Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: jwalt on October 02, 2014, 09:20:08 am
Working on this.
Hard to get the motions to look realistic. Then again, with a cow on drums, and a mouse on the synthesizer, what would realistic look like?
Yay. Another Anim8or Band!! (
Cool. A six piece. They look like they're 'rockin'. Nice, nice and nice.
Few small fixes which stick out a bit to me. The mouses feet 'slide' unnaturally, the mic's and stands could use texturing, and maybe the occasional movement in the cymbals would help.
Love the characters. Nice 1 jwalt. (
Lights, music.....action. Do they have a name yet?
That is very good. Animating the characters must have been a lot of work. The guy on electric guitar looks a bit like Keifer Sutherland.
LOL, I find it funny that the mouse is taller than most of the people. And is it just me or does it have fangs :P
too much fun. Keep with it, jwalt!