what neirao and davdud101 were referring to. Anim8or is able to render AO via the ART renderer, info here:
Textures as in material textures loaded using the "-" next to ambient / diffuse / specular / emissive?
I haven't read that AO part of the manual (I'm was still using the v095 pdf manual :-[ )
weirdguy, I gotta admit- I would have hoped that the fact you went so far as to model this scene in the first place was enough motivation to go a little further~
AlecJames, texture you need load only in "diffuse" ok :)
weirdguy, I gotta admit- I would have hoped that the fact you went so far as to model this scene in the first place was enough motivation to go a little further~
Modeling this scene is nothing more than a giant cube in the background with a picture of clouds textured onto one side of it. Even that is not a complicated thing to do.
Sorry, but I prefer to work on other things.