Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: jwalt on June 06, 2014, 06:41:33 am
I've been working on this, off and on. Nothing here is fully rigged, and my animation is too fast, but thought I'd share, anyway.
This is just utterly cool to me. It feels like it could be part of a larger montage in a series of shorts or a cartoon or something. I must say, in terms of the animation and rigging and stuff, it's FANTASTIC-looking from here!
Indeed I do like. It's much nicer to see a sped up animation than the slowed down ones were used to here at anim8or. :P
XD cooldude, I wouldn't have been the one to say it! I feel people tend to WAY overestimate the amount of time it takes things to happen in real-time (usually attributed to slow processes and computer issues that slow the preview playback down so much), so we overcompensate by making everything take almost twice as long as it would in real time. Either way, really very simplistic and cool-looking art you have going so far, jwalt.
Defineately a breath of fresh air at this speed. Some parts are too fast for sure, but sneaking a few extra frames in here and there will help to smarten it up.
Agree with davdud
I feel people tend to WAY overestimate the amount of time it takes things to happen in real-time
absolutely. been guilty of that error myself; my early CGI work was very slow-moving! i find it helps if i act the scene out (or at least a bit of it) and time my performance - and/or figure out the physics behind an action and do the maths :P
I'd put an early iiteration of this scene up on the AGS Forums for criticism. I thought Scavenger's response worth sharing:
Man, that is a serious response. I can see the improvements Scavenger's suggestions have allowed to make. Really great response, and your reply to it was very useful as well.