A tip: Think big. Bite off more than you can chew, and chew like crazy!UNLESS ITS A COMMERCIAL PROJECT!
Thanks for your help everyone, now I do understand!
How would I add color to any object, like a ball for instant? I have searched on Anim8or screen but I cannot find a icon the represent such a function, Please help?
Be in Object mode, ...
What's up with the beta version, I don't find a "close"option ?Yes that does appear to be an oversight
What's up with the beta version, I don't find a "close"option ?i have discovered if i click on another tool and return to the path ,then double clicking, another dialogue box opens with the closed option.
... I haven't coloured it blue or stuck the label where you wanted but you could spend another few hours working it out! Lots of practice makes perfect!Thank you very much Kreator,
(1) The best place to put this information .... (2) create a video tutorial.
... For example to NOT use keyboard shortcuts in video, only slow visual mouse moves.i'd suggest it would be ok to use a keyboard shortcut in this context, so long as a suitably clear-and-obvious caption was added to the video e.g. "Keyboard shortcut: [Key]" so viewers know what's going on. obviously it wouldn't help if the key shortcut is used without any indication as to what was pressed though!
... would be ok to use a keyboard shortcut in this context, so long as a suitably clear-and-obvious caption was added to the video ...My opinion to your question is:
A lot of Anim8or`s don`t actually use the keyboard shortcuts that are available, and prefer to click on the tools, unlike blender that is heavily reliant on Keyboard presses ;D
Youtube on material on 4 faces.
These are not questions to answer, but show the complexities that a Newbie has to face.
Back to my question, How do I apply light blue to every face with only one Materials "Apply" mouse click.
I tried it with the simple box, same results, Some time it works and some time not!!
Thank You jwalt,
I have spent over 100 hours learning to draw a pallet and a shoe box and I am an experienced 3D user in many other programs for many years.
kreator:The Quads and Tri's were assigned automatically by the extrusion. Does this explain why material is not always assigned to ALL faces with a "select all" function?
... Your Shoebox took a little longer to texture as the Normals were reversed , as you had used a combination of Quads and Tri`s. ...
The reason it has taken so long is documented here and an example in the last email. I set down to draw an object with some extrusions and they were randomly failing, the sane as with the applying of materials. After 2 hours of no progress, I stopped for a break. (They were complex shapes, the 5 point V-gon was just for illustrations)
The reason I am asking how to apply light blue to every face with only one Materials "Apply" mouse click, is small features can quickly make LOTS of faces and it would be very time consuming to apply to every face. Usually if you select the entire object using the dashed-line "drag-select", from any view, it will select the entire object and thus apply the material to the entire object. But I have had it fail often.
The reason I am asking how to apply light blue to every face with only one Materials "Apply" mouse click, is small features can quickly make LOTS of faces and it would be very time consuming to apply to every face. Usually if you select the entire object using the dashed-line "drag-select", from any view, it will select the entire object and thus apply the material to the entire object. But I have had it fail often.
.... Is this not working for you? ....Also, from your video it appears you have screen rendering issues. ...
It works sometimes and fails to get all the faces some times!
1) ... about clicking on the object in object-select mode and then applying the material...
2) ... not able to replicate your issue with extruding N-gons ..
I`m intrigued!... what other 3d Programs have you used?You didn`t answer my question in a previous post
No other program that can do this, that I know of.Blender. Ctrl+click.
You can easily create anything from just this method.Nope. Not easily, anyway.
No other program that can do this, that I know of.
Blender. Ctrl+click.
When did that happen? Blender is a totally different can of worms!You can easily create anything from just this method.Nope. Not easily, anyway.
When did that happen?Around 1995, in the first version. Today it lets you extend a selected edge multiple times with a series of Ctrl-clicks.
Then you are missing something!What am I missing?