Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: jwalt on February 04, 2015, 07:06:59 am
I need to figure out the transitional element here, but this is what I have at the moment:
Bryce render for the fly-around of a gas-station modeled in Anim8or. The render above is from Anim8or. Getting the gif animation onto the surface was labor intensive. Wish there were an easier way, but don't think there is.
hi Jwalt,
use Terranim8or + Anim8or for animated backgrounds
this way you can, scale, rotate and move the animated background ok!
the link is broken..for download in Leslie page, but i post here for you.
hi Jwalt,
Looks interesting.
I need to figure out the transitional element here,
Getting the gif animation onto the surface was labor intensive.
Wondering how you did this so far?
I use chromokeying a lot, in post production, and usually video, rather than animated gif, so what you've got here is a bit of a mystery to me, regarding the how....
as neirao said, terranim8or is a great tool for animated backgrounds in Anim8or.
Thanks for posting those terranim8or links neirao, i haven't been able to find my copies, so now i'll download from those links and do a better job of 'not losing them'.
Have used terranim8or a lot in the past.......excellent program....was sorry to see it go.....
hi Jwalt,
Looks interesting.
I need to figure out the transitional element here,
Getting the gif animation onto the surface was labor intensive.
Wondering how you did this so far?
I generated a fly around of the model in Bryce and saved the images (around 44) as bmps. I then went back and forth between object and scene, changing the texture on the cube I was using to display the image, and then taking the shot. Worked, but is prone to making mistakes. I think I've done as much as I'm going to do with it:
I goofed on the fist, and wound up with a southpaw.