Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: ronaldefarmer on June 30, 2014, 01:48:27 am
This is the first 3D model (other than just random shapes) that I ever made. It took me a very long time and has an extremely high polycount. Does anyone else care to share? Feel free to post a picture or video of your first Anim8or project as a reply to this post.
ronaldefarmer NICE!!
My first experience with anim8or was in 2005/2006 and my sole objective was to do an animation
Most of you may have seen this at some point but here goes
Loads more anim8or stuff at Kevs3dWorld my old youtube channel just do a search or try tVT4Gnt[/youtube]L67ow
Amazing! I have not seen this before. How long did all the modeling and animation take? Really good work!
This is just depressing :( I made a ton of stuff starting from ~2002, and just about nothing has survived the 7-8 years since.
Anyway, nice starter projects guys.
When I started, I started big. I knew exactly what I wanted to make and when that happens, who cares about practice. The thread documenting the progress on my first model still exists Here (http://",3553").
If you don't want to scroll through that, here's the final animation of it:
Wow, some very impressive first projects here. Nothing like biting off more than you can chew, and chewing like crazy!
Unfortunately I don't have my first models any more, but this is my first animated project:
EDIT: Actually it looks like I do still have my earliest Anim8or model! It's from July 2007:
kreator, CoriDavis, ENSONIQ5,
I admire what you can do with Anim8or. I wish I could stay focused on working with it. I have too many guitars.....
admittedly I don't have immediate access, and all of my very first models are long since gone. But one OF my first serious, well done animation s was called 'Jellyman', is was pretty cool. I'll see if I can find it
These are really great! CoriDavis, your Cursed Horse looks like it took a lot of keyframes. ENSONIQ5, Future City is very cool. I think I will do a space ship scene like this next.
If you can't find your first project, post the earliest work you can find.
first model:
first good animation: