Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: ronaldefarmer on November 13, 2013, 07:52:49 pm
Hello Anim8or Forum,
I have never posted images here before. I'm not sure I know what the rules are about posting, but I'm curious to know what everyone thinks about several of my Anim8or pics. Please let know if this is not an acceptable post.
Please let know if this is not an acceptable post.
XD well were not starting off with much confidence are we ;p
anyways its good to have you here on the forums (I remember you're name from a while back).
Those renders there are quite simple but have the highest of quality to them :D
Hello Cooldude234,
No, not much confidence, I suppose. I was concerned that the file size might be too large or something like that. Thanks for the comments.
Hey ronaldefarmer,
I LOVE the pics! High quality, and simple but effective. I especially love the texture of the 1st and 4th pics, but my personal favorite is the 3rd pic (the 1 Cor 13 reference). The font and colour and background all match up very very nicely.
A well done job! Hope to see some more work from you soon.
Hello KyleSan,
I'm glad you like that one. I made that pic for a webpage some time ago. It was one the first things I did with the environment map. Thanks for your comments.
Good work Ron, please post more.
Hello Ian,
Good to hear from you. Thanks for the compliment. How is it going with the Anim8or tutorial DVDs?
Hey Ron. like cool dude said… just sooooo….. high…. QUALITY. really good renders, you got more stuff? [ I also like the wheels on the cart, they're very nicely made :) ]
Thanks davdud101,
The cart was actually my first model ever. I didn't know what I was doing so it had an insane number of polygons by the time it was finished. Thanks for the kind remarks.