Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: captaindrewi on August 15, 2013, 09:54:49 pm
Got a lot out of Kyle Sans thread and simons tips re converting anomalies in the mesh to quads.
i re-tackled a face that i had given up on looking for ways to apply the tips and have transformed it
a lot but still have peculiar areas.
Didn't want to high jack Kyle Sans thread so am hoping if you would simon, put some red/green correction tips/marks on this.
i just want to sort the quad issues i realise there are lots of other anatomical problems with it.
kreator posted the link to the joan of arc tutorial that KyleSan was using. It is very useful for seeing how to model a face step by step.
The bigger issue with your model is that most lines on the face run either horizontally or vertically through the mesh, like a grid on top of the face. The idea of edge loops in face modeling is that certain areas of the face 'belong' together, and are modeled centered around that part of the face.
Here is an image that helped me a lot:
The different color codes show the different 'parts' of the face that belong together. Around these parts you model a few (as many as necessary to get the detail you want) infinite loops of polies, see the second image.
I would suggest starting over with your face model ( I know it's a lot of work, but worth it ;) ) and if you want follow the joan of arc tutorial, and see how it relates to the image above.
Good luck!
Topo is quite dense on this one but the main details are still not very defined. I drew some correction marks for you, but I'm not sure if it wouldn't be easier to start making the model of this face using different method than actually fixing this model.
thanks ever so much dwsel great info,lol i feared i would have to start again.ah well rome wasnt built in a day.
captaindrewi Good luck on your new start. Its often hard to let go of something that you've spent some time on, but I'm sure you will be pleased once you've made some headway into the new 1. (
dwsel Nice links. Especially like the 'realistc face modelling' by 'phung dinh dung' Will be very helpfull for anyone wanting to 'perfect' their facial topography. (
@simon thanks for the diagram.
The different color codes show the different 'parts' of the face that belong together.
this is good.
@johnar ....thanks was hoping to get a way with a few cuts and adjustments...ha ha.
kreator is going to do a step by step face tut over on anim8orworld
now......He's a slave driver.
$imon, where did you get the diagram? was it part of a larger tutorial?