Anim8or Community
General Category => Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum => Topic started by: johnar on January 13, 2015, 04:12:58 am
Hi steve.
Theres something going on in Scene mode which is not working as i imagine was intended, and thought worthy of bringing to your attention.
Not necesarilly a bug, but perhaps caused by some missing or overlooked code in the original scene mode programming.
Whatever the cause, i'll explain the problem, which in itself is very restricting to animating figures in scene mode, in the way which im sure you have originally intended.
It relates to the copying and pasting of selected bone values in scene mode, which do work perfectly, but only under the following condition.
Presently, to copy bone(s) key(s) in the timetrack, the figure needs to show a bounding box before the key(s) will copy/paste.
This is not as easy as just selecting the figure, as this also selects all the bones in the figure, which is no good when only wanting to copy/paste certain selected bones.
The only way i've been able to do this in the past, is to scroll down the time track until i find either the position or orientation key, then select, and unselect one of those. OR, find a morph target, and select, then deselect, one of those, as doing this brings up a bounding box, and then any amount of keys can be copy/pasted.
Apart from this oddity/glitch, everything else regading copying and pasting keys in scene mode is working faultlessly.
When you find the time to look into this, a fix would make a huge improvement to the basics of animating figures in a Scene.
Thanks for your time. Kindest regards. Anim8or is awesome!! (
This does seem to be a bug. All selected keys should be copied regardless of whether the figure itself is selected.
#098-059 - Keys not copied in Scene editor when Figure isn't selected but keys are selected.
This does seem to be a bug. All selected keys should be copied regardless of whether the figure itself is selected.
Ok, thats awesome. Absolutely. Really looking forward to that one.
Just downloaded 1152. Very nice.
Can't wait to find an opportunity to 'delete all morphs'. (
Thanks again steve (
I'm finishing up a bunch of improvements to the Figure editor. I'll look at this next.
I'm finishing up a bunch of improvements to the Figure editor.
That's awesome to hear. Will be able to give more feedback than i have in the modelling updates department, as i tend to spend most of my time in figure-sequence and scene modes.
I'll look at this next.
Yeah, the bone copy thing in scene mode. That'll be such a blessing when thats sorted.
Awesome stuff steve.'
Best wishes. Thanks Heaps. (
Build 1166 should fix this problem. Let me know how it works.
Yip. Thats magic steve. Works perfectly. (
What a difference.!! (