Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Anthony44 on May 17, 2014, 04:29:24 am
Though I would share (just to let every one know all the work I do is in anim8tor then export to sculptris then I shrinkwrap the low poly work I did in Anim8tor back in blender to the high poly mesh) then its off to xnormal
I have a lot more look at my portfolio (all in animator except for a few see if you can pick out the ones that are not )
I went to your website; these are very impressive and detailed models.
Nicely done, on the model. I especially like the texture work, really top notch.
It might be my monitor, in fact, it undoubtedly IS my monitor to an extent, but it could use more contrast. I couldn't even tell he was an actual Viking until brightened the pic and saw his axe. The colours on the clothes rather blend together, making it all look like it's made from the same cloth. They also don't look separated, looking almost like they are attached rather than wrapped and layered over one another. This is nitpicking, I admit, and it's a really awesome model to be sure. I like the face especially.
hi Anthony...What website is that?why do you do the jobs you mention?why is it off to xnormal,
What does it mean to shrinkwrap the low poly work back?
Sorry for the long delay on the reply (been playing wot on the xbox)Thanks Ron nice to get feed back on my work thanks also Crash texture work was done in sculptris
well Myst i've not had any cc on the contrast from the other sites i've posted but I did render in blender and it can be a bit dark as for the not tell its a viking some times I tend to leave details out. Its based on ragnar from the history chanel
as texture its from the leather texture in the anim8or file back in the day I sill use it
Cap sorry about that should have linked as for jobs nothing so far just for my self. Sculptris is high poly work onto lowpoly via. xnormal. As for shrink wrap thats a blender step i think theres tuts for that one on u tube
ps ill post some more screen sots and wires from Anim8or
hi Anthony thanks for the link,your work is excellent,ship and figures.
Did you follow a schematic plan for the ship?
Thanks captain I wish i had schematics to follow would have helped alot(always pay sites)had to hunt down images allover and eyeball the most of it figure head was a bit tricky only thing i could find (historically)was a women with ridding cloths and a crop and the well known bounty we have now (wanted to go historically close as possible)
Ps all the work was done in anim8or except for the textures.
If you want I can post the images in a new thread
Only if you have the time and energy, its all interesting and others will benefit even though they may not contribute to the thread.
I have a friend who is attempting to construct a ship and is going about it via the eyeball image hunt method also.
Will do captain
Looks good Anthony44, very close likeness to the original. One small crit is that the hands could use some work, especially the thumbs, but that's a minor detail.
I hope you continue posting your works here!
Thanks Raxx that was pointed out at polycount I did fix the thumbs and moved the chest also (but this just was for fun took about 6 days on and off) heres the fixs didnt want to frag my uvs to much so its not that big of a fix (
and I look forward to posting more stuff (BTW your very good your self)
i'm working in sculptris right now but ill post more later BTW (theres some of my stuff in the sculptris pdf file to if you want to look it up)
thanks again Raxx hope this finds you well.
It's better, though as you said, it's not a big change. The chest is also a good improvement, well done 8)