Anim8or Community

General Category => Ongoing Anim8or Development => Topic started by: Steve on April 02, 2014, 07:58:49 pm

Title: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Steve on April 02, 2014, 07:58:49 pm
You can now use the mouse wheel to zooms the graphic views in and out, and to scroll the material and left hand toolbar. You don't have to click in a particular area - it acts on whatever the mouse is over at the time.

In uniform scale mode the mouse wheel scales the object up and down.

In non-uniform scale mode it scales in the X direction if the left mouse button is pressed, and in the Y direction if the right button is pressed.

Note: There is a bug that causes the view to scale at the same time. I plan to fix that so that Anim8or only scales for these two tools.

Any feedback is welcome on what you like or don't like, or other suggestions for the mouse wheel.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Raxx on April 03, 2014, 12:57:52 am
My mouse is a bit wonky with software sometimes. So I can't say if my results represent anything more than poor mouse behavior.

I tried scrolling the material bar that had an overflow of materials on it, and the left toolbar, but nothing happened.
Scrolling in the workspace only works if I scroll rapidly, and only then in small intervals. Slow to moderate scrolling does nothing.

The same rapidity is required when trying to scale shapes.

Microsoft Wireless Mouse 4000
Generic Drivers (as far as I can tell)
Windows 7 Ultimate x64
GeForce GTX 780

Here's some feedback on what I think:

I like that you're implementing mouse scroll. However, the current implementations seem a tad unintuitive. Pressing a mouse button while scrolling is awkward.

My suggestion is to enable mouse-scroll zoom of the workspace only when alt is held down or when the arc rotate tool is active. This way, the mouse scroll can serve as an aid to various tools just by itself without breaking pattern for only the specific ones. Of course, outside of the workspace, regular interface behavior like what you're doing with the material bar would be most natural. Plenty of ideas come to mind regarding tools that can use the mouse scroll.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: thecolclough on April 03, 2014, 05:52:22 am
scrolling works fine for me, using a Microsoft wired mouse under WinXP 64 - didn't have any of the issues Raxx mentioned.

would it be feasible to have an option where you can zoom the workspace to/from the cursor position instead of always zooming to/from the centre?  if you wanted to work on something which is currently in one corner of the workspace, for example, it'd be good if you could just zoom straight to that, rather than having to move the view to centre on the object and then zoom in to it.

not sure whether it'd be better as a default behaviour or a togglable option; leaning towards togglable option atm, though.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: captaindrewi on April 03, 2014, 06:20:53 am
scrolling addition working well on left side toolbar and materials
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: ianross on April 03, 2014, 07:41:03 am
This is great Steve, just tried it with my XP machine, I tried it in the scene editor with camera view and the mouse wheel changed the FOV of the camera (just like an automatic zoom on digital camera).
But you still have to manually change the FOV for animation.
Would it be a good idea if the mouse wheel changed the FOV for animation????
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: lppena on April 03, 2014, 09:51:29 am
Seems to work just fine Steve. Really am enjoying all the updates that Anim8or is getting and thank you. Leroy.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Steve on April 03, 2014, 01:13:21 pm
thecolclough, I started out with the idea of zooming the views at the point of the mouse but ended up not doing it that way. Programs like Wings ( zoom the center of the view. Sounds like a good place for something like Shift+Wheel.

ianross, the zoom was supposed work for animation but it looks like I forgot to hook it up.  Thanks for the report, I'll fix it for the next drop.

Ippena, thanks, it's fun to be working on Anim8or again!
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Raxx on April 03, 2014, 04:01:49 pm
Alright, I downloaded the official drivers and found an option to identify programs that don't scroll correctly, and that seemed to fix it. All good :)
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: thecolclough on April 04, 2014, 12:49:36 pm
...Sounds like a good place for something like Shift+Wheel.

that's what i was thinking  :)
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: bamman62 on April 07, 2014, 11:17:16 pm
I thoroughly enjoy the new feature. It's speeds things up to a surprising degree, which is always great for a program that's already fairly quick and intuitive. I would like to see the pan tool available with similar controls. Keep up the good work Steve. :)

Do we have a topic for general UI and workflow suggestions?
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Steve on April 08, 2014, 01:50:24 am
Good idea, bamman62.  How's this: General UI and Workflow Suggestions (http://",4851.0.html")
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: bamman62 on April 09, 2014, 12:34:49 pm
Perfect. Thanks!
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Raxx on April 21, 2014, 02:40:39 am
Bug report:

If you use the mouse wheel and immediately try to middle-click and zoom with the arc rotate tool, it fails to zoom. There seems to be a very short interval after the mouse wheel is used in which middle clicking is ignored. Sometimes when I middle-click-dragged to zoom, it wouldn't work--that was because sometimes when middle clicking, the mouse wheel moves a little, activating this bug.

I'm assuming (hoping) this isn't an issue with just my mouse.

[edit]I found another bug.

It seems that if you have a tool active (let's say we're using the select tool), and use the mouse wheel to zoom, then try to use the tool, it still does the mouse picking as if it wasn't zoomed. In other words, you have to select where the shape used to be in the workspace in order to select/move/rotate/etc it. This bug stops happening when a tool is changed, until you use the mouse wheel again.

Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Claude on May 03, 2014, 11:42:12 pm
Minor thing,I noticed:
when the CAD ruler is on and the mouse wheel is used to zoom  in and out, the dimension lines are not updated.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Steve on May 05, 2014, 02:19:15 pm
Raxx: did the middle-click + arc-rotate bug get better after I fixed the Alt-key lag problem?

Thanks for the bug reports:

#098-010 - Picking uses old viewport immediately after zooming with the mouse wheel.

#098-011 - When the CAD ruler is on and the mouse wheel is used to zoom in and out, the dimension lines are not updated.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: cooldude234 on May 21, 2014, 04:18:57 am
fun to be working on Anim8or again!
No ones arguing with that :D Were just happy your still here with us!
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: Steve on May 21, 2014, 05:33:12 pm
Thanks cooldude234. I'm in Rome today trying to learn a bit of Italian. Difficult but fun. When I get back I'll be more than ready to get going on Anim8or anew.
Title: Re: Mouse Wheel: zooms views, scrolls toolbars
Post by: davdud101 on May 30, 2014, 07:38:28 pm
Aw Steve, always thinking of the perfect things! I haven't gotten around to messing with any of the latests releases, but this sounds really useful...