Anim8or Community
Artwork => Finished Works and Works in Progress => Topic started by: kreator on July 12, 2013, 12:57:19 am
Another Project, inspired by a recent visit to an Airshow in the UK ;D
Done with openGL at the moment, I will be working on a Oil refinery based on Operation Tidal Wave ( although it used B24 liberators.
Edit: Both anims are my tests to make sure Visability, and morphs work correctly only
Unfortuneately, the video freezes up at 20 seconds, although the audio continues. I've had trouble playing MP4 files lately, and wonder if it is anything to do with the issue mentioned here.
Hav got a couple of comments about the 20 seconds i did see.
I like the bomber, and good job on the props as well. Animation seems a little bit quick on the turns, bit of a rough ride ;), and i initially thought there should maybe be a noticeable 'lift' when the wheels come off the runway. But, on second thoughts, i suppose things are all pretty smooth on take-off in such a heavy plane?
Nice one Kreator. Wish i could have watched more. :)
Johnar: Its only 20 seconds long! so you saw it all, They are just my Morph and visability tests. it carries on because the aircraft noise track is 4 minutes long and I did not edit it out oops!! I`ll post the edited version soon(IanRoz: Please Note: Visability is available already in scene mode). The bomb drop one I added as edit is a little longer (26 seconds no Sound!)
Not worried currently regards camera, and you are right a fully laden aircraft would take some time to get airborne with a full payload.
I am now getting to grips with The Oil Refinery.
Its only 20 seconds long! so you saw it all,
lol good 1. I was listening to the ongoing sounds and wondering what i was missing. ;D
From your link i couldn't be sure of what images you'll be using for oil refinery ref pics, are you planning on copying a particular refinery, or just making your own from refs of the towers etc..?
Watched the test(s) again, and although they are just visibility and morph tests, i figured out what was irking me about the take-off. It seems that the plane is still in contact with the runway as the undercarriage retracts into body, but i think the actual course of events would be ' the plane would lift off the runway and rise several feet more before the wheels are retracted'. A little thing, and not so noticeable from 'looking down' on the aircraft, but just wanted to mention it.
btw. By 'morph test', is that for the propellers?
Johnar: It does lift, Just looks though the Gear Retracts whilst on The ground. The Camera Angle Does not reveal it. Morphs are for the Rudders, Landing Gear, bomb Bay (Flaps, I have not Tested yet as She will have To land First!)
Props are done with visibility and a controller script. There are two Props to each engine, one is Transmap the other is normal mesh.
First Prop starts slowly increasing in speed relative to the animation frame rate then is switched off and at same time the transmap takes over.
The link is purely for reference images etc, This will be a long job ;D
Kreator that looks awesome!! :) 8) ;D My dad flew B24's in WWII!
(yes, I do realize this is a B-25) :-)
Here's a screeny of a B25 included with Caligari's Truespace base model group. The original model is in the COB format. I guess the model was made by a Caligari staffer. If you can use it for something let me know and I'll attach a copy of the model in some other format that anim8or can load. Leroy.
Ippena: thanks for the offer, but I`ll stick to my own homemade model.
Just an update still modelling this with the interior cockpit and the oil refinery, all good fun!
Lookn good. Like the refinery also. ;)
Speaking of fun, will you be blowing it up... ;D ;)
Most definately!
Updated Oil Refinery, Two 8 x 8 Sections to the Oil Refinery made, at least two more to go, temporary trees courtesy of CaptainDrewi... thanks mate. Shame its all going to be blown up!
Kreator..I have a feeling this is going to be EPIC coolness!!! :) :D 8)
WOW. I'm interested in WWI and II weapons and planes (did a few models). That is a great looking plane.
Thanks guys for your interest in this new project, I am plodding along getting all the pieces sorted out, I thought it might be wise to have some sort of defence enabled to the Oil refinery so thought I`d have some flak guns set around the area.
My initial view of the Oil Refinery shown in this video ..note this has been rendered with Carrara Pro 8 as anim8or would have taken forever!
I still have One more section to add to the oil refinery, plus a freight station with loco and oil wagons
and the Flak gun WIP which I am currently working on (Image attached)
more updates to follow as and when I get the whole lot together.
approximatley six hours on /off modelling to get to this state on the Flak Gun, luckily there is hardly any detail to do on the other side!
Latest Update, on the Flak Gun nearly finished, just the breech to complete and the stands accessories.
Nice job Kreator, Looks really impressive.
I bet a few fingers were lost operating the real thing.
kreator, you are modelling the flak cannon in Anim8or????
CrashDrive:Thanks my friend, hopefully we can get the other numerous projects I have ongoing sorted as well!!
Blick Fang: Yep, all done with anim8or ... there is one on Renderosity as well as a Pak 40 Cannon but I feel its better to create your own work then there is the sense that you have achieved something. I have got ref pictures mainly from one source, so some of it may be not quite authentic, though I`m not really worried as you most probably won`t see it all when its in place!!
where'd you get the refs from? I could only find a couple of blurry photos when i tried to model a bofors gun
Google is your friend, for reference images I just typed in Bofors Gun and theres loads...
Updates to this animation sequence....Outboard and inboard views of the Mitchell in flight (
As this whole animation is roughly based on the Ploesti Raids "Operation Tidalwave" I thought it would be cool to have some opposition to the the bombing of this oil field aerially, Based on the info the Romanian Airforce put up their IAR_80s in defence, so I have been working today (07 Sept 2013) on the Airframe which is now complete and ready for animating
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