Locomotive been working on today
Looks pretty awesome. What are you using for the particle smoke?
This is great. How did you do the smoke and steam?
Thanks guys, just used PI its quicker than Terranim8or
Here is a Maunsell 4-6-0 I posted to our facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld/
What is PI?
The number PI is a mathematical constant, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159. ...
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi for the rest.
(And its a Constant in Anim8or scripting language.)
(Reminds me why I generally don't like abbreviation's)
I've always loved your locomotive work, Kevin!
I'm pretty sure PI is ( Particle Illusion ). It's even been used in different TV shows.
I've had a copy for years (Ver 2.0.1 SE). I love that program.
Here is another using PI ( yes Particle Illusion 3.0 Pro)
My Spectrum Pursuit Vehicle (SPV) courtesy Gerry Anderson`s Captain Scarlet series
Thanks Arik Long time no hear!
I just see a grey box, with the words No video with supported format and MIME type found
(http://s18.postimg.org/nbb3zykhh/Not_Happy_G.gif) Not sure exactly what that means. Outdated flash or something?..Will google it. kreator make good trains. (http://s6.postimg.org/p4cqdev8d/grysmile.gif)
By the way. Particle illusion is awesome. The trial is unrestricted too, so i've been having a blast with those particle effects. Absolutely cool. Wish i'd heard of it earlier. Thanks for mentioning it.
Very nice on the model.
Version 3.0 pro, I'm extremely jealous. It has extra features mine doesn't have.
I noticed the list of movie and TV credits has also really grown.
hello kreator
Saw that you'd posted, had a look and found i could download the mp4s'. Dont know how i missed that earlier. (http://s13.postimg.org/668ay1knn/blush1gry.gif)(http://s6.postimg.org/zd57j8ja5/gryrolleyes.gif)
Nice trains. Take away the PI effects...Still Nice trains.(http://s6.postimg.org/4y98eizkt/grywink.gif)
On your spv launcher, I like the way the little door opens before the rocket launches. Its cool making things with moving parts....(the wheel hubs maybe look a little bit shiny?...unless, of course, if its in a dust free environment...in which case...
Anyway, cool stuff, glad i finally caught up with it . Have seen your trains b4....
kreator make good trains....(http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif)
Johnar, Thanks for your comments here is the latest render for the GWR Brakevan.
Will be working on a Class 40 Diesel shortly hope to have some initial shots up soon!
hey, i really like that one kreator
Something about it, reminds me, near exactly, of a carriage in my brothers trainset, long time ago. This one sticks out to me, coz i remember we could put things on and in it. Like the little plastic men, and sheep, and cows and things. He had a fairly large setup, and spent hours building the terrain and fences and so on. We weren't really alowed to touch it, but he let us put things on some of the carriages....sometimes...lol.
Probly my favourite one, but mostly for the memories it gives me. All your trains are really good.
Nice one kreator.
I think I`ll post all my loco stuff in this thread to keep it in context...
W.I.P Class 40 Diesel Built to replace all Steam Locomotives in 1958 onwards loads of work to do on this one, Underframe, bogies and running gear is a modellers dream ( or maybe nightmare!!)but I have started on the easier stuff first ;D
Update Class 40 Bogie ....Nuts to add in profusion now..
Nice detail kreator
Coming along nicely.....(http://s6.postimg.org/p4cqdev8d/grysmile.gif)
Class 40 loco nearing Completion, Render kept crashing with revision 1146 so tried in 0.98 without any Problems
Gonna start a Class 08 (Shunter) one soon as a VideoBlog
Thats awesome kreator
Really like the texturing as well as the detail.
I notice the windows are green. Whats the plan there....?
Excellent detail especially in the undercarriage of the engine, and I really like the textures. What program do you use for creating textures?
Hello Ron! Happy new Year to you!!
I am using Photoshop CS6 for texturing... but I am using the Anim8or UV editor instead of Mapping it. Still ongoing, but , I`ve started a Class 8 Diesel loco now, as you will see in the next Post I have started videoblogging it, have man flu at the moment so its affecting me.
Cheers for now.
Class 8 Diesel locomotive Modelling Videoblog
Will update with new videos as and when they are done, trying to limit them to 10 or so minutes, so you don`t get bored, LOL!!
Reference image I am using can be obtained in attachment below
Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld/
Latest incarnation of my Class 8 Diesel Shunter.
First render, more to come
Test animation for my little Class 8 Shunter. OpenGL render 196 frames @ 24Fps
Graceful,exquisite. tour de force. ;)
Latest concept for my railway ...
you've been busy, kreator! the one tiny bit of critique i'd offer is, perhaps some of the bolder colours (front doors on the terrace, etc) could do to be dulled down a little to make it look a bit more weathered. but overall very impressive :)
you've been busy, kreator! the one tiny bit of critique i'd offer is, perhaps some of the bolder colours (front doors on the terrace, etc) could do to be dulled down a little to make it look a bit more weathered. but overall very impressive :)
Yeah I havn`t dirtied anything up yet just trying to get a sense of how it might look . Notice the little warehouse; the paint around the shutter doors etc are a brilliant white? I had ambient at 400 instead of 0.4!! Most of the texturing at the moment is done with anim8or`s inbuilt UV tool.
I should really be exporting the models in .obj format then using Roadkill and UVmapper but it all takes up time and I need a lot more models to add to the scene .... busy busy busy!
Another building in progress to add
Update to my semis...
And a set of Oil Wagons I have been working on over the last couple of days on and off
Mapping of these still underway.
Next in my list of models is an A4 Pacific....Sir Nigel Gresley.
Next in my list of models is an A4 Pacific....Sir Nigel Gresley.
Ooh... i'll look forward to seeing that!
Started work on the Sir Nigel Gresley/ Mallard Locomotives. Some way to go though, Rough Streamlined bodywork and wheel configuration done, working on the bogie chassis`s
Cant find any refs for the front Bogie, So may have to put this on hold until I have Visited the National Rail Museum in August! Cannot find any in depth views of this loco.
New Model Project
Update 3: Want this to look like it came from Barry Island Scrapyard hence the rust!
This "Real" Loco is currently being restored to its former Glory on the K.E.S.R Line and back to its Native G.W.R Livery.
New Project.....
Working on a new class 7 to fit the scene as well ad a few hills and other bits.
An atmosphere of quality being kreated here.
Thanks Drewi!
Update....working on the SAR Class 7 Loco, fitted it into scene to gauge sizing some work to do though...
Hope to have a walk round animation at some point as well as loading up wagons with timber!!
Wow! Great stuff, Kevin!
Latest incarnation Of The Malobezi SawMills
My Little Narrow Gauge Class B Darjeeling Teatray Taking Shape slowly but Surely.
I like it!
Darjeeling railway class 28 WIP, running gear in progress, and a real nightmare!
Traction Engine WIP...
Nice models, they look really cool :U
Start of my massive Aircraft collection..... starting off with a Bell Aircobra all Wips at the moment...
Bell Airacobra..
Bolton Paul Defiant
you should make an animation where the plane lands on the train.
There's nothing like an anim8or air show ;D
Another WIP Avro Shackleton. 8)
Completed Shackleton ready for paint shop
that's a really nice image even without the texturing on the plane - that combo of good modelling and a moody colour scheme =]
B17-G chromed up and ready for Ops 8)
Those are awesome! B17 Shackleton is going to look reeeal good. 8)
Thanks for your comments Hypure
Rest-bite from aircraft, going back to Formula I now my old scalextric Work In Progress
Anim8orWorld (https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld/)
Latest WIP for my Formula 1 Project Pitlane
Latest clip for my formula I project
Latest Car.
Coming along nice! :P
Another render in OpenGL
Latest version of my 2-8-0 loco
Nice, your pit scene has really came along.
OpenGL Render for my Tiger Tank
A.R.T rendered Animation 5 days to complete just 287 frames at 1920 x 1080 frames using 3 instances of anim8or on my quad core, afraid to use the other core in case it locked up!.....Steve you need to speed up rendering times!
Not bad the tank's nicely detailed.
Since you're not using any of ART's special features, scanline would probably achieve the same effect in a fraction of the rendering time.
Unfortunately Raxx thats not the case scanline takes even longer for me.... l expect its because the gpu is`nt nvidia its an amd a6
...using 3 instances of anim8or on my quad core, afraid to use the other core in case it locked up!.....Steve you need to speed up rendering times!
seconded... i'm running a hyperthreaded hex-core now, and it'd make a world of difference if An8 could use the whole thing instead of just 1/12 of it
also, nice tank 8)
kreator: Awesome video! Yes, I know the raytracer in Anim8or is slow - I plan to look into speeding it up when I have the modeler ready for the next full release and a few improved animation tools. Multi-core rendering is one way to speed it up but it's not as simple as I'd line to add it. There are other things that can help, too, with a possibly bigger !/$ (cache management, optimizing specific code paths, ray intersection techniques, etc.) I'll have a better idea what to do once I start looking into it.
are you ever planning on using openCL to utilize cuda and other such techs?
cooldude234: that's certainly something I thought about, but writing a good raytracer in OpenCL or Cuda is a momentousness task.
Yea I guess. I usually find once I have the algorithm in pseudo code implementing it across several languages is easy (if you know what you are doing in those languages). But I never really have looked to far into opeCL and cuda so I can't really say much for its ease of use.
P.S I've never before seen someone use !/$ to describe a cache :P is that an thing they do in the industry?
This is my latest creation, done in scanline using pyramid 1.5 x 1.5 support
2 lights 1 infinate 24% dark soft shadows 8 monte carlo 4/12
render init =0.52 191.84
ART render same light settings 16 samples regular AA
init=0.55 209.03 rays 6636356
Much prefer art over scanline better depth with shadows in the model
er [the depth in ART
oh l forgot,just 18.17 seconds faster in scanline, but l think worth the trade off!
ART ignores the shadow parameters of lights and makes all objects cast and receive, whereas scanline doesn't. In scanline, you need to set the tank to both cast and receive, and set the lights to 100% shadow in order to make a proper comparison between the two. Also, the ground grid in Anim8or is lighter in Scanline than in ART, so that would have to be replaced as well.
Of course, doing all this will increase your scanline rendering time.
Art (16 samples regular): 9.26s
Art (36 samples regular): 22.08s
Scanline (pyramid no receiving shadows): 2.33
Scanline (pyramid all receiving shadows): 5.78s
Personally I prefer scanline since the shadows are higher quality with a much lower rendering time. In ART you'd have to increase the samples to get softer less grainy shadows, greatly increasing the render time.
Some more works .....
Bombed Shell Diorama
Matilda II Tank
Some more bits and pieces...
Sherman Tank WIP
Caterpillar shoveller Modelled with Anim8or (Rendered with Carrara)
Other Things Have kept me away from Anim8or But here is a new WIP Cllass 58 Diesel Loco
Wow! Cool looking, bro! :D :D :D Love the details.
Cool model, kreator, as are your others. I wish I could model better :( But I'm just a programming nerd, but that's OK with me.
Another excellent piece of railway machinary.
You're definately getting these trains and carriages down to an art.
Nice one kreator :)
Hunslet Saddleback Locomotive
GWR 2-8-0 Complete scene
Update on my Hunslet Locomotive, still a lot of stuff to add and refine!
Working on the inside Gubbins, something that I keep putting off with other locos!
Bombed Shell(View in 3D (https://p3d.in/e/1shKq+spin+subd))(https://p3d.in/model_data/snapshot/1shKq) (https://p3d.in/e/1shKq+spin+subd)
(https://p3d.in/model_data/snapshot/1shKq) (https://p3d.in/1shKq)
Great work again.
I must say that I've always
liked very much your models.
Your trains,planes and tanks are very detailed
and of a very high technical level.
I must say also that I have a soft spot for the WWII
warbirds.They bring back childhood memories:
those of a young boy, end of the fifties beginning of the sixties,reading WWII comic books.
Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for your kind comments Claude.
Here we go again with another vehicle I have been working on... just a few bits left to texture then some odd bits and pieces to clean up, especially the track that insist on going the wrong way. and the problem with the track Morph never saving in its attributes section ( dont know it does this perhaps a new bug )
very coOL...
Finished HanoMag :D
Here is a third attempt at trying to upload anything to the server using the attach coomand embedded within the message.. seems it does not want to play ball with me at the moment
If it has worked hooray! :D https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld
I have always thoroughly enjoyed your locos, Kevin!
Thanks Arik.... just a new quick anim
done on an existing project I have in hand at the moment, been concentrating on Real modelling, with plaster of Paris and Hermiculate, will have a lot of time on my hands now since retirement!!
ooooo no! Tank treads! heheheh
A liitle thing I did some time ago that has revealed itself maybe I might just finish this one off .
Latest thing I am working on... in Facebook Anim8or Challenge https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld/events/ (https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld/events/)
Render without textures
Finally completed Brighton Pavilion ;)
Looks really good!