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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: Jaw Jaw on March 31, 2008, 02:11:27 am

Title: The happy knight
Post by: Jaw Jaw on March 31, 2008, 02:11:27 am
Here is a knight i made, i was thinking of making a short video with him as The Hero!

Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: Dosser on March 31, 2008, 02:40:46 am
I love it :D

How many polygons is it, and how did you do it?

A criticism: the sword looks a little out of scale. It probably looks shorter because of the angle, but it also looks a little too wide
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: hihosilver on March 31, 2008, 02:50:51 am
The sword does look very short, I'm not sure why.
The legs and arms could use some smoothing.  You can simply double click the object and up the "smooth angle" (it can go from 0 to 180)
It will make so that the faces don't look so sharp, but instead look much smoother.  Perhaps you could add a bumpmap for the chainmail and metal as well.  that would add some realism.  The helmet also looks a bit small and flat.  Much like a simple can.
Nice start though, I look forward to seeing a short video of him!
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: Tanzim on March 31, 2008, 04:45:16 am
Great start, though his pants look a bit shiny, and as hihosilver said adding a bumpmap would add some realism
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: thecolclough on March 31, 2008, 04:49:33 am
would love to see a video, he looks like he could be a very entertaining character.

"Chivalry and Alcohol - in cinemas summer 2008"  :D

- colclough
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: Jaw Jaw on March 31, 2008, 05:10:12 pm
Here is the second version of the knight.
He now has bump maps on every thing metal as well as his tunic. I dont think it shows very well on the chainmail.
Ive also given him a new sword, and made his helmet have a slant on the bottom to make it less "can like", but i like the simplicity of his helmet so it wont be changing to much.

P.S. There are 3333 faces used in this model (not including the sword).

Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: thecolclough on March 31, 2008, 05:50:54 pm
now that's a nice sword!  i agree that the simplicity of the helmet is quite nice too.

and 3333 is such a conveniently tidy number, isn't it?  i love those sorts of coincidences.   8)

- colclough
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: onespirit5777 on March 31, 2008, 08:10:23 pm
Really good stuff - Keep going!
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on March 31, 2008, 09:46:15 pm
Nice work.  This sword is much better.  Looking closely at the chain mail texture, I suspect that the bump map is inverted, so the metal part appears "down" and the black part appears "up".  I would suggest either inverting the bump map image itself (photo negative) or try setting the bump map texture to a negative number (I think this works).  This should ensure the correct "side" of each link in the mail is lit correctly.  Currently the side of each link that does not face the red illumination is lit red.
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: Jaw Jaw on March 31, 2008, 10:15:43 pm
ENSONIQ5, you were corect!
The bumpmap was backwards, thanks.
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: thecolclough on April 01, 2008, 04:28:43 am
that was an eagle-eyed observation, ensoniq!  i didn't notice a thing until you pointed it out...

- colclough
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: ENSONIQ5 on April 01, 2008, 06:03:55 am
No probs.  By the way, I love the texture on the helmet, nice battered and weathered metal effect.  The row of rivets around the top adds a nice level of realism.  My only crit would be that the bottom half of the tunic, the skirt bit, looks a little stiff.  I know flexible things like fabric can be a pain to model (I tend to avoid such things as much as possible, preferring nice rigid geometry!) but I think it would improve an already excellent model.  Little details, like the rivets and the griffon, make all the difference on a model like this.  Great stuff.
Title: Re: The happy knight
Post by: Tanzim on April 02, 2008, 04:20:56 am
Don't know about anyone else. but the texture seems stretched around the arms
Great sword by the way :)