Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Deepthought on December 08, 2014, 01:25:28 pm
this is my group's final project. animated in Lightwave, terrain and soldiers were done in anim8or.
I especially like the ship that spins out of control and crashes into the tower, and the soldiers that get thrown in the air and backwards.
Are they Particle illusion explosions and smoke?
I'm interested in why you have chosen lightwave to animate and, i'm guessing, render?
Its a 'groups final', so i'm guessing theres some lightwave users in the group. (
The smoke and explosions are particles. We used light wave for the animation because that's what the college class was taught in. I think anim8or is a lot easier, though.
We used light wave for the animation because that's what the college class was taught in. I think anim8or is a lot easier, though.
Absolutely agree. I know some colleges, one in Ireland i think, use Anim8or as the main software as an introduction to 3D modelling and Animation. I actually tried to twist the arms of a couple of schools here in NZ, re Anim8or as the ideal program to get started with. But, they have deals going with bigger software companies, so cant see any further than that.
Its a real shame, when you think they're loyal to bigger companies because they can get the software at a discount rate, yet they could never get a better deal than the one they could get with Anim8or. The most obvious being that its free to begin with of course. And not only free, but encouraged to share, and no restrictions on use of the content made within it.
And, as you said, its a lot easier to use and learn with.
lol. Its a funny world. (
Nicely done Deepthought. Quite entertaining.
The guys screaming as they fly back gave me chuckle. :)
Why thanks!
As far as light wave goes, there were a few things I liked better about some of the tools. The animation, however, was frustrating. There was no way to save individual animations or poses which is really frustrating when you're trying to animate 3 of the same object
You have good stuff here, Deepthought... I think overall action could be faster, that may help it be a bit more intense. Nice working though
You're probably right