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Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: hihosilver on March 30, 2008, 05:27:16 pm

Title: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: hihosilver on March 30, 2008, 05:27:16 pm
I've decided to model the Mustang GT, I just love the car for some reason.
I hope to be able to update this at a good rate, but we'll see!
So here's my progress so far:
C&C is highly encouraged.

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Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: lynn22 on March 30, 2008, 06:59:44 pm
..... So here's my progress so far: .....

I'd say, so far, so good ! ;)
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: cumesoftware on March 30, 2008, 07:03:27 pm
I'm a fan of the car too, especially the Shelby models.

Congratulations for your nice model! I can't wait to see it complete.

By the way, where do you get the blueprints?
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: flametiger74 on March 30, 2008, 07:04:15 pm
So far the top pic looks really nice
I have to ask though. Is the background just like a parnoroma (I think thats what its called, it's like a background) or is it an actual scene.
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: hihosilver on March 30, 2008, 09:19:15 pm
Lynn22:  Thanks  :D

Cumesoftware:  Thanks!  It is a great car!  A friend of mine just got one with his dad... I'm very jealous.  I got the blueprints from (  It's a very well known car blueprints forum and very useful.  You can also find many at (

Flametiger74:  Thank you.  The background is a simple panorama image  ;)  I used one of the images from my environment map for the panorama image.
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: thecolclough on March 31, 2008, 04:46:43 am
i dunno, mate, looks to me like it's missing a few pieces... heheh  ::)  really nice modelling so far!  looking forward to seeing your progress, silver.

- colclough
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: Tanzim on March 31, 2008, 04:48:48 am
The front looks great, you must be working hard, I know what it's like to make a car
Good luck
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: beyond_3rd_dimension on April 02, 2008, 12:34:58 am
hi.. It's an awesome piece of work.. so complex but looks so simple. the reflection looks so real. very well done. I am eagerly waiting for the finished version.
I have a silly question to ask.. how did you make the faces look so smooth?? ( my car always has some bumpy planes.. :( )
Title: Re: Mustang GT 2005
Post by: agutsechicken on April 07, 2008, 08:31:58 pm
how do you get blueprints from smcars website? seems like i signed up along time ago but i try and download a pic and it says i can' thinking i need points but how do you get points?

*edit* never mind it seems it wasn't going to let me till i verified my new email address lol