Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: floyd86 on August 19, 2013, 06:59:36 pm
I've been offline for a long time. Very busy with my study. Now after four years I finally finished with my course in 3D animation and visual effects and I just received my bachelor of arts degree.
I would have never come this far without the anim8or community, which got my all started in the world of 3D.
It's been like 7 or 8 years since I came here and began making models and trying out in animation.
With proud I can now present you all my graduationfilm: TRANSVERTO.
I worked on it for six months using Autodesk Maya and Adobe After Effects.
Lost in a Dark forest, a man finds his way out with a personal transformation.
A film by floyd angenent
Transverto is the graduationfilm of Floyd Angenent at the HKU, made in the course of six months.
Software used are Autodesk Maya and Adobe After Effects.
Music by Colin van der Lei and Ivo van Dijk.
Sound Design by Dario Brandt and Colin van der Lei.
Special thanks to Bobby de Groot and Egbert de Ruiter
Please watch and enjoy!
Congratulations Floyd and a hearty well done!!...deadlines,stress....relief. :)
how long did it take floyd?
Hey man - mooi gedaan!
I really like the short, awesome project and it's a great result.
I especially enjoyed the cinematography and the visual style of the short!
Congrats on receiving your degree!
Loved it Floyd! The angular, edgy polygonal style of the models is a really good look; I took it as a sort of homage to the 3D modelling concept rather than trying to hide the polygonal structure behind edge smoothing and subdivision as is usually the case. The fire and the wind-blown cape are particularly good and I agree with $imon on the cinematography, this is a really elegant and carefully crafted piece of work. Congratulations and thanks for keeping the Anim8or community in the loop, really great to hear!
Thanks everyone for the kind word! Great to hear everyone loves it! :P
how long did it take floyd?
six months production and about two months brainstorming en writing ;)
Beautiful work, Floyd!! 8) ;D
Nice, Floyd. Glad to see work from our community that doesn't end up on Youtube's 'dark side'! Very interesting stylistic choice. Hopefully we can get more stuff from you which is equal quality in anim8or!!!
Nice one Floyd. Nice work, i also especially like the
angular, edgy polygonal style of the model
Congrats on your success with your BOA!! (
Looks like a lot of good work! I especially liked the 'Top view: Making fire' shot and sparkling effects. It was great to see your artwork once again :)
Congrats on graduating, and nice animation!
Thanks all! Glad you liked it.
I have now also uploaded my new showreel: