Get involved and have some fun
Three people build one creature/character. 1 person does the head, 1 does from the neck down to the waist, and the other does from the waist down...
..but no-one knows what the other parts look like until they all get joined together.
Stumps2013 progress reports. Check out the pictures throughout this thread. Theres some cool 3D images courtesy of kreator putting them on Verold.com
#001......Finished. Pics on page 2 and 3
#002......Finished. Pic on page 4
#003...... Finished. Pics on page 5
#004.....Finished. Pics on page 6
#005......Finished. Pics on page 7
#006......Finished. Pics on page 8
#007......Finished. Pics on page 9
#008 Current..... Page 9.... Have a go
#009 ....and on. Download a stump today, have a go when you find time, and if you come up with something that maybe you're a little bit proud of, enter it into any upcoming stumpy creation-fest.
Rules and instructions are in the zip folders, and also further down this page.
These are the 'Stump' zip files.
Download now, why not. ;)
Such an original idea! I would love to take part in something like this. Something out of the ordinary to test your limits and at the same time chances are you'll get a good laugh out of it too.
(http://s24.postimg.org/o4uvmxwjl/Thumbs_Up_G1.gif) Nice one KyleSan
I'll get things together tonite and should be ready to go within 24 hours. (Please wait for stumps to be uploaded before beginning).
But we can start the 'bagging' process now. (bagsing = choosing your part. Some may remember the word ie: I 'bags' the head. = I choose the head. Silly word, but used by kids a lot. (like me (http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif)
KyleSan: you were first to reply so you get first choice of which part you would like to make. Do you 'bags' the 'Head', Torso (including arms), legs, or 'feet'. ?
Any one else who wants to play can bags any other part they want, as long as its not the same as KyleSans choice.
Will get back within 24 hours and we should be good to go.
Cool. Hope we get some more players.
Cheers johnar! I "bags" legs! Hope this topic picks up so that more people can become involved.. Looking forward to it!
Sorry took a bit longer than expected.
I've uploaded some 'stump' zip files. Attached to first post.
Theres only a couple of rules.
1) Leave the red bits alone, thats where your stump will be bridged to the next bit.
2) Don't resize the original stump.
Apart from those two things, anything goes.
The Head.
Treat the stump as the neck, and model the head on top.
The torso.
The top stump should be treated as the bottom of the neck. Start from there. Arms are not compulsary, but
handy things to have. ;) The bottom stump is not necessary, its just a guide. You can join the bottom of
the torso to it, or you can delete it and just ensure that the bottom of your torso ends in a 12 sided face, so
its easily bridgable to the legs. (the legs actually bridge at the waist, so you only need to model to the
bottom of the waist, and end at a 12 sided face)
The Legs.
The bottom of the stump should be treated as the bottom of the waist. Finish off with legs and feet. (or wheels? or rockets? or a snakey thing or............?)
(the above directions are enclosed in the zip folders)
Good luck with the legs KyleSan. Will give it a day or 2 to see if anybody else is in, i'll bags something then, if theres anything left over.
If you can see any improvements to how this works, please let me know. Its been a few years, and i'm not 100% sure that this is how we had it originally.
The important thing is that 'ANYTHING GOES'. Just leave those red faces alone.
Well, lets see what happens....
ok, i bagsy the head.
Good one captaindrewi
Something i forgot to mention. Will probly 'convert to subdivided' after joining together, so keep that in mind with your bits. Model so it looks good subdivided. Cool.?
Oh, and, i bags the torso
That leaves only the feet to go.... (http://s6.postimg.org/p4cqdev8d/grysmile.gif)
Thanks Johnar for the effort. Just a couple questions - when we've done our submissions, do we load them up here on the forum? And when do we load them up? Is there going to be a deadline?
Thanks again!
I bags the feet then seeing as there is`nt anything left!
(http://s6.postimg.org/p4cqdev8d/grysmile.gif) Good one kreator.
Ok guys, thats us. Stumps2013#001 is officially under way (http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif)
KyleSan Good question(s). I was thinking maybe posting here for download, but seems as this is pretty 'secret squirrel stuff' , how would it be if you guys were to attach your creations to an email and send to me at johnar46@hotmail.com ?
I won't look at them till i've finished the torso, and that way no one can be influenced in their own creation by knowing what another part will look like.
If you guys don't mind emailing me, then we could do it that way, at least until we think of a better alternative. What do you think?
As far as deadline goes, post a note here when you've done your part, then each of us will know how progress is going. As a general rule, i wouldn't think anyone taking part would need more than a week at the most to be finished, and would imagine that it could possibly happen a lot quicker than that.
Lets see how it goes.
Hopefully the email thing will work for now, but if anybody has a prob there, or another suggestion, or any other thoughts, please let us know
all ok by me...
no problem Johnar, most of my anim8or stuff goes to my dropbox, just a thought
Aw nothing left for me ):
Cheers johnar! I "bags" legs!
LOL it sounds like you just murdered someone and your hiding the evidence XD
Emailing sounds good. Then one LAST question - what are your plans for the final render? I just want to know if using transmaps are an option. ART renders are limit us in that sense but are beautiful on the other hand. Or will it be one of those turntable type videos? Or good old reliable scanline?
Thanks again johnar for the effort! I'm enjoying this project.
Lol cooldude234!
Alrighty. Cool bananas so far. (http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif)
So we'll do the email thing this time . cool
(unless)...kreator .
i checked here to see if we can add attachments to PMs but it doesn't look like we can.
Whats a dropbox?
cooldude234 If theres enough interest for a stumps#002 then get in now if you like. I don't see anything wrong with downloading stumps now and making a start on body parts ready for the next 1.
Why not? (http://s6.postimg.org/4y98eizkt/grywink.gif)
KyleSan Glad you're enjoying it.
Rendering is another good question, which i hadn't really thought much about.
I like the idea of a turntable style vid. (or animated gif), with maybe some still shots taken from the clip.
I can do that this time round and see how it goes?
I'm not very experienced at different render settings.... or even texturing really, which is another thing that could be worked out for future stumpses. Maybe,if i do the 'joining' of the character, and the rendering for this one, then someone else could have a turn next time?? (or something like that).
As far as texturing goes, last time, each person just textured their own bits, which worked out fine.
Ideas always welcome.
Have started the torso, will work on it 2nite, and won't open any emails, (attachments), until i've finished.
Cheers. Sorry for slow reply. Been 'unexpectantly' bzy....
Thanks for the reply johnar. I was just worried about if you were to use the ART renderer, because when you use it and render an object with transmaps applied to it, it doesn't render the shadows correctly. It renders the entire objects shadows instead of just the parts made visible by the applied trans map (if that makes any sence). But I imagine it would taje too long to make a turn-table type render with ART so its not a problem :). Hoping to get some work done this weekend!
kreator .
i checked here to see if we can add attachments to PMs but it doesn't look like we can.
Whats a dropbox?
PMs with attachments, that would need a software mod on this site, we have that facility on Anim8orworld. Dropbox is a free cloud. I have sent you an email with my feet stumps etc.(http://anim8orworld.com/Forum/Smileys/Johnar/BigGrinwave.gif)
My Public Shared Dropbox Folder has all the relevant Stumps zipfiles in Anim8or_Runtime/Models folder.
head posted also ....(http://s24.postimg.org/o4uvmxwjl/Thumbs_Up_G1.gif)
cooldude234 If theres enough interest for a stumps#002 then get in now if you like. I don't see anything wrong with downloading stumps now and making a start on body parts ready for the next 1.
Why not? (http://s6.postimg.org/4y98eizkt/grywink.gif)
I call the head for next round :P
I "Bags" the Torso for the next round.
I'm not very experienced at different render settings.... or even texturing really, which is another thing that could be worked out for future stumpses. Maybe,if i do the 'joining' of the character, and the rendering for this one, then someone else could have a turn next time?? (or something like that). As far as texturing goes, last time, each person just textured their own bits, which worked out fine. Ideas always welcome.
I don`t mind doing the joining/rendering on the next version.
Regards textures If you intend to use any jpeg or bmp materials please make sure you have them included in the uploaded zipfile ( A lot of modellers forget to include these items, it can be really frustrating to get that " Just so you know - Cant find material 3 "
(http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif) Hi guys. Sorry been a while.
(http://s18.postimg.org/nbb3zykhh/Not_Happy_G.gif) Laptop died on me.
Got my work PC hooked up to web. Gonna need to find another one. Always like to keep internet pc seperate to this one. Better update my anti-virus. Anyway...
Torso done also. (http://s6.postimg.org/p4cqdev8d/grysmile.gif)
captaindrewi Thanks for that. Good one.
kreator Got your email. (and feet, nice) Cheers for the info. Will look into it. Torso for Stumps#002 bagsed by you.
And yes, good point about Remembering to including any .jpeg or .bmp materials in Zip file.
cooldude234 Looks like you got the head for #002
I'm thinking, just so we don't get too far ahead of ourselves, no bagsing further on than the next ONE game. (that doesn't mean that you cant start on whatever piece you want to now. Even if you don't get to use it until number 3 or 4 or whatever. cool)
KyleSan Ready for those legs when you are buddy.
Afternoon Gents!
Work got the better of me this weekend but I'm very close to finished with the legs. Expect them soon! Sorry to keep you waiting!
Legs were sent earlier this afternoon!
Created and textured by KyleSan, CaptainDrewi, kreator and johnar.
Joined and rendered by johnar
Well done everyone.
I won't say too much else right now. Let y'all savour the moment. lol
As we have 2 parts for #002 already chosen, i think we could say that Stumps2013#002 has officially begun. So, to anyone interested,.................... Bags your bits and be in. (http://s6.postimg.org/9pdpaahst/whtwink.gif)
We can keep working things out as we go.
kreator. You offered to join and render this 2nd time round, and that would work out quite well for me right now, so if you're still keen, she's all yours.
Nice one guys. (http://s16.postimg.org/ixwuw3a35/Thumbs_Up_W1.gif)
Thanks a lot guys! Was a lot of fun. Not sure why the tail is yellow lol but it looks cool all the same!
I'm calling it "hairy-multihanded-demon-lion-on-ice" haha! Very very cool
Haha!!, yes its cool!.... well done guys!! (http://s6.postimg.org/9pdpaahst/whtwink.gif)
Johnar: Yes I`ll Do the rendering animation for Stumps #002 can you let me have the completed Stumps #001 it might look good on verold.com
All those that are participating can you forward your finished section to me at nivekgink@gmail.com alternatively you can use dropbox if you have one.
Cooldude has bagsied the head, and I bagsied the torso, so we just have the Legs and feet to be claimed! Dont forget to Bagsy them before they go.
Hey there again.
I've emailed a copy of Stumps#001 to everyone involved.
Cool. Cheers. Gotta go. Cya.
Grats on the first Stumps guys, looks appropriately awful ;)
well Im going to get started on the head now
have waited to let someone else have a go....but will now take the feet...with this
The Feet are yours Drew, just the legs to go...
Stumps #001 on verold.com
Stumps #001 (click to view in 3D (http://studio.verold.com/projects/524df022d5d7fd0200000090))
(http://assets.verold.com/media/524df022d5d7fd0200000090/d30980/3086e070989d0faa04ed6cccb061bb83project-preview-250x250.jpg) (http://studio.verold.com/projects/524df022d5d7fd0200000090)
I was hoping to give someone else a chance but I would hate to see this die out. If no one else has already, I will bag the legs. By when do you guys need them finished?
Kylesan: Okey Dokey, the Legs are all yours ...My Torso is ready to go at the moment just waiting for the other parts, once you have it completed just send your zipfile to my email address.
If anybody else is interested in this , then please do not hesitate to add yourself to the thread.
how are everyone's stumps progressing? my 'plates of meat' are ready.. 8)
Hey captaindrewi. I've been under the weather since Sunday so I haven't made much progress, but no worries! I have started the model so the most difficult part is done.
Nice one Drew, My torso is ready as well, if you want to submit the Plates, then you can dropbox them.
[Edit]: Ok have the feet now just checked me dropbox, thanx Drew!
No word from cooldude so far:
Just got back from Barcelona, sorry I missed all the stumps fun, looks really good guys!
ianross, feel free to join in the next round! I sure wanna see these stumps carry on!
No word from cooldude so far:
Sorry I had some computer troubles while installing my new psu and graphics card (I accidentlly broke the seal between the cpu, thermal past and heat sink)
but all is good now and I will be able to work on the head some more. I will have it finished by the end of tomorrow.
Hi guys. (http://s6.postimg.org/p4cqdev8d/grysmile.gif)
kreator: nice pic on verold.com. and good job running #002. ;)
CaptainDrewi and KyleSan Founding hard core Stumpers. (http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif) (and kreator of course). Kudos for having another go, and welcome aboard cooldude. ;)
ianross Hope Barcelona treated you well. If you would like to join in you could bags a bit now, ready for number 3.
It might seem strange getting in early like that, but, unless i'm missing something, i don't really see a problem in 'modellers starting early on a section for #003 while #002 is still happening.
so..........., i bags the feet for #003 (http://s23.postimg.org/zaoogxv9j/BGwavegry.gif)
Evening Gents,
I sent the legs in, so at least that's that!
Good luck on Stumps #003! I won't be able to take part this time around but I'll be spectating!
Can't wait for these results.
KyleSan: Thanks for the legs, now attached, Thanks.
Just waiting for the head so I can complete.
Should we set a time limit on modelling these bits?
And I bags the Head for Stumps #003.
Links to the stumps files are broken, I cannot fit my model to the correct area :S
Here you go
No problem for me with johnars original links, they are also available in my Public Dropbox ... at https://www.dropbox.com/sh/26y219g78rfr5d2/LeiCSWXtmV (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/26y219g78rfr5d2/LeiCSWXtmV)
as I originally posted.....
My Public Shared Dropbox Folder has all the relevant Stumps zipfiles in Anim8or_Runtime/Models folder.
I don`t mind doing the joining/rendering on the next version.
Whoops did I sent my part to the wrong person :S
Stumps #002 Finally Complete first stage on Verold.com
Stumps #002 (click to view in 3D (http://studio.verold.com/projects/52617ab834a7450200000464))
(http://assets.verold.com/media/52617ab834a7450200000464/6e7440/188df5b9747d1196c4611f6890a2105cproject-preview-250x250.jpg) (http://studio.verold.com/projects/52617ab834a7450200000464)
Head by CoolDude234
Body by Kreator
Legs by KyleSan
Feet by CaptainDrewi
Some things need to be addressed regards sections submitted.
1: Found that on two of the parts submitted that the connecting faces were either missing or disconnected from the main model. Therefore could not bridge the items immediately and had to fix, causing some problems.
2: Duplicated names for metal were used in the textures/materials Try to use texturenames with your username as a prefix.
Might be an idea, in future Stumps submissions to have Morphs attached where possible make the animation more interesting. There are some in the Body that I submitted.
Hey guys good job. Love the outcome.
Good luck with stumps#003!
kreator, could I please request that the participants each receive a copy of the complete model? johnar just emailed it through to us with stumps#001.
Thanks a million.
KyleSan: You can obtain the zip file for stumps#002 through my public dropbox at
The morphs idea is a fun addition and another amusing outcome once more.
well done everyone and big thanks for your contribution kreator.
bagsy-torso for 003
Hi guys. Awesome. (http://s16.postimg.org/ixwuw3a35/Thumbs_Up_W1.gif)
kreator Excellent job on joining and good points you made. Will add them to first post along with a fuller description of the game.
Adding morph targets is a good idea too.
(am wondering if there would be any troubles with morph targets still working after the seperate pieces are joined into one?. Yours seem to work fine, so i guess we'll see. But, good idea).
Stumps2013#002 looks brilliant. Good stuff everyone..
So, for number #003, i've bagsed the feet, kreator has the head and CaptainDrewi has the torso.
Legs are still available.... anyone....(http://s6.postimg.org/9pdpaahst/whtwink.gif)
Adding morph targets is a good idea too.
(am wondering if there would be any troubles with morph targets still working after the seperate pieces are joined into one?. Yours seem to work fine, so i guess we'll see. But, good idea).
Whoever does the joining will need to know what those morphs are before they join the part ! As you say sometimes they will not work after joining together, so it will need some work. Who is doing the next consolidation?
Legs are still available.... anyone....
LOL, #2 looks like some creepy robot made to wake you from sleep.
Just imagine that thing walking up, onto your bed and on top of you to wake you up in the morning XD
ok i will do the next consolidation....i'm pretty sure i wont mess it up. :-\
'Cooldude234' , having seen your two previous models from the past, one being the cube robot, I'm
definitely surprised by the complexity and detail of your wrist watch.
I would recommend shifting your textures a bit to try and avoid repetition or use a texture without any noticeable variations.
'Kylesan' I really like the legs. Nice job to all.
So getting things ship shape and Bristol fashion, avast! ye shipmates. We still be a crew member short.
Uploaded Head Drew in Dropbox!
Appears we are legless at the moment!
Nice work!!
I`ve been experimenting with these stumps and have found that if you actually bridge each section, then the morphs
for each individual section will not work even if you extract the morph data before you do the bridging then re-add
them after. I would guess that the bridging process is altering the geometry of the model each time.
The best solution may be to only group each section then the morphs will remain intact, I have tried this method
when in scene mode and they will work.
Who is going to do the legs? Any takers, don`t let this drop, any newer users would be welcome to try it out , c`mon get involved!
'Cooldude234' , having seen your two previous models from the past, one being the cube robot, I'm
definitely surprised by the complexity and detail of your wrist watch.
I would recommend shifting your textures a bit to try and avoid repetition or use a texture without any noticeable variations.
What do you mean? Usually I have an over ridiculous amount of polies. I actually thought I was skimping out on the watch a bit.
Also the textures were made in less than 10 minutes and I didn't want to bother with them ;p
As long as you're happy.
so we still need some legs[anyone]? and johnars feet.
worried that johnar has been quiet..? kreators head and my torso
completed.I'm not confident about the morph aspect but will attempt to cross that bridge when and if.
Have you not got Johnars feet? .... there must be just one more user that can come up with a pair of legs pretty please?!
http://www.pinterest.com/Kreator01/boards/ 8)
Hey there guys. Sorry bout disappearing.
Captaindrewi, i've emailed a zip folder to you. Basically, its legs and feet.
It seems that theres not a lot of interest in this. (Oh well, never mind).
I got a lot going on here at the moment, and very little time on pc.
Will keep popping in on a (nearly) dayly basis, and looking fwd to seeing how Stumps 03 turns out.
Feel free to continue on .......
Thanks for giving it a go. cya. (http://s6.postimg.org/dvyjpmhel/whitesmile.gif)
Thanks for them johnar....It will be good to finish this off now 8)
head-Kreator, Johnar feet and legs, torso-captaindrewi.
head-Kreator, Johnar-feet and legs, torso-captaindrewi.
Stumps3 on verold...
Stumps3 (click to view in 3D (http://studio.verold.com/projects/527c27ad337d4302000000d2))
(http://assets.verold.com/media/527c27ad337d4302000000d2/366fea/2ba16830e65be350e3c5c3ed40db26efproject-preview-250x250.jpg) (http://studio.verold.com/projects/527c27ad337d4302000000d2)
Morphed animation....
Starting a new one?
Well she is a stunner!!the pose of johnars 'legs and feet' give her such grace.
Imagine animating the snakey bit realistically? quite a mind puzzle.
Dunno about another one, i'm game but would prefer others to have the opportunity ahead of me.
Splendid assembly endeavor kreator, the 3d glasses RED/BLUE version is superb, though the colours do alter.
Well done folks! They just keep getting better and better. If there's another round I'd love to take part (bagsy the legs). Could I suggest maybe that the feet and legs be made 1 unit? As johnar showed now, the results can be quite appealing, also it seems more difficult to get 4 people together to take part. I mean, the person doing the torso has to include the hands, so why not let the legs include the feet?
Just a suggestion.
Looks good. (http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif)
KyleSan Yeah, i think doing legs and feet together might be a good plan. Whtya other fellas think?
Good, (excellent), job here guys. I'd like to have a go at animating this little beasty. Could you please email a copy to me captaindrewi. Thanks
I'll 'pass' on participating in the creation number 4, but would be keen for another go at a later one, if we're still going??
Thanx kreator, the 3d version looks cool, and the 'eyeball with headphones' is my kinda stuff. (http://s6.postimg.org/4y98eizkt/grywink.gif)
Love the body captaindrewi, and so sorta suits the rest of the crazieness. lol
Nice one guys. (http://s24.postimg.org/o4uvmxwjl/Thumbs_Up_G1.gif)
So Its Stumps #004!! Then I`ll bagsy the Torso again for this round.
I think its better that the legs and feet are included in the section rather than seperate items.
so i will take the head and we are off.
Book a place now for stumps 5
If you can send your stumps #004 sections to me, then I will assemble them together, I have finished my Torso.
Any takers for the next stumps #005?
If you can send your stumps #004 sections to me, then I will assemble them together, I have finished my Torso.
Nice one kreator
Any takers for the next stumps #005?
i hope so. will let others have a chance to get in first.
Have updated the first post in this thread. Posted a pic of our first 3 stumpmonsters and changed the text.
Fingers crossed for some new 'stumpers'.
Stumps #003 is now available through my Public Dropbox
https://www.dropbox.com/sh/26y219g78rfr5d2/LeiCSWXtmV (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/26y219g78rfr5d2/LeiCSWXtmV)
Anybody what wishes to contribute can download this ( and the previous completed characters) to give you an idea of what is entailed.
Afternoon! I've sent the legs for stumps to kreator.
Please excuse the lack of a texture n all, I've sent it as is because I'll be working away for a while. Good luck on Stumps #005!!
Head: Drewi Torso: Kreator Legs/Feet: KyleSan
Totally Weird!!
Stumps #004 on Verold.com
Stumps4 (click to view in 3D (http://studio.verold.com/projects/5284640944cf270200000260))
(http://assets.verold.com/media/5284640944cf270200000260/afc85a/dfa11197b0084776235ccad3a34b50dbproject-preview-250x250.jpg) (http://studio.verold.com/projects/5284640944cf270200000260)
Looking for New stumpers for #005
Terrifying.....now we need someone to make a game where they can bash seven bells out of each other until one loses and is reduced to stumps....I imagine it could easily be knocked up in time for the Christmas market, seeing us all as millionaires by mid January.
Terrifying.....now we need someone to make a game where they can bash seven bells out of each other until one loses and is reduced to stumps....I imagine it could easily be knocked up in time for the Christmas market, seeing us all as millionaires by mid January.
OH YEA that isn't ambitious ::)
Great work again kreator ..ha! just seen the bird.
Kyle nice job with the caterpillar.
Ready for #005??
As they are no takers yet, I`ll bagsy the head for this round.
Would be so nice to have some new users participating, :D this is an easy way to create some geometry.
This is wonderful, sorry I am not involved, I am busy on other things.This is eye candy!!
I really really really love this kind of creatures :) Very good job.
Dude, this is soooo cool. :D
Anybody want to add a body or Legs/feet to this thread so I can complete #005 as my head is finished and am waiting for some-0ne willing to add.
taking the legs/feet...
Thanks Drewi! You can Dropbox it to me ...-usual place-...
Just the Torso to be allocated to somebody , I don`t want to see this flounder so it would be nice to see a contribution from any other member of the community!
Thanks Drewi for the feet and legs , great!!
Npw all we need is a torso, any takers for this please ?
Can somebody explain how it is done?
hello ronaldefarmer! did you want to have a go at the body and arms?
for more info on what to do, just read Johnars intro at the beginning of the thread, its pretty simple really!
If you want examples, all the previous stumps figures, are in my public dropbox which you can download, to give you an idea how each figure is made up from three entirely different sections.
I will see what I can do. Does it have to be animated?
Hello Ronaldefarmer, no there is no neccessity to morph or animate anything.
All you need to model is the Body, including arms, if you intend to have them. However, if you wish to morph anything within the model, then please do so.
When you have completed the model could you email it to me at nivekgink@gmail.com, together with any texture files that you use in a zip file.
Thanks for helping keep this alive, and joining our team, hope to have more stumps made in the future.(http://anim8orworld.com/Forum/Smileys/Johnar/ThumbsUp.gif)
Hello Kreator,
Emailed the zip to your address. I hope it is something you can use.
Thanks for your contributions guys!(http://anim8orworld.com/Forum/Smileys/Johnar/BigGrinwave.gif)
Another stumps completed at last... This is #005
Contributions from CaptainDrewi: Legs/Feet Kreator: Head RonaldeFarmer: Torso/Arms
(http://anim8orworld.com/animation/Stumps5.gif) (http://anim8orworld.com/animation/Stumps5a.gif)
Some problems with Anim8or 0.8 in scene mode with getting a decent camera view, I notice that WYSIWYG is in fact, not what is shown when rendered ( field of View is way off!) So most probably revert back to 0.97D for a re-render.
Verold submission
Stumps #005 (click to view in 3D (http://studio.verold.com/projects/52ad87ffbeb30a0200000076))
(http://assets.verold.com/media/52ad87ffbeb30a0200000076/294e77/22420fcfa1c019d48eb7c2a3cf74157aproject-preview-250x250.jpg) (http://studio.verold.com/projects/52ad87ffbeb30a0200000076)
This Figure/Character is available in my Public Dropbox as previously mentioned in earlier posts
Now to Stumps #006, waiting for any submissions or interest in participating for Head,Torso/Arms or Legs/Feet please.
Hello Kreator,
The torso was intended to have a framework look about it like in your Anim8or render. I used a transparent material for the holes in the framework in the chest and arms. I guess the transparency didn't work in Verold. I should have just removed the faces like I did in the trunk. Anyway, this is a cool game. When I was a kid, my aunt used to play a similar game with the children in the family by folding paper into thirds. As I recall, we were amused for hours at a time by the random combinations. Nice work, Captaindrewi and Kreator. I think the head and legs look like they actually belong together. Thanks for letting me participate.
Thanks Ron for the input, regards your Torso, I did in fact find that the Blue was transparent so made adjustments to the verold model which is now correct with the anim8or version.
I do hope you join in the next Stumps #006 just let us know which part of the model you would like to do and Bagsy it!
These little projects are a good way to get more modelling experience with Anim8or!
Again thanks for your contribution, and Well Done!
Hey there guys.
Sorry i haven't been around. Everythings upside down at home at the mo, and still got lots to do before i can get computers set up again.
I did update post #1, listing that stumps number 5 is done, and number six is open 'now'.
Great job on #005. (http://s8.postimg.org/j64xwcx9d/Big_Grin_Gry.gif)
Kreator Kudos for keeping this going. Great job. .Thank you
Will keep in touch as i can, and hopefully will be able to get involved again soon.
Keep well people. Cya
Cool stuff. Keep doing this! :)
To keep it going we need members to support this, with tangible input, by way of models for each section.
Stumps #006 Is in progress, but to date no offers to bagsy any stumps sections.
Surely somebody can spend half an hour creating a section?
Okay Kreator,
I will bagsy the head.
Thanks Ron!.... I`ll bagsy the Legs and Feet for this one.
So we just need someone to do the body.
kreator, you indicated that the camera field of view was off in the new release. Can you send me a project that shows the problem? I'd like to fix it :)
I sent the head to your email just a few minutes ago. No volunteers for the body yet?
Great got the head Ron, Big Thank yous!
At this moment in time no body snatchers so far!
My legs/feet are ready, so am just waiting for a body
C,mon guys get involved!
torso taken today ....
I found some errors on my original head model, so I emailed a new one. If possible, please use the new one instead.
Quick Preview of Stumps #006 on Verold.com
Head: RonaldEFarmer Body: CaptainDrewi Legs/Feet: Kreator
Stumps#006 (click to view in 3D (http://studio.verold.com/projects/52c597268c1c28020000020c))
(http://assets.verold.com/media/52c597268c1c28020000020c/aa642b/50d1439e87b5fae650d7439322ece18fproject-preview-250x250.jpg) (http://studio.verold.com/projects/52c597268c1c28020000020c)
Having Issues with getting a decent animation of old stumpy6. I think due to the high poly count on the Head, nevertheless, here is one option.
The yellow material in the center of the eye was intended to be transparent. Can you fix that?
Yep Ron already Fixed, I`ll update the verold Link ;D
and he needs to be with his thumbs forward too, :)
Drewi: Is he round the right way now, Hehe! 8)
Stumps #006 is available in Public dropbox
Onwards to Stumps #007
Was thinking about having a Standard rig setup for any subsequent models So that we could animate them, has anybody tried mixing and matching past Stumps?
Let me know what you think!
Animated he really looks like he has somewhere to go and something to do.
Yes i agree with what you propose re standard rig.
To amuse i have reassembled some of my stumps.
Have made up a standard Character Rig. There are no fingers. but if your model has fingers then they can be easily added,
The Rig is available in my Public DropBox, Limits and bone names have been applied.
Drewi: The reassembled characters look good!
Cheers Kreator...them alfa centuri girls sure look pretty.
re stumps rig.
the grey bits are the original torso scaled to the rig.
should the lower end of the torso be scaled up to the green bits size?
ie a new set of base models/discs to work from.
Drewi: I have been working with this rig and have come across one problem, in so far as monopeds!
If I use the two legs as a starting point for skinning, then that causes some problems, so will redo the Rig with a set of Tail bones to overcome the problem. We can leave the biped bones intact but not used when skinning.
You are right regards the stumps bases, when the three models are collated there is always some conflict in scales and in most cases the scale of each object must be adjusted to fit with each other ( Does that make sense!?)
I`ll redo the rig and post a revised one to dropbox when ready!
Stumps Rig V.2 Now in Dropbox Public Folder , Note that I have not set any limits on the tail sections( Think seven segments should be enough but can be amended to suit other Monoped models.
First Test Rig implemented works ok Still to try a Monoped, should be interesting!!
gifferrific....and highly amusing.
Now have the other V2 rig going now and had a test with Stumps #004 !
Skinning was a bit off in parts but works sufficiently, should really have made some more bones for the caterpillars feet but time restricted me a little.
Used OpenGL Renderer, for this preview.
So now we should be able to animate these a little better in future!
Those gifs are are very amusing.
My models nearly always have too many polygons. What is an optimal polygon count for a stumps model?
hello Ron! Head was good, though very high polycount!
I would guess you subdivided the spheres from the edit menu, subdivide faces?
Its better to do a subdivision from the build menu then work from that. Do not then convert to mesh from that subdivision, if you need to work on it. Its better to double click the sphere to get its properties and revert the 2 and 3 working/Final divisions back to 0 and 1 and then convert to mesh.
Hope that is of use.
Are you readyforStumps#007?
Hello Kreator,
Thanks for your advice. Actually, I subdivided the eyes and head in the build menu (3 divisions, I think), then converted to mesh. I'm afraid I tend to get carried away with the smoothing. Is it generally better not to convert subdivisions to mesh at all with this sort of thing? That way, if the poly count is too high, you could optimize it before rendering.
I will take legs and feet for Stumps #007 and will try not to overdo subdivision for this one.
Ron: Glad to see taking up the gauntlet with the legs and feet, unless we get another stumper, I'll bagsy the torso for # 007!
I'll bags the head for 007. (hasn't gone yet has it?)
Will have a go at it on the laptop.
Cheers. (http://s6.postimg.org/dvyjpmhel/whitesmile.gif)
The head is yours johnar! welcome back !!
Thanks kreator, and welcome ronaldefarmer.
I've finished the head. How are you guys going. If you don't mind, i could put this one together. Will attach it to rig #2 and add some eye-bones. Might put a small animation together with a few of the previous stump-creatures.
I (still) don't have a drop box, but, when you're ready, you could email me your bits. johnar46@hotmail.com
(or is it easier to add them to your dropbox, (kreator), and i can just get them from there?.
Whatever's easier for you fellas.
Hello Johnar,
I have sent 007's legs to your email.
Hi there Ron,
Got the legs. Lol. Awesome, and all good.
Thanks. :)
(or is it easier to add them to your dropbox, (kreator), and i can just get them from there?.
Whatever's easier for you fellas.
My Torso is in my public Dropbox www.dropbox.com/sh/26y219g78rfr5d2/LeiCSWXtmV
Look forward to the final...
Here he is. :)
Attached him to a modified version of rig#2. Did a pretty bad job on the skinning. Everytime while`adding weights my laptops' fan blew so hard i thort it might take off, (or blow up). lol.
High polycount on the legs Ron. Might pay to work at getting that down a bit. (http://s29.postimg.org/3q3uysjxf/whtwink.gif)
All in All, not a bad lookin dude tho
Legs -ronaldefarmer Body - kreator Head - johnar
Hello Johnar,
Sorry, I will work on that polycount thing. It turned out to be the straps on the flip-flops...73195 faces on just the flip-flops; 1221 on the rest of the model. I'll do better next time. Anyway, thanks for letting me participate, the animation made my four-year-old daughter laugh out loud. Great job, guys.
Hi again Ron.
thanks for letting me participate,
Not at all. Thank YOU for participating. :)
73195 faces on just the flip-flops
LOL. Yip, that'll be the culprit. Otherwise, the rest is probly not too bad at all. (polycount)
If anyone wants to get involved in 008, just 'bags', (choose), a part, and have a go.
I'm going to have a go at putting a short flick together, using some of the previous stump-creatures. Will start rigging some more tonight.
Most people probly busy doing other things. We've only got this far thanks to 'CaptainDrewi, kreator, yourself, KyleSan and cooldude. (and the pos feedback from those that have commented) :)
Guess we'll see what happens....
Anyways, will post again b4 long... Cheers.
Edit: Regards sizing. I'll make up some more starting stumps that are more relative to the v2 rig size, and post them in a day or 2. Stll think there will always be some issues when joining tho, but perhaps we wont get quite such large size` differences.
krerator. Will send you a copy of stumps007 as well.
Oh my !!!??? I'm defiantly going to have are hard time sleeping now.
Frightening but a good job. :)
Johnar, Happy to see you connected it all together, The Legs I feel would have been " tricky".
If you could send me the Completed Stumps #007 I`ll Post it up on Verold.com
When I have completed our Challenge on Anim8orWorld.com I`ll have a go at animating a little piece.... Hmm, could be a "Challenge!"
:)great stumping chaps.
These are just too weird. Can't wait to see what comes next!
Sorry to say, but an animation is not happening at my place. Too many of these stumps are just too high poly, and this PC of mine just struggles too much to even rig them, let alone making them move.
Oh well.... not giving up on the idea of giving them life, just putting on hold till i get a better pc.
Today I posted a challenge on the Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/Anim8orWorld/To try and resurrect this entertaining form of model making. Having tried to animate them myself today, I have come up against the same problem as Johnar, these subdivided models just do not want to play ball.
I would add another RULE into the thread, where no part of the model should be subdivided until after submission, then the person constructing the parts of the model can if he or she so wishes, apply a subdivision if it is deemed necessary.
Do YOU want to play a part in modelling. Try it out you have nothing to lose and you might just learn something more!