Anim8or Community
General Category => General Anim8or Forum => Topic started by: JSmith_DumDumDumDumDum on October 18, 2014, 08:07:56 pm
Hello, folks,
I'm a The Sims player and am aspired to create custom 3d objects and mesh for The Sims 4, the latest version in the series. From my basic knowledge, the game and its platform were created by Python, and the files containing the games objects and meshes have an extension of ".package", which I know little to nothing about beyond the fact that it's a game-storage data for sound, 3d models, textures and some sort of "character" code expression (AI, I'm guessing?); perhaps anyone more knowledgeable (of TS4 things) could shed some light on how to use the content within it. Also, from my basic knowledgl the game's platform supports projects created in Milkshape and Blender for the game.
Does it support projects created in Anim8or as well? I know that anim8or has a feature that allows scene and animation sequence editing, which particularly lead me to wonder if it does; that, second to the fact that Anim8or can read some .obj objects. (Although, it can't save projects into .obj that can be read by programs like Blender). I don't know if .obj and .package data can be shared with each other and, if it can, how much of it can be. On the other hand, since Blender (and milkshape?) can read .obj, I'm guessing there's some sort of similarity.
That's where I need the help of people who know a little more about The Sims 4. haha
I'm aware I may not be asking a very easy question. Anyone who provides any answer to it, million grazi's to you. :) :)
edit - a list of programs that can create mods for TS4 are listed here - (I didn't see anim8or on there, but anim8or is an independent lesser-known program, and I'm sure it has little or no say in whether or not it's compatible.)
^^If it helps in anyway
I realize that this question is way too early for its time and that perhaps I'm way over my head to think that any decent number of people could answer this question; since most mesh-modding artists for The Sims 4 don't really know yet how Modding works in the new game platform.
Here's a slightly different question that I think will somehow be useful in my endeavor: is it possible for anim8or to save in .obj format? I'm aware that, in general, obj can be read (at least somewhat) by anim8or, but I haven't quite figured out the other way around.
is it possible for anim8or to save in .obj format? I'm aware that, in general, obj can be read (at least somewhat) by anim8or, but I haven't quite figured out the other way around.
I don't know anything about Sims and I'm not sure that I understand what you want to do, but yes, Anim8or can import and export .obj files.
is it possible for anim8or to save in .obj format? I'm aware that, in general, obj can be read (at least somewhat) by anim8or, but I haven't quite figured out the other way around.
I don't know anything about Sims and I'm not that sure I understand what you want to do, but yes, Anim8or can import and export .obj files.
It's fine that you don't understand; again, I've come to learn that most people reading this forum probably wouldn't anyways.
For our Sims 1 custom objects, We at the community love to use anim8or to render our 3d-simulating 2d images.
^^This, for loose starters
On the other hand, The Sims 4 is a much more complex platform that, like other 2010-decade graphical games, obviously use actual 3d files, not mere 2d-rendered images simulating 3d environment. I do believe (though I don't know) that Sims 4 does read .obj files, and if this is the case, I have a way to translate my current Sims 1 project into Sims 4; since I have a familiar heavily-used program, anim8or, that can understand and translate to/from obj.
Now, I have tried saving my project ending in ".obj" extension. However, when I open up that .obj file in programs like Blender, the object doesn't appear. This is what lead me to ask if it's possible to save anim8or objects into obj. Perhaps I wasn't doing it right, and so that's where I could benefit from help here.
In the object editor, Object->Export. Select the .obj format.
Thank you, Raxx. Much appreciated.
In the object editor, Object->Export. Select the .obj format.
Is that all the op was asking!?
I'm sorry JSmith_DumDumDumDumDumDummDum(lost count of dums)Dum, if I knew thats what you were asking than I would have answered it the day you posted it :\
No, that wasn't what I was originally asking, cooldude. You were right to have wondered how to answer my thread, like the rest of the batch. The obj question was simply a new side question that came up on the way.
My original question, which you and others were pondering over, could not have been answered by anyone, since barely anyone here knows much about the sims 4, let alone how the newly release game could be modded. (I only wish I realized this at the start, as to not make a petty fool of myself.)
I then realized that the .obj file extension might possibly play a part in my Sims4 graphical modding endeavor. If no one could answer directly whether or not anim8or is supported by the Sims 4 platform, .obj, a possible link between the two, may be the answer Im looking for.
Well usually as games go, assets usually have their own format created for that particular game or game engine. And those assets formats are usually compressed data containing models, textures and even sometimes more stuff like their associated animations (and even more complex stuff such as scripts!).
In order to create something for The Sims 4 you would have to figure that stuff out. You would have to figure out not only how to make the assets, but how to convert them to something that the game can read.
Rarely now a days you find a game that runs with ready to edit formats like png, jpeg, .obj, etc; although I have seen a couple independent games not too long ago doing just that.
So I don't think any of us here are going to be much help. However we can defiantly give you tips on how to make the assets themselves (like modeling, animation etc.).
However you take this information I wish you good luck in modding. It's something I never had very much patients for myself, as I just rather program my own engine (like I am doing right now ;) ).