Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: cumesoftware on April 02, 2008, 11:39:38 am
This is a fireplace front that I'm planning to use in my palace room. It will be one of those antique, huge fireplaces, and a very elaborated one. The whole room is a work in progress, but it is only live on my mind, for now.
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This is just the beginning of a decorated side stone. I will only make one. The other will be mirrored.
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You can see the half column that will be on each side of the fireplace. Still much to do. Only 50% of the column is finished (about 5% of the whole work and about 0.1% of the whole room).
It looks good. I like the spiral thing going on. Just waiting t osee the full fireplace, i think it will turn out good
i saw some of your other elements a while back, and i was already thinking that this is going to be an absolutely stunning scene when you've finished - this just confirms what i was thinking! excellent work!
- colclough
Very, very nice.
Your column looks similar to the legs of the table I have in my museum.
If you'd like to compare I can post an image.
i saw some of your other elements a while back, and i was already thinking that this is going to be an absolutely stunning scene when you've finished - this just confirms what i was thinking! excellent work!
- colclough
Thanks. The building process is quite similar, actually.
Very, very nice.
Your column looks similar to the legs of the table I have in my museum.
If you'd like to compare I can post an image.
Thanks. I would like to take a look at that table, when possible.
Looks high poly, could you show a wireframe
I'm guessing you used the rope making technique
Here's the table. The legs are made from different parts and the twisted section is a long cube.
Today I've been busy and did not much. Nevertheless, the decorative column is 100% complete. The base is pretty much complete too. Here is the model:
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Here is a detailed view of the wireframe:
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Here's the table. The legs are made from different parts and the twisted section is a long cube.
Nice room! Thanks for sharing it with us.
I never use modifiers and warps for the twisting effects, due to lack of control. It is all made by hand.
Looks high poly, could you show a wireframe
I'm guessing you used the rope making technique
It is not quite a high poly. It is a medium poly actually. You can see the wireframe in the last image above. Hope it is sufficiently detailed.
It is all made by hand. used the lathe tool for that little round bit at the base, right?
anyways, your dedication to your modelling work is quite impressive, i'm sure i wouldn't have the patience to build something like that!
- colclough
Thank you for the additional pics. I can see it much clearer now and your column is totally different from my table legs. ;D
Wonderful work !
Now the left and right pillars are 100% complete, and the respective columns have bases and capitals. The left and right pillars are separated meshes.
Below you can see the wireframe:
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And the rendered image:
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Wonderful work ! used the lathe tool for that little round bit at the base, right?
anyways, your dedication to your modelling work is quite impressive, i'm sure i wouldn't have the patience to build something like that!
- colclough
Thanks once more. I didn't used the lathe tool, due to my inability to convert a linear mesh to a path. I suggested that function to Steve, though. It was made using a copy/paste/rotate pattern.
You can't put a mesh on a path, but you can extrude a spline on a path.
But it does look like the lathed the base of the column (not the twisted part) around an axis.
I've made the base fire guards. They are pretty basic when compared to the posts (columns), but I think they only need to be decorated on the outside. Here are the pics:
The wireframe with faces:
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The rendered model:
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Still to do is the sill (should be easy), the lintel (heavily decorated) and the supporting brackets (heavily decorated too). The final model will have a total of 8 meshes.
looks cool - just wondering though, what's the little block on the inside of the bottom corners do?
- colclough
looks cool - just wondering though, what's the little block on the inside of the bottom corners do?
- colclough
They are merely structural. I thought they would provide structural strength by distributing the downward force from the post to the sill. They also are a bit of decorative and provide a small protection from the fire.
They are merely structural. I thought they would provide structural strength by distributing the downward force from the post to the sill. They also are a bit of decorative and provide a small protection from the fire.
fair enough :)
so, is this based on a real-world fireplace, or have you designed it yourself?
- colclough
They are merely structural. I thought they would provide structural strength by distributing the downward force from the post to the sill. They also are a bit of decorative and provide a small protection from the fire.
so, is this based on a real-world fireplace, or have you designed it yourself?
- colclough
I've designed it myself. It is not exactly what I had in mind, since I have a tendency to forget details.
...I have a tendency to forget details.
snap! ::)
- colclough
The fireplace mantel (I think I can call it that) is approaching the finishes. The brackets are done. Here are the pictures:
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Detail view of the brackets.
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Rendered model with brackets.
The sill is finished. It only took one afternoon. Still to do is the heavily decorated lintel. Here are the pictures so far:
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Sill detail.
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The almost finished model rendered.
i just get more and more impressed by every successive picture you post! you're awsome.
- colclough
That's awesome, makes me remind of all those 3ds tutorials. The level of detail is just stunning. Keep on going, it had like to see it finished.
i just get more and more impressed by every successive picture you post! you're awsome.
- colclough
That's awesome, makes me remind of all those 3ds tutorials. The level of detail is just stunning. Keep on going, it had like to see it finished.
Thanks! The model is expected to be finished in the end of this week.
Finally, the model is finished! The material is set so it looks like limestone (pinkish variant). In the future, I will post the images of the fireplace mantle integrated on a wall. Meanwhile, you can see the pictures of the finished model:
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Overview of the meshes.
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Lintel detail.
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The rendered image of the mantel.
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Lintel detail, now rendered.
I'll make the model available as soon as I can on my website.
It looks great, really palatial :)
I would love to see a render with the material applied to it.
The material is already applied to the meshes. As you can see, the colour is slightly different and the material has no brilliance. It mimics white limestone.