Anim8or Community

General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on November 30, 2014, 07:01:46 pm

Title: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on November 30, 2014, 07:01:46 pm
Build 1143 ( dated December 10, 2014 implements a different mouse model. It affects the Point Editor's Move, Rotate, Scale and Scale Non-Uniform tools and works like this:

I. If Fast Select is enabled:

   1. Click without dragging (All tools): Only affects P/E/F selection. Never changes geometry:
      LMB: Select highlighted item. Deselect everything else. Clicking on empty space deselects everything,
      MMB: Deselect highlighted item. Nothing else changes selection. Used to "Subtract From Selection".
      RMB: Select highlighted item. Nothing else changes. Used to "Add To Selection".

   2. Click and drag: Affects selection and geometry.
      a1. Selection (Arrow Select):
         Same as click without dragging.

      a2. Selection (All tools except Arrow Select):
         Clicking on a selected P/E/F doesn't alter selection. Everything currently selected is moved/scaled/etc.
         Clicking on an unselected P/F/E selects only that item, everything else is deselected. Only that one item is moved/scaled/etc.
         Clicking in empty space doesn't alter selection. All previously selected items are moved/scaled/etc.

      b1. Geometry (Move):
         LMB: Move in the X/Y direction (e.g. in the plain of the screen).
         MMB: Same as LMB. Possible additional functionality here. New in 1143: moves points in the direction of the Normals.
         RMB: Move in the Z direction (e.g. into and out of the screen).

      b2. Geometry (Scale):
         LMB/MMB/RMB: Scales selected geometry around the geometric center of selected groups of Points/Edges/Faces.
         Note: Isolated single points don't move. Think about it if this seems strange :)

      b3. Geometry (Scale Non-Uniform):
         LMB: Scale connected groups in X/Y directions independently (screen aligned).
         MMB: No effect.
         RMB: Scale in the Z direction (e.g. into and out of the screen).

      b4. Geometry (Rotate):
         New in 1143: Rotates around the geometric center of selected groups of Points/Edges/Faces.
         LMB: Rotates in the X and Y screen axis.
         MMB: Rotates in the direction of the average of the selected faces' normals.
         RMB: Rotates in the Z axis (which points out of the screen).

   3. Click-drag with <Ctrl> Key Pressed (All tools): New in 1143: Only affects P/E/F selection. Never changes geometry:
         LMB: Paint-select. Initially deselects everything, then selects as the mouse moves.
         MMB: Paint-deselect. Deselects as the mouse moves over things.
         RMB: Paint-select without delete. Same as LMB but doesn't do the initial deselection.

II. If Fast Select is disabled:

   1. Keeps "Classic Anim8or" behavior.

Please post your comments here :)
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Trevor on November 30, 2014, 07:14:37 pm
I'll test this tomorrow but from what I read I think it sounds perfect.

Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Raxx on December 01, 2014, 01:42:41 am
So far I like it a lot!

One note, perhaps a one or two pixels tolerance before determining that it's a click-drag would help prevent misfires when trying to select multiple elements quickly. A lot of times I was right-clicking across a bunch of faces and it'd deselect because I didn't completely halt the mouse in time when clicking.
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Trevor on December 01, 2014, 01:26:02 pm
I just took this for a spin and I LOVE it.
Its easy to use
Plain to see whats happening (highlights)
Allows multiple modifications/selections
quick de-selection and quick re-selection, just so easy.
Very quick face filling without ever having to change tool.

Yeah, just great.

Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: captaindrewi on December 01, 2014, 02:36:39 pm
It feels nice and as if its being prepared for proportional editing....... 8)
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: kreator on December 01, 2014, 04:03:01 pm
It feels nice and as if its being prepared for proportional editing....... 8)

Now that would be nice!! I thought the same when testing it out
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: thecolclough on December 03, 2014, 02:37:30 pm
I. If Fast Select is enabled:
   2. Click and drag: Affects selection and geometry.
      b. Geometry:
         MMB: Same as LMB. Possible additional functionality here.

Am I right in thinking MMB-Drag doesn't really do much anywhere in Anim8or atm?  I've tried a few different tools and can't find anything uses this particular control.

So I was thinking: in some programs (e.g. GIMP and Inkscape) MMB-Drag is used to move the viewport; it'd be really useful if this could be implemented in Anim8or, especially when used in combination with the new scroll-to-zoom feature.
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Raxx on December 03, 2014, 11:30:08 pm
This may be a vague bug report, but there seems to be massive memory usage/leak when manipulating subdivision objects. Take any subdivision object and move it around (or move its P/E/F's around) while watching it in the task manager. Memory usage skyrockets until crash. Seems to increase at a speed relative to density of the mesh. I've tested it on 1129 and 1139, same thing. Earlier versions probably have this effect.
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Steve on December 04, 2014, 02:25:59 am
I'll look into the memory leak. Thanks, Raxx!
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Raxx on December 04, 2014, 10:33:46 am
No problemo.

And thecolclough, in response to that, you're describing 2D programs. Unlike them, we also need a rotate function for that 3rd dimension. So in most cases, you'd end up using the arc rotate tool anyway. And Alt is an easy way to toggle arc rotate and do all the camera orientation. And...RMB pans the camera in arc rotate and pans the UVs in texcoord mode, and rotates stuff on the camera plane--introducing MMB-drag to pan seems like it'd add a lot of confusion.

And personally, I never use scroll-to-zoom...I think that could have been saved for other functionality, like increasing/decreasing the size of the weight brush and other parameters for future tools (like proportional editing).

No offense, just making my case against it ;)
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: thecolclough on December 04, 2014, 03:04:04 pm
RMB pans the camera in arc rotate...

um... *launches v0.98 and tries it out*

has that been a thing the whole time?  as in since i first started dabbling with this program 12 years ago?  cause if it has then it says wonderful things about my powers of observation, doesn't it :P

...*goes away and shuts up*
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: johnar on December 04, 2014, 04:50:47 pm
And personally, I never use scroll-to-zoom...I think that could have been saved for other functionality, like increasing/decreasing the size of the weight brush
Thats a good idea Raxx

has that been a thing the whole time?  as in since i first started dabbling with this program 12 years ago?  cause if it has then it says wonderful things about my powers of observation, doesn't it
Lol, i know that feeling. (

  and...Re mouse usage changes in build 1139. Havn't taken it for a run yet, but certainly will very soon. Not a speed modeller, so gratefull that 'classic an8 behaviour' is retained when fast key is off. Discovered 'Alt key for arc rotate' by accident. Thats a big improvement over 'Ctrl+R'.
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: Deepthought on December 04, 2014, 10:30:10 pm
you can still accidentally delete geometry in hidden and locked layers.
Title: Re: Trial build 1139 with different mouse behavior available
Post by: MvGulik on December 05, 2014, 08:49:18 am
you can still accidentally delete geometry in hidden and locked layers.
Any additional specifics about this might be a bit more helpful.

Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Steve on December 05, 2014, 08:48:34 pm
There's some interesting changes to the Point Editor in build 1140. Check it out (especially the Scale modes)!
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Deepthought on December 05, 2014, 09:28:51 pm
you can still accidentally delete geometry in hidden and locked layers.

I can lock the layer and anim8or will still select and delete points from objects in the locked layer
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Raxx on December 06, 2014, 12:31:57 am
Very Cool Steve! Scaling is much more natural now, thanks! Are you going to do the same for rotation? Are you considering different pivot options (Midpoint/Pivot/Origin/Camera) as well?

I've been playing with points again, and have two comments:
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: kreator on December 06, 2014, 01:59:19 am

Points are still very hard to pick up when all P/E/F is enabled. For example, take a sphere, convert to mesh, then try fast edit mode on it. It just doesn't want to pick up points most of the time (in flat/shaded views--wireframe is ok though could use a larger radius for points). Points should have a much higher priority and picking radius than the edges and faces.[/li][/list]

Agree with that, its very frustrating trying to pick points and I assume we are talking 1140 build.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Steve on December 06, 2014, 02:20:52 am
Yes, I'm aware of how difficult it is to pick points. I'm looking into a couple of possible improvements. Stay tuned to this channel ...
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: johnar on December 07, 2014, 09:41:17 pm
 One thing i've noticed is, when you deselect fast-mode, the P/E/F buttons stay selected.
 Don't know if this is just an oversight for now, but has potential to confuse, especially newer users.
  I'm just of the mind that, when exiting fast-mode, therefor reverting to classic an8 behaviour, that the P/E/F buttons should also revert to classic. ie: only 1 selected at a time.
 Perhaps not a biggy, but helps keep it simple, especially if you're new to Anim8or.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: CrashDrive on December 07, 2014, 10:06:28 pm
I agree with johnar concerning the buttons. I actually find it a bit strange working with multiple buttons active.

In Normal or Fast it seems points are no longer selected with the edge as in previous versions.
That came in handy for locating a hidden point.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Raxx on December 07, 2014, 10:17:20 pm
Well, I'm in disagreement. I think having global multi-toggle for P/E/F is great, and newcomers would be used to keeping it in mind since they don't have prior experience with being stuck with just one element at a time.

Selected edges w/ points attached was pretty useful, though, and I can't see any harm in re-implementing it with the current system.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Steve on December 07, 2014, 11:55:44 pm
Selecting points when an edge is selected is very easy to do. I kept them separate to see if there was a use for that. Let me know what you think about this.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: johnar on December 08, 2014, 03:18:29 am

Points selected when edge selected:
That came in handy for locating a hidden point.
Yes, i've done the same many times. Sometimes you need to move a point to move the edge attached. When the point is hidden by a cluster of other points, the easiest way to locate the correct point is by selecting the edge and following it along visually until you can see the point at the end of it. Has been a lifesaver at times, 1 example which comes to mind is when morphing a mouth with a lot of teeth.  You've made an open mouth morph from a semi closed mouth, and all is good except you've dropped one point from 1 of the teeth, leaving him/her with a pointy fang, instead of a nice square(-ish) tooth. So you go in to fix it and cant locate the right point because its hiding behind all the lip and other teeth points. By selecting/highlighting the tooth edge,  you can then easily locate the hidden point because it is also highlighted at the end of the edge.

Well, I'm in disagreement. I think having global multi-toggle for P/E/F is great, and newcomers would be used to keeping it in mind since they don't have prior experience with being stuck with just one element at a time.
Thats a fair enough thought raxx. I suppose it has become a habit working with 1 choice at a time, and a new user would know no different to begin with.
  Its just caught me out a few times now, and i find myself unselecting the ones i'm not immediately using. But i think you're right. Overall its more efficient to not have to be stuck with just one element at a time. I'll just agree with crashdrive and say.
"I actually find it a bit strange working with multiple buttons active.
Will probably be more comfortable with it once i kick the old habit. (

Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Steve on December 08, 2014, 12:22:45 pm
You can also use the "T" hot key to toggle through:

Points-only --> Edges-only --> Faces-only --> All-P+E+F --> Points-only

So if you like having just on thing selected at a time just hit the T key a time or two to change modes.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Trevor on December 08, 2014, 06:33:13 pm
I Like the current setup with being able to select P/E/F's all at the same time or optionally.

Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: johnar on December 09, 2014, 02:57:20 am
You can also use the "T" hot key to toggle through:
Points-only --> Edges-only --> Faces-only --> All-P+E+F --> Points-only

Nice one Steve (
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Gyperboloid on December 09, 2014, 07:58:21 pm
I guess must get used to it. About that "T" shortcut speaking: the "t" shortcut for the " select face edges" command disappeared . Is that because of the "T" shortcut or you just simply changed it and forgot it?  ???
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: ronaldefarmer on December 09, 2014, 10:16:49 pm
I was wondering about that too; was removing the keyboard shortcut for "select face edges" intentional?
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: johnar on December 10, 2014, 05:40:15 am

Posted by: Gyperboloid
« on: Today at 12:58:21 am »
I guess must get used to it. About that "T" shortcut speaking: the "t" shortcut for the " select face edges" command disappeared . Is that because of the "T" shortcut or you just simply changed it and forgot it?  ???
Posted by: ronaldefarmer
« on: Today at 03:16:49 am »
I was wondering about that too; was removing the keyboard shortcut for "select face edges" intentional?

Never noticed that. Hopefully theres other options for toggling through the selections then, if thats the case..(
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: Steve on December 10, 2014, 11:10:55 am
I'll restore the 't' shortcut for selecting face edges. Don't know exactly what happened but it's simple to put back :)
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: ronaldefarmer on December 10, 2014, 01:55:53 pm
Speaking of shortcuts, is it possible to make shortcuts for "center about origin" and "rotate none"?
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 10, 2014, 09:56:19 pm
Build 1143 ( is ready with better mouse use.  See the initial post in this topic for details.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Raxx on December 10, 2014, 11:03:06 pm
Hey Steve, I really like the changes! Paint select for everything is great, and rotating stuff is awesome now :)

The only issue I noticed during a quick trial was that paint-selecting doesn't ignore underlying elements. It selects points and edges hidden by geometry. Faces seem to be ok.

On that note, I was wondering if perhaps the rectangle-select tool should also ignore hidden geometry, at least in solid/shaded views?
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2014, 12:38:33 am
Raxx: are you paint-selecting in a wireframe view? That works the same as the red highlighting does normally - it is supposed to select points and edges behind faces. The idea is that you can see them so they can be selected. In solid views you shouldn't be able to selecting anything behind a face. Also if points or edges aren't drawn they shouldn't be selected. Is this what you're seeing?

I'll fix the issues with rectangle-select. It's is still a work-in-progress. I'm adding highlighting, etc.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Raxx on December 11, 2014, 02:32:17 am
Hi Steve, it's in solid views that it selects hidden points and edges. It seems this only happens when face select is disabled. This seems to happen with regular select as well--it's not just a paint-select thing.

Something else I noticed, is that non-meshes like parametric shapes and grouped meshes don't block picking of P/E/F.

Related and probably already brought up: Grouped meshes can still have their points selected and tools like Add Edge and Knife still interact with them.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2014, 02:37:43 am
OK, thanks. I'll look into these issues.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: captaindrewi on December 11, 2014, 05:25:25 am
If i attempt to select a point with the pointer on an ngon [shift g] causes a crash 1140+1143 at least for me.
seems in fast select mode.or just move the mouse point over the ngon area.
seems 1138 and 1139 also.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2014, 11:16:13 am
#098-051 - Fast Select crashes when mouse moves over spline knots.

Thanks, captaindrewi. I'll fix it.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: kreator on December 11, 2014, 12:59:23 pm
Edit/select/connected(Keyboard shortcut c) No longer works for points either in fast or un-fast select mode, used to use this shortcut  extensively for morphs. 

Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules (was: "Trial build 1139 with different ...")
Post by: nemyax on December 11, 2014, 02:05:36 pm
Selecting points when an edge is selected is very easy to do. I kept them separate to see if there was a use for that. Let me know what you think about this.
There should be a generic set of selection conversion commands for each component type, converting the selection to any of the other two component types. Meaning, there needs to be a To Points command for edges and faces, a To Faces command for edges and points and a To Edges command for faces and points. This is so useful that it even works perfectly as the sole component type switching method, as Wings3D will testify.
Also, Steve, a selection of individual points in fast select mode should best be scaled and rotated as a single unit about the points' common centre.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2014, 03:08:02 pm
Edit/select/connected (Keyboard shortcut c) No longer works for points either in fast or un-fast select mode,
I'm having trouble reproducing this. I can select point(s), edges(s) and/or face(s) on either a mesh, subdivision object, or a morph target and typing the "c" key selects all the points. Can you give me a few more details?
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: kreator on December 11, 2014, 04:43:05 pm

If I have the P/E/F all on, then I can select a point and doing a c selects all, however, with just points selected whether or not fast select is on or off, I select one point, and the moment I hit c, it switches the point off. Should that be right??
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2014, 05:00:38 pm
No, that's a bug.  I'll fix it, and thanks for the report!
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Gyperboloid on December 11, 2014, 06:33:59 pm
Wuh, now the paint-selection works perfectly !!! When releasing mouse buttons and still holding the Ctrl down you can select again with mouse. Great ! The rotate tool with Fast Select enabled works great too, as some other changes to movement by MMB and RMB ! Although , as mentioned , that c shortcut doesn't affect points ( only ). And the other thing, don't know, maybe only on my computer, the p/e/f buttons are not "connected" to shortcuts. If I have all ( p/e/f ) enabled, by starting the program, in Point Editor I can select the items. When I deselect some of them, but always only with buttons on the left ( not shortcuts) , the deselected wont be selectable any more, which is a correct thing. BUT, if I hit a shortcut for a deselected item, the button wont turn on and while still being highlighted deselected I would be able to select the item. In another words the buttons and shortcuts work, but doing it separately and not "seeing" each other (well, you understood I hope :P). And actually points are selectable all the time, button shortcut don't affect them. The same happens, no matter Fast Select is on or off.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 11, 2014, 06:55:04 pm
kreator: Fixed for next build: #098-052 - Select Connected doesn't work for points when edges or faces isn't enabled.

Gyperboloid: Fixed for next build: #098-053 - 'p', 'f' and 'g' (Point/Edge/Face) shortcuts don't set the toolbar state.  (Thanks for the bug report!)

Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 17, 2014, 07:09:38 pm
Build 1145 has these fixes and a few others. Check it out!
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: johnar on December 18, 2014, 07:25:43 pm
In all cases a selected face or edge, if toggled to 'points only' should become points.

 Yes. That would be perfect..
 I spose thats how its meant to be...?, would that mean a selected face, then toggle only edge, that the edges of that face are selected and face becomes deselected. (toggled off)..and so on...
 So that then the toggling function can actually be used as a select function.  ie: select a face -> toggle edge only and all edges connected to that face are selected, or toggle points only, and all the points attached to that face are selected.
 Sorry i'm not really up with the play so much here., but if thats the plan, (above), then that would be super, duper awesomeness, wouldn't it..? (
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Raxx on December 19, 2014, 12:03:21 pm
Like the odd use of the 'Alt key', something I have never seen used this way in any program other than Anim8or
and I wrote my first program on a 'Commodore Vic 20'. Anyone that has expressed concerns are ignored.
The use of the Alt key for manipulating the view is found in several programs. It's default for Maya, 3D-Coat, ZBrush, MudBox, Unity, Project Messiah, and Wings3D (among others), and can be enabled in just about every other major 3D software package.

That being said, I do agree with cooldude234's issue regarding Alt+PrtScrn. I wouldn't mind if Z was used instead.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: johnar on December 19, 2014, 06:52:09 pm
Well, i spose we all have our preferences.
 Personally, now that i've started using my thumb on the Alt key for instant arc rotate, i couldn't think of an easier and faster way. imho, Its brilliant.
Moving your view easilly around the workspace is a really crucial thing in any 3D modelling/animation program, and the ease of the Alt key, for arc rotate viewing, does that very nicely indeed. (
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: CrashDrive on December 19, 2014, 07:04:16 pm
Ya I guess you're right.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: ronaldefarmer on December 22, 2014, 01:16:23 am
I really like the changes in point-edit in build 1146--especially the paint-select. There is just one thing I want to mention: I have noticed that only faces can be selected in smooth shaded view, and points can only be selected in wireframe (except when using drag select). This makes perfect sense for meshes, but when editing subdivisions, I think that it would be useful to be able to select points and edges in all views, as it can be difficult to make out the shape of the subdivision from the wireframe alone.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on December 22, 2014, 04:13:19 pm
ronaldefarmer: The idea is that you can only select what you can see. In Flat and Smooth shaded views if you have points and edges disabled (see the File->ConfigureUI dialog) they can't be selected. I usually enable points and edges for Flat shading and leave them disabled for Smooth. I then toggle between those two modes to edit (Flat) and view (Smooth).

In a related note, none of the back-facing Points, Edges or Faces are selectable in Flat and Smooth modes because you can't see them. But in Wireframe you can see them so they can be selected. Of course you can always disable back-facing or front-facing with the [Front] and [Back] buttons in the left-hand toolbar.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: ronaldefarmer on December 22, 2014, 10:16:29 pm
Sorry, I thought those were turned on in the configuration--should have checked before I posted. Everything looks great now.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: ronaldefarmer on February 23, 2015, 12:26:03 am
Steve: I brought up a similar question earlier, but I had not done my homework so I didn't really get my point across. What I'm thinking is that when working with subdivisions, there are two different types of lines--those that can be used to manipulate the shape of the object, and the ones that just adhere to the surface of the object. Sometimes, it would be much better if the surface lines were not present in the solid view while the other lines were visible and could be selected. Is it possible to allow turning off just the surface lines in solid view for subdivisions?

Of course I realize that it is possible to toggle between solid and flat as you said.
Title: Re: New Point Editing Rules: New build 1143
Post by: Steve on March 08, 2016, 10:48:30 pm
ronaldefarmer: I forgot to reply: this is implemented in build 1222 :)  In the CongigureUI dialog un-check the "Show Subdivision Edges" box.  I also softened the color to grey instead of black.